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NOAA Civil Rights Office

NOAA Administrative Order 215-6


Issued 12/28/92; Effective 12/15/92


This Order establishes policy and prescribes requirements for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Advisory Committees in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


.01 The provisions of this Order shall pertain to EEO Advisory Committees established under or used by NOAA Staff Offices (SO), Line Offices (LO), and subordinate field headquarters.

.02 The provisions of this Order are in accordance with Department of Commerce (DOC) Department Administrative Order (DAO) 215-6, Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committees, dated June 12, 1986.


.01 EEO Advisory Committees are established to maintain effective communication between management and employees. EEO Advisory Committees make recommendations to management to assist in the fulfillment of Affirmative Employment Planning requirements and activities.

.02 Each SO Director, LO Assistant Administrator (AA), as well as the head of a subordinate field headquarters or their designee may at their discretion, establish, maintain, or discontinue an EEO Advisory Committee. EEO Advisory Committees are advisory in nature and are not authorized to perform administrative management or program management functions or possess any line authority.


.01 EEO Advisory Committees are established to maintain effective communications between management and employees.

.02 EEO Advisory Committees serve as a communications vehicle for enhancing the EEO environment by:

a. assisting in distributing information to employees concerning Special Emphasis observances, EEO conferences or other EEO/Civil Rights Activities;

b. soliciting employees' support to attend EEO activities;

c. participating in community outreach activities and on recruitment teams at career day and career fair activities;

d. distributing information about NOAA career opportunities to employees and the community;

e. assisting with staffing the NOAA exhibit at EEO conferences;

f. organizing forums for employees which provide information on EEO and personnel issues;

g. providing information to employees from the SO/LOs regarding the organization's EEO policies and activities;

h. recommending solutions to issues and/or problems which may have an adverse impact on the workforce;

i. identifying recruitment sources such as professional or scientific organizations and educational institutions which can provide minorities, females, and applicants with disabilities for underrepresented mission-related occupations;

j. providing quarterly briefings to the SO Directors/LO AAs on EEO Committee planned activities and accomplishments;

k. developing workplan activities which incorporate and enhance the organization's Affirmative Employment Program goals and objectives;

l. preparing an annual report of accomplishments for the Affirmative Employment Program Update and Accomplishment Report;

m. recommending EEO reviews when systemic problems have an adverse impact on the work environment;

n. organizing Special Emphasis Observances programs and activities;

o. recommending names of employees, supervisors and/or managers who deserve recognition for supporting Affirmative Employment Program goals and objectives; and

p. referring employees or applicants for employment who believe that they have been discriminated against to contact the Civil Rights Division (OA23), Personnel and Civil Rights Office, Office of Administration, for EEO counseling.


.01 If the EEO Advisory Committees choose to adopt bylaws, these bylaws shall include but not be limited to the:

a. Committee Name.;

b. Purpose. Specific functions, responsibilities, and/or commitments;

c. Membership. Representation of the committee should reflect the diversity of the workforce including occupations and grade levels;

d. Meetings. Frequency and conduct of meetings, quorum designation, committee correspondence, order of business for regular meetings; and

e. Officers. Term of office, voting criteria, and elections; and

.02 The Attachment to this Order provides guidance to be used in developing EEO Advisory Committee bylaws.

.03 Fully documented bylaws signed by the committee chairperson shall be forwarded to the appropriate SO Director/LO AA or subordinate field headquarters director for review and approval. The bylaws shall become effective on the date approved by the SO Director/LO AA or subordinate field headquarters director.



Director, Office of Administration


Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Administration
Personnel and Civil Rights Office
Civil Rights Division (OA23)

Document: NOAA Administrative Order 215_6

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Silver Spring, MD 20910
Last Updated: July 12, 2005
Tillman M. Peck
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