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Previous Training and Workshops

Web Manager University

Fall 2008

AUG 6 Using Social Media to Communicate with Your Customers NEW!
SEP 9 Advanced SEO FREE!
SEP 17–18

Creating Accessible Websites That Meet 508 Standards

SEP 23–24

Managing Government Websites 101 NEW!


Plain Language in Practice: Writing for the Web

OCT 21 Designing for the Scent of Information
OCT 23 How to Create Your Own RSS Feeds

Content ROT: How to Find and Treat It NEW!

NOV 20

Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors' Major Tasks

DEC 3 Government Web Analytics 101
DEC 9-10

Hands-On Social Media: Everything You Need To Get Started Using New-Media Tools NEW!

Spring 2008

FEB 13 Meeting Federal Web Requirements and Best Practices FREE!
FEB 28 Repurposing Print Documents for the Web NEW!
MAR 12 Paper Prototyping: How to Do Affordable
and Easy User Testing
MAR 20–21 Improving Web Governance at Your Agency
APR 2 Survey of Social Media
APR 8 Meeting 508 Requirements: Rules and Tools
APR 23 Basics of Search Engine Optimization: Using Search Data
to Get Customers to Your Content
MAY 5–6

Government Web Managers 2–Day Conference & Best Practice Awards

MAY 15 Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors' Major Tasks
MAY 21–22 Measuring the Performance of Government Websites:
Best Practices, Tools, and Strategies
MAY 29 Designing and Writing Forms for the Web
JUN 3–4 Advanced Usability Testing
JUN 11

Managing a Multilingual Website

Fall 2007

SEP 18 Identifying Carewords: Using a Three-Step Process to Deliver Top Tasks
SEP 26–27 CMS: Everything You Need to Know
OCT 11 Transforming Web Content With Plain Language
OCT 16–17 Usability Boot Camp
OCT 30 Leading Change
NOV 7 Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors Major Tasks
NOV 28 Basics of Search Engine Optimization: Using Search Data to Get Customers to Your Content
DEC 4–5

Measuring the Performance of Government Websites: Best Practices, Tools, and Strategies

For more information or if you need information about a previous training event:

Content Lead: Meghan Burrows

Page Updated or Reviewed: December 12, 2008

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