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Old Faithful

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Known WebCam

About the Old Faithful Geyser Predictions

All predictions are made using a formula that takes into account the length of the previous eruption. The formula used has proven to be accurate, plus or minus 10 minutes, 90% of the time.

Many WebCam visitors wonder why there isn't a prediction posted first thing in the morning and why there is an outdated prediction up in the evening?

The prediction information is only posted during the open-hours of the Old Faithful Visitor Center. It cannot be posted until after the ranger at the information desk observes the first open-hours eruption of the day. The formula uses the length of the previous eruption to predict the time of the next eruption. Therefore, anyone interested in Old Faithful Geyser predictions should also be interested in the open hours of the Old Faithful Visitor Center.

If there are predictions posted outside the hours mentioned, it is due to the overtime or good will of the ranger staff at the Old Faithful Visitor Center.

The Old Faithful Visitor Center is open on the following schedule:

Summer Season
8 am to 7 pm, Mountain Time

Winter Season
9 am to 5 pm, Mountain Time

Spring & Fall Seasons

If the prediction time on the WebCam photo has passed, you are looking at an outdated prediction. Please come back when the Old Faithful Visitor Center is open for future predictions. The last prediction of the day involves an eruption that occurs after the visitor center closes. It remains posted until the following morning.

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Last Updated: Saturday, 20-Aug-2005 20:58:40 Eastern Daylight Time /archive/yell/tours/livecams/oldfaithful/OFVChours.htm