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Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program

Document Source: The U.S. Department of Commerce



DAO 215-3

Effective Date:



.01 This Order establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for development and implementation of the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) in the Department of Commerce.

.02 This revision reflects organizational changes, updates Departmental FEORP responsibilities and provides specific requirements for FEORP Plans.


.01 The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 requires Federal agencies to conduct a continuing program of recruitment designed to eliminate underrepresentation for minorities (5 U.S.C. 7201). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published "Guidelines for the Department of a Federal Recruitment Program" dated December 12, 1978 and expanded coverage to include White females. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) then issued regulations governing agency implementation of program requirements 95 CFR 720 and ensuing instructions in Subchapter 2 of FPM Chapter 720).

.02 The FEORP applies to all positions in all pay plans, unless specifically exempt by statute. FEORP Plans are in integral part of the affirmative action process as required by EEOC.


A common understanding of the following terms is necessary for consistent application and implementation of FEORP policy.

a. Underrepresentation - A situation that exists when the employment percentage of a race and sex group listed below is less than the group's corresponding percentage in the comparable civilian labor force:

1. White females;

2. Black males and females;

3. Asian/Pacific Islander males and females;

4. Hispanic males and females; and

5. American Indian/Alaskan Native males and females.

b. Civilian Labor Force - The number of persons sixteen years or older employed or seeking employment. Civilian labor Force statistics are developed from Census data by geographical area, i.e., national, regional, state and metropolitan area. Race and sex employment distribution is determined by employment category, i.e., professional, administrative, technical, clerical and other.

c. FEORP - A special recruitment program designed to eliminate underrepresentation of minorities and women in Federal employment. FEORP consists of those activities the Federal agencies use to recruit qualified applicants from underrepresented groups for job openings in underrepresented categories of employment. It includes both internal and external recruitment actions. FEORP also covers processes designed to prepare qualifiable applicants (those who have the potential but do not presently meet qualification requirements) for such job openings through programs of training, work experience, or both.

d. Applicant Pool - All types of listings from which selections may be made, including but not limited to promotion lists, inventories of eligible applicants and lists of eligibles for certain non-competitive appointments.


All components of the Department shall undertake affirmative efforts to generate diverse applicant pools for Department positions consistent with race and sex percentages in the civilian labor force. Operating units shall prepare FEORP Plans for increasing the number of minority and women applicants for underrepresented positions. Managers and supervisors are to use the FEORP to meet affirmative action objectives as prescribed in affirmative action and performance plans.


The FEORP must be consistent with affirmative action requirements of Title VII of the Civil rights Act of 1964, as amended, civil se4rvice regulations and applicable labor agreements. FEORP Plans should be updated annually and contain the following elements:

a. A determination of underrepresentation for each race and sex group and the indices used for determining underrepresentation;

b. An estimate of short and long term hiring opportunities;

c. A description of activities designed to locate internal and external minority and women applicants; and

d. An identification of recruitment priorities and any problems or continuing barriers which impede expansion of applicant pools.


.01 The Assistant Secretary for Administration, assisted by the Director for Personnel and Civil Rights, provided general policy direction for FEORP and ensures compliance with this Order.

.02 The Director for Personnel and Civil Rights shall:

a. Ensure adequate guidelines and technical support for operating units to prepare FEORP Plans and other program activities;

b. Encourage FEORP activities in the Department through training, information and coordinated recruitment activities;

c. Prepare FEORP reports and respond to inquiries on program activities;

d. Designate a Department FEORP Coordinator who shall assist in the execution of these responsibilities; and

e. Review and evaluate FEORP activities as a part of the Department's Personnel Management Evaluation Program.

.03 The Director of the Office of Civil Rights shall:

a. Prepare Department FEORP policy and coordinate policy issuances with the Office of Personnel;

b. Provide program advice and guidance to ensure that FEORP activities complement Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs) and other EEO activities;

c. Identify underrepresented employment categories to be addressed in AAPs, and hard-to-fill series appropriate for joint recruitment efforts; and

d. Provide assistance to the Department and operating unit FEORP Coordinators in the development and maintenance of recruitment sources, outreach activities and other D4epartment activities to reduce underrepresentation.

.04 The Heads of Operating Units shall:

a. Hold managers and supervisors accountable for meeting FEORP responsibilities;

b. Be responsible for reducing underrepresentation in their workforce; and

c. Designate a FEORP Coordinator who shall maintain close liaison with the Department's FEORP Coordinator on all aspects of the Program.

.05 the designated operating unit FEORP Coordinator shall:

a. Implement Department FEORP policy and develop plans in accordance with this Order;

b. Consu7lt with the Principal EEO Official to identify occupations to be addressed in the operating unit FEORP Plan;

c. Ensure the integration of FEORP activities with AAPs and other EEO activities; and

d. Initiate outreach efforts to locate minority and women candidates who meet employment eligibility standards.

.06 Servicing Personnel Officers shall:

a. Provide advice and assistance to selecting officials when vacancies occur in underrepresented occupations; and

b. Assist managers, FEORP Coordinators and Principal EEO Officials in the implementation of FEORP policy, procedures, and requirements in serviced organizations.

.07 Operating unit Principal EEO Officials shall:

a. Consult with the Director of the Office of Civil Rights in identifying underrepresented employment categories, and provide guidance to the FEORP Coordinator in developing FEORP plans and AAPs; and

b. Participate in program efforts to locate qualified minority and women candidates.

.08 Managers and supervisors shall:

a. Be held accountable for reducing underrepresentation in their workforce;

b. Contribute to FEORP planning by determining employment opportunities to reduce underrepresentation.


This Order supersedes Department Administrative Order 215-3, dated April 17, 1981.

(signed) Director for Personnel and Civil Rights

(signed) Assistant Secretary for Administration

Offices of Primary Interest:

Office of Personnel

Office of Civil Rights

Document Source: The U.S. Department of Commerce

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