Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, 1902-1933

Topics to Explore
of the Newspaper
Horse Power
for Transportation
Football Becomes
a Major Sport
American Indians
/ Native Americans

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Operation of the Newspaper       1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|

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The Chicago Daily News operated as a news-gathering and distribution organization on a large scale (DN-0088946).   The newspaper was also noted for its social service activities and popular promotions (DN-0009593).  One historian has described it as Chicago's first "urban" newspaper -- the first Chicago newspaper to assume that it spoke to and for a broad cross-section of the city's residents. The paper's editors believed that it should serve as advocate for the public good rather than focus narrowly on the political agenda of its publisher or the interests of one element of the population.   The Chicago Daily News also established radio station WMAQ in the mid-1920s and used it to promote the newspaper and vice versa (DN-0077572, DN-0084064).

In 1902 when this collection begins, the newspaper was already a major institution in the city.  It was headquartered at 15 North Wells Street, earlier numbered as 123 Fifth Avenue (DN-0001447a).  The single address is misleading, however.  Offices and printing presses filled three buildings and adjacent basements in the Loop business district.  Huge rolls of paper were delivered regularly to the presses at the old building (DN-0001448, DN-0056942) despite the heavy traffic along Wells Street beside the elevated train tracks.

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