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Pictures Tell the Story ...

NOAA ship Rainer seen through iceNOAA Ship Rainier:
Designed and outfitted primarily for conducting hydrographic surveys in support of nautical charting. The ship operates off the U.S. Pacific Coast and in Alaskan coastal waters. She carries six aluminum survey launches equipped with multibeam swath and single beam echo sounders and also carries three small boats providing support to shore stations and dive operations.


NOAA Ship Fairweather

NOAA Ship Fairweather: Designed and outfitted primarily for conducting hydrographic surveys in support of nautical charting, operates in Alaskan coastal waters. The ship is equipped with the latest in hydrographic survey technology – multibeam survey systems; high-speed, high-resolution side scan sonar; position and orientation systems; hydrographic survey launches; and an on-board data-processing server.


Testing Autonomous Underwater
Kayaker testing out an AUVNOAA scientists are always evaluating new equipment and techniques. This scientist is on the water in the Chesapeake Bay checking out a new Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, or AUVs, that can operate via remote control like a remote control car.




Multibeam scan of a wreck in Dead Horse Bay

Multibeam Scan of a Wreck in Dead Horse Bay, NY:
A 3-D multibeam depth shaded graphic of a wreck in Dead Horse Bay in New York Harbor, surveyed by the NOAA ship Thomas Jefferson in 2006.


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