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  MBNMS SAC Meeting Minutes April 20th, 2007  

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4/20/07 DRAFT SAC Minutes

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University of California Cooperative Extension
Watsonville, CA
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday, April 20th, 2007

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) Advisory Council met on Friday, April 20, 2007, in Watsonville, California. Public categories and government agencies were present as indicated:

MBNMS Advisory Council & Staff
Agriculture: Kirk Schmidt CA State Parks: Dave Vincent
AMBAG: Emily Riley Commercial Fishing: Thomas Canale
At-Large: Margaret Webb Conservation: Steve Shimek (Alt)
At-Large: Mike Laffen - ABSENT Diving: Randy Herz
At-Large: Harriet Mitteldorf Education: Tracy Weiss - ABSENT
Business and Industry: Nancy Black - ABSENT Ports and Harbors: Steve Sheiblauer
CA Coastal Commission: Tami Grove Recreation: Gary Pezzi
CA Dept. of Fish and Game: Paul Reilly Recreation Fishing: Howard Egan
CA EPA: Russ Jeffries Research: Chris Harrold
CA Resources Agency: Brian Baird - ABSENT Tourism: Michael Bekker

The following non-voting members were present as indicated:

  • Channel Islands NMS: Michael Murray - ABSENT
  • Gulf of the Farallones NMS: Maria Brown - ABSENT
  • Cordell Bank NMS: Dan Howard - ABSENT
  • Elkhorn Slough NERR: Becky Christensen - ABSENT
  • Monterey Bay NMS: Karen Grimmer (Acting Superintendent)
  • U.S. Coast Guard: Capt. David Swatland

Alternates present in audience:

  • Randy Herz – Diving
  • Robert Frischmuth – At-Large



MOTION: (Passed)

The Advisory Council adopted the minutes from the February 15, 2007 Joint Sanctuary Advisory Council meeting with the emailed changes from Paul Reilly and one item from Tim Frahm: (Page 3, Re: Group 1) “Water Quality MBNMS has good relationship w/ Ag community in Salinas.” MBNMS actually has good relationships with more than just Salinas Ag. Community. Want to make sure the comments within our minutes do not dismiss these other good/ important relationships.

Motion introduced by Steve Shimek, seconded by PJ Webb
(Vote: 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions)


Unfortunately Paul was sick today and will be introduced at the following SAC meeting.

We are sad to announce the departure of Rachel Saunders who has been our spokesperson for over 5 years and has also done a lot to help the Sanctuary and Sanctuary Advisory Council. Rachel is moving on to the Big Sur Land Trust. She will be Director of Communications and Community Affairs. This is her last meeting as staff but she will likely be here many more times in the future to report on land-based issues as they pertain to the Sanctuary and looks forward to working with everyone to a different capacity. Rachel is one of the seeds of the Sanctuary and has been involved in many other groups. She is the lifeblood of the Sanctuary and it is hoped that she stays connected with the Sanctuary.

Each Advisory Council member has a package of information regarding happenings with the Sanctuaries Program. In the package is a copy of the Office Report full of interesting news, updates and information on our Sanctuary in particular as well as others in the program.

Discussion of topics in the Office Repor: Ocean Acidification, Water Quality Database (SAM), funding is in crisis for MERITO Program.

Advisory Council members are encouraged to look at the Permit Activity Report. The Sanctuary endorsed through permits, activities that many people were against. There are current plans that are also weak and will not likely go forward by Water Quality control boards for instance that were endorsed by the Sanctuary. Stormwater pollution is a big deal and the Sanctuary ought to be a leader in commenting and helping to secure strong water quality policy. This should be a major function/role that the Sanctuary plays.

Regarding Stormwater permits, Cal-EPA was disappointed that the Sanctuary offered support for such permits and would like MBNMS to take a better look at water quality issues before making recommendations/offering permits.


Washington update from Bonnie Van Hise (Congressman Sam Farr’s Representative): This week there was a hearing on oceans and climate change. There is a hearing on Congressman Farr’s Oceans 21 Bill next week. Subcommittee on Science will have a hearing on 2008 funding (includes NOAA). Farr will be testifying at that hearing w/ Sanctuaries high on his Agenda. Cruise Ship plan is still being revised. Good input came from a workshop last month.

Ms. Van Hise said that she would find that out if Salmon Fishermen would be getting any relief.

Regarding NOAA funding, the Advisory Council asked if there would be discussion of increasing NOAA budget numbers? There is a change of rules regarding how money is earmarked this year. There is work being done to present the numbers that are wanted in such a way that they can be attained. Congressman Farr is working on this issue. Regarding funding, the visitor’s center in Santa Cruz is in harm’s way, and is a priority for the Congressman.

Laura Kasa, Executive Director of Save Our Shores, was interested in seeing how SOS can help MERITO program to stay intact and would like to brainstorm some ideas on how to help MERITO, get grants, etc. She will be in contact with education coordinator Dawn Hayes.


There was a delay in the process. Soon we will have the final list of names from Washington DC. We will also re-recruit for the Business Seat. This will be happening in the next couple of weeks. Additionally, the Recreational Fishing seat will be re-advertised.

The Sanctuary would like to recognize some members for their hard work and service with a small token. Special thanks to Harriet Mitteldorf (on the Board of Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation), Dan Haifley, Anjanette Adams, Nancy Black, David Crabbe, Tracey Weiss, Joseph Stoops, and Steve Moore.

Shauna Potocky introduced herself. She will be our new Education Primary Seat.


Presenting: Kirsten Giraldi, Executive Director, SeaDoc

    PDF of Ms. Giraldi's Powerporint Presentation (912KB)

  • Gear is removed only if buoys are missing or somehow are not able to be found. Often times, gear is collected when fishermen themselves contact SeaDoc asking for help. Most gear was found at diver depth (30-100 feet). There is now a database of over 700 targets (includes those recovered and not yet recovered).
  • Lobster traps are easier to find and not necessarily a priority. As a pilot project, it was unknown that so many would be found. It is most useful to remove the traps during or immediately after lobster season (to have the greatest positive impact as they are more likely to entangle or trap living organisms).
  • The removal of gear that goes ashore isn’t the priority as there are groups (land-based) already in place to do that. SeaDoc work is more useful retrieving lost gear from the ocean.
  • There is a value to making recovered materials commercial. For example, fishermen who bring in lost gear that they recover could be compensated for their time and effort.

**Action Item**
PJ Webb motioned to write a letter from the SAC in support of this work
Seconded by Gary Pezzi
All in favor (15), 0 Against, 0 Abstentions


Presenting: Dawn Hayes


Steve Shimek (CWG) indicated that they are re-evaluating how they do business. Assessing a model used by the CINMS CWG to focus on a particular issue and develop a report and recommendations for the SAC.
Chris Harrold (RAP) reviewed the last agenda, and indicated that the topics they will be focusing on included desal, Davidson Seamount, bottom trawling, MPAs, and tidepool protection.

No report from Sanctuary Education Panel.


R/V Fulmar Trip – Karen Grimmer offered up a potential date of May 18.
Additional Field Trips/Dates – Karen reported that there are two dates we are considering: July 20; Sept 21 (Fridays). Chris suggested a tour to look at water quality projects. Kirk said he would check with growers about the date. Paul Reilly suggested a tour of the MBARI facility. Chris Harrold offered to help set that up, perhaps to include a tour of the Western Flyer.

SAC Retreat Dates – Oct 18 (retreat in afternoon) and meeting Oct 19

MLPA Update
Paul Reilly presenting

  • PDF of Mr. Reilly's Powerporint Presentation (104KB)

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) took action on April 13 to approve a network of marine protected areas on the central California coast. This is the first system for the mainland coast of California. The top priority for the network will be outreach and education. Adoption of the regulation is expected in July. For more information see the CDFG web site. A monitoring program has been developed. Paul also briefly reviewed the next phase of the MLPA that looks at the area north of Pigeon Point to Point Arena. This area is somewhat different because there is very little deep-water habitat compared to the central coast. A new Blue Ribbon Task Force has been appointed to guide the process. Nominations have been received for the Regional Stakeholder Group. Representatives will be chosen soon and the first meetings will be later in May in a location to be determined. A new Scientific Advisory Panel will be developed and there will be an economic assessment as well.

Robert Frischmuth (liaison to GFNMS SAC) reported that the GFNMS Advisory Council would be involved in this next phase, as they view themselves as stakeholders and participants in the process. It is not clear if they will have a representative on the Stakeholder Group.

Regarding the status of kelp in Monterey, it is open so existing harvesters will still have access. While the intent of the Cambria areas are as reserves, they will be categorized as marine conservation areas instead because kelp harvesting will be allowed until kelp leases expired.

The preferred alternative is a modification of previous proposals.



Presenting: Captain Dave Swatland USCG

Due to a recent development regarding live weapons training, it was determined that the Coast Guard will not be engaging in live weapons training in California for some time. In order for the Coast Guard to uphold security and remain properly trained the trainings will have to take place elsewhere. As a result, there will not be a presentation while this practice is on hold.

Coast Guard has been working with other agencies to help clean up dirty boats and environmentally unsound vessels and hold repeat offenders accountable.

Coast Guard worked with the Safe Seas Drill and has ultimate authority during catastrophic events and disasters. When creating emergency response teams (Unified Command), the Coast Guard will be certain to include Sanctuaries on such teams.


Maria Brown Presenting

Health of the Sanctuary: A recent tarball event was documented but deemed minor. This was determined to be a natural oil seep. Staff presented papers and posters at the Pacific Seabird Group Conference. GFNMS is currently preparing for upcoming McArthur II and Fulmar research cruises linking physical and biological processes within the Sanctuary.

Budget cuts have cut staff and programming dramatically. SIMoN plans to move up to GFNMS were cut. There is discussion of closing the Half Moon Bay office, which oversees Northern management Area operations. Four to five staff might be lost additionally. Looking for input from MBNMS Advisory Council for alternatives or solutions.

There are possibilities for partnerships with other local agencies and organizations in similar situations. If office closure is a risk for several groups, perhaps they can come together to occupy one together. Some suggestions included checking with the city or Half Moon Bay for space (i.e. The Ritz Carlton and local NGOs).

Save Our Shores has plans to occupy a space in Half Moon Bay and would be interested in sharing an office space with GFNMS. GFNMS presence in Half Moon Bay is important in regards to the amount and level of outreach being done in that area.


Paul Chetirkin Presenting

Deborah (absent) discussed the value and efficacy of the past Joint Advisory Council meeting. The councils were able to come up with an action item and concluded with a product (letter to National Director in Washington DC concerning the Mavericks issue).

The Advisory Council felt it was better to come up with an agenda well in advance and come to meetings prepared and ready to work on problems. This way both councils have plenty of time to prepare for action instead of getting together to discuss what to do on the spot. A planned approach will have a greater impact. Perhaps the Superintendents can come up with ideas of issues that can be worked on jointly and present those to the Advisory Councils for possible action. Maria Brown reported on behalf of the GFNMS Advisory Council’s approach. They proposed developing a subcommittee including two superintendents, two liaisons, and two Advisory Council members to meet in advance and develop an agenda for potential collaborative projects.

Best Joint meeting yet but would like to see a protocol established for future meetings.


Jennifer Brown Presenting

  • PDF of Dr. Brown's Powerporint Presentation (1MB)


Karen Grimmer Presenting

The official comment period ended January 5. We received over 18,000 comments and are currently finishing with responses to comments and internal revisions. The deadline is September 15 for submission of the Management Plan to Washington DC for final review.

The budget numbers for the entire Sanctuaries Program:

  • ORF funds are $38 million
  • PAC funds are $8 million

Overhead takes 6.6% off the top leaving the sites what is left. Monterey has $2.5 million for operating base. The 2005 budget was $3.2 million and the 2006 budget was $2. 75 million. The cost being that MBNMS is losing the MERITO program, contractor cuts, docents, travel cuts, and supplies cut to 25%.

Now is a good time to write your congressional representative to ask that the Sanctuaries Program have its budget restored in order to resume programming and secure appropriate staff to keep operations moving forward.

Efficient operations are important. How can the Advisory Council augment or support Sanctuary Program needs? The Advisory Council could develop an annual workplan (like that of thee CINMS Advisory Council) to pick topics that align with MBNMS priorities. The Channel Islands NMS use an annual workplan to decide issues to be tackled throughout the year. This would be a good discussion to kick off our meeting with the new Superintendent in June.


Chris Harrold: Mid-January the Aquarium released its Great White shark. The shark had a pop-up tag mounted to it and popped up on April 16. It has archival data contained within and a team has left to go collect the pop up. The data gives info on depth and temperature.

The Great Leatherback Turtle race to the Galapagos is underway. Public can go online to watch.

Dave Vincent: State Parks incorporated a piece of coastline Gary’s (near Davenport). Funding is available to do restoration on Laguna Creek, which is a Salmon/Coho area. Also there are plans to work on invasive species and do other coastal scrub restoration.

Steve Shimek: The sea otter fall count was released and is dramatically down from last year (30% less). The fall count is much more variable than the spring count so we are waiting to see what the spring count will bring. March strandings: 28 Sea Otters found dead on coastal beaches. 11 came form a small stretch in Morro Bay.

The Otter Project is joining with Coast Keeper Alliance a watchdog group.

Emily Riley: Wanted to thank everyone for the welcome and having been to many meetings, has never been to one with such substance. Emily was amazed at the depth and intelligence of the council.

PJ Webb: There is a high record of otters with shark bites. Algal blooms are on the increase. The Symposium was amazing this year and meshed together so well. Marine Interest Group (south of the Sanctuary) is working on climate change issues doing boat buybacks and allotment programs of branding local fisherman (buy local). The discussion of expanding the Sanctuary south has resumed over concern of oil development in the San Luis Obispo area.

Randy Herz: Next month is 26th Annual Beach Dive Photo Contest. Come on out and see some great photography.


NEXT MEETING: DECEMBER 15, 2006, Asilomar

The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Submitted by
Paul Chetirkin
Sanctuary Advisory Council Coordinator

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