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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Describes her reaction to the burning of the Warsaw ghetto as she watched from a building outside the ghetto
Describes her reaction to the burning of the Warsaw ghetto as she watched from a building outside the ghetto
Vladka (Fagele) Peltel Meed
Describes her reaction to the burning of the Warsaw ghetto as she watched from a building outside the ghetto [1991 interview]

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Full transcript:
While being there at night, I saw the flames of the ghetto. And I
saw also certain pictures which were seared in my mind. Some Jews
running from one place to the other and also seeing some Jews
jumping from buildings, but I was observing this from a window and
I couldn't do anything. And then flames burst into the ghetto. The
Germans couldn't take over the streets, they start putting block
after block on fire. They start burning the ghettos...the
buildings, and this was the uprising which we...the small group on
the Aryan side, we tried to get through. We tried to communicate.
We decided even to go into the into the ghetto to be with them but
it was, everything was in vain. We didn't have any communication. We
saw only tanks coming in, tanks going out, or some ambulances going
in and we're listening to the shooting and in that time it
was...they...we have to let the outside know what is going on.
Born Warsaw, Poland

Vladka belonged to the Zukunft youth movement of the Bund (the Jewish Socialist party). She was active in the Warsaw ghetto underground as a member of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB). In December 1942, she was smuggled out to the Aryan, Polish side of Warsaw to try to obtain arms and to find hiding places for children and adults. She became an active courier for the Jewish underground and for Jews in camps, forests, and other ghettos.
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