508 Compliant Version



Realign and Close Imperatives



Property Conveyance Imperatives













BRAC Triangle: Results in Rapid Redevelopment, Good Stewards of TaxPayer Dollars, Safe Transfers


















  ACSIM Logo U.S. Army Base Realignment and Closure Division

BRAC 2005 Army Approved Recommendations (Click by State) Or Click Here for All Installations

BRAC 2005 Purpose
BRAC is a means by which the Department of Defense (DoD) reconfigures its infrastructure into one where operational capacity is optimized for both warfighting capability and efficiency, and joint activity opportunities are aggressively pursued. More »

BRAC Commission

BRAC 2005 Army Recommendations

 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 As amended through FY05 Authorization Act. More »
 BRAC 2005 Frequently Asked Questions »



BRAC Reccommendations for Washington BRAC Reccommendations for Oregon BRAC Reccommendations for Nevada BRAC Reccommendations for California BRAC Reccommendations for Idaho BRAC Reccommendations for Montana BRAC Reccommendations for Wyoming BRAC Reccommendations for Utah BRAC Reccommendations for Arizona BRAC Reccommendations for Colorado BRAC Reccommendations for New Mexico BRAC Reccommendations for North Dakota BRAC Reccommendations for South Dakota BRAC Reccommendations for Texas BRAC Reccommendations for Alaska BRAC Reccommendations for Oklahoma BRAC Reccommendations for Kansas BRAC Reccommendations for Nebraska BRAC Reccommendations for Minnesota BRAC Reccommendations for Iowa BRAC Reccommendations for Wisconsin BRAC Reccommendations for Missouri BRAC Reccommendations for Illinois BRAC Reccommendations for Arkansas BRAC Reccommendations for Louisiana BRAC Reccommendations for Mississippi BRAC Reccommendations for Alabama BRAC Reccommendations for Georgia BRAC Reccommendations for South Carolina BRAC Reccommendations for North Carolina BRAC Reccommendations for Virginia BRAC Reccommendations for New York BRAC Reccommendations for Vermont BRAC Reccommendations for Tennessee BRAC Reccommendations for Kentucky BRAC Reccommendations for Indiana BRAC Reccommendations for Michigan BRAC Reccommendations for Ohio BRAC Reccommendations for West Virginia BRAC Reccommendations for Pennsylvania BRAC Reccommendations for New Hampshire BRAC Reccommendations for Maine BRAC Reccommendations for Delaware BRAC Reccommendations for Maryland BRAC Reccommendations for District of Columbia BRAC Reccommendations for New Jersey BRAC Reccommendations for Connecticut BRAC Reccommendations for Rhode Island BRAC Reccommendations for Massachussetts BRAC Reccommendations for Florida BRAC Reccommendations for Hawaii BRAC Reccommendations for Puerto Rico shape=



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