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InsideThe Museum
Volunteer Appreciation, 2008
Volunteer Opportunities
Internship Opportunities



The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to the Museum's many volunteers. Their dedication and service support the Museum in its mission to remember and honor Holocaust victims by inspiring leaders and citizens to confront hatred, prevent genocide, promote human dignity, and strengthen democracy. With the help of volunteers, the Museum reaches millions of people every year in Washington, D.C., across the country, and around the world.

Situated among America's national monuments to freedom, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a living reminder of the moral obligations of individuals and societies. Please join the hundreds of volunteers helping to fulfill this important mission.

Honoring Our Esteemed Volunteers
Lee Abrams*
Leone Abroms
Leah Abshire
Fanny Aizenberg
Jordin Akins
Marie Albanese
Laurent Albouze
Martine Alonso-Marquis
Katie Altenberg
Ina Altman
Anita Andreasin
Craig Annear
Dyan Argento
Mehwash Ansari
Jacqueline Argueta
Marjorie Aug
Keith Bailey
Bria Ballard
Briaunne Baltimore
Florence Bank
Allen Barke
Jonathan Barnes
Lila Barth
Kristin Bayans
Anna Bayer
Lili Bayer
David Bayer
Melissa Bedford
Robert Behr
Nancy Belkowitz
jennifer Belmont
Karen Berk
Susan Berlin*
Vera Bettelheim
Ben Binder
Ruth Binder
Helen Birkmann-Hernandez
Jacqueline Birn
Chris Blandamer
Jon Blank
Brandie Blassengame
Doreen Blech
Ilona Blech
Geoffrey Blizzard
Jay Blowers
Sarah Boal
Hava Bonne
Barbara Brandys
Keturah Branch
Naadira Branch
Lisa Braverman
Marilyn Braxton
Ariella Brodecki
Jennifer Broughton
Robert Buckley
Ann Buki
Raven Burnett
Bogdana Buzanescu
Barbara Byer
Ashley Byrd
Elizabeth Cabrera
Carolyn Campbell
Colleen Candrl
Bobbie Carin
Elli Carroll
Kapria Carter
Charlotte Catz
Brent Chambers
Betsy Chanales
Paul Chandler
Joe Chidley
Kyung Choi
Rebecca Christiansen
Natalie Chwalisz
Sara Joelle-Clark
Ellen Clarke
Allison Cochrane
Benjamin Cohen
Daniel Cohen
Diane Cohen
Margo Cohen
Marilyn Cohen
Marilyn R. Cohen
Phyllis Cohen
Ruth Cohen
Shirley F. Cohen
Ashley Coleman
Susan Conway
Christina Cook
Victoria Cooke
Anthony Court
Randi Coward
Cecilia Curbow
Carol Danks
Isak Danon
Sol Danzig
Sarah Deanehan
Caroline de Bruin
Alexandra deGraffenreid
Renetta DeBlase
Anne-Amrie Deutsch
Esther Diamond
Issac Dickman
Yona Dickman
Bridget Docherty
Alyson Drake
Anna Drimer
Marcel Drimer
Deborah Droller
Mary Jo Duckwitz
Heather Duckworth
Cathey Dugan
Maria Dworzecka
Erika Dyer
Melissa Eakin
David Eckstut
Erika Eckstut
Evelyn Eisen
Milton Eisen
Miriam Eisenstadt
Maneshka Eliatamby
Peter Elinsky
David Engel
Adele Eskin
Karen Evans
Jennifer Fechter
Jacques Fein
Sarah Feldman
Stephen Feldman
Beth Ferris
Barbara Feuer
Jessica Finch
Esther Finder
Mona Fishbein
Samuel Fishman
Elizabeth Fortenberry
Petrina Foti
Brigitte Freidin
Mona Freishtat
Dalia Frieder
Gideon Frieder
Gony Frieder
Ophir Frieder
Ruthann Friedland
Sidney Friedland
Bob Friedman
Leonard Friedman
Manya Friedman
Willa Friedman
Samuel Frishman
Larry Frommer
SaBine Funder
Kathryn Garrett
Gabreille Gazda
Virginie Gelie
Goldie Gendelman
Claudia Gerlach
Jessie Gertman
Agi Geva
Weenta Girmay
Estelle Glaser
Chaya Glasner
Fritz Gluckstein
Mina Gobler
Nesse Godin
Aron Golberg
Brian Gold
Naomi Goldberger
Roger Golden
Helen Goldkind
Fred Goldman
Eitan Goldstein
Lois Gottlieb
Henry Greenbaum
Irma Greenspoon
Ruth Greifer
Paige Gresty
Aaron Groen
Alyssa Groen
Clifford Gross
Shelby Grossman
Gretchen Guy
Carolyn Hall
Lotte Hamburger
Robert Haney
Rosalyn Hantman
William Harkaway
Ruth Harvey
Mindy Hecker
Jack Heller
Denise Henderson
Michael Hendrickson
William Hess
Gregory Hindsley
Kaitlin Hocutt
Lois Hollander
Kelly Holmes
Kanani Hoopai
Rosemary Horowitz
Kenneth Howard
Anthea Humphreys
Harriet Hurwit
Edward Hurwitz
Sarah Hyams
Vivienne Ivry
Katriyani Ito
Albert Jacobs
Dorothy Jacobs
Selma Jacobs
Stanley Jaffe
Barbara Jones
Carol Jones
Megan Jones
Adam Kahane
Inge Katzenstein
Werner Katzenstein
Alvin Kaufman
Edith Kaufman
Norman Kaufman
Hazel Keimowitz
Emily Kesser
Alexandra Kestenbaum
Julianne Kim
Randall Kindle
Neysa King
Dorothy Kinzey
Theodora Klayman
Lori Klein
Ted Klein
Carol Knoll
Sarah Knutson
Robert Koenig
Christoph Koettl
Sarah Kopelman
Carole Kopit
Noah Koritz
Maryla Korn
Mary Frances Kovach
Marianna Kramarikova
Kenneth Kramer
Jack Kranton
Nancy Krug
Sara Krulwich
Erin Kwiatowski
Harold Lake
Luis Landau
Peter Lande
Elliot Lapin
Estelle Laughlin
Rhoda Lawrence
Louise Lawrence-Israels
Daniel Lednicer
Leva Lessure
Jeanne Levin
Rachel Levine
Jan Levinson
Miriam Levitas
Karen Levy
Jocelyn Lewis
Gerald Liebenau
Frank Liebermann
Sophia Li
Elinor Light
Lynn Lilienthal
Catherine Liner
Alexandra Lipner
Alan Lipsitz
Marion Lipson
Riva Litman
Mary Jo Lopez
Helen Luksenburg
William Luksenburg
Lisa Magid
Rosalyn Malakoff
Jack Malgeri
Jennifer Maliszewski
Rena Malnik
Beth Mandel
Emmanuel Mandel
Andreas Marggraf
Michel Margosis
Esther Marton
Colleen McCormick
Margit Meissner
Rae Meltzer*
Jeremy Mendelson
Leon Merrick
Nina Merrick
Jack Michaelson
Emily Michalski
Gideon Miller
Solomon Miller
Elizabeth Milligan
Mindy Milliron
Bella Mischinsky
Jason Mizrahi
Ita Monde
Courtney Morales
Claire Mosenthal
Abraham Muhlbaum
Ann Nachbar
Isaac Nehama
Ruth Neta
Alvin Neuman
David Neumann
Johanna Neumann
Neil Newman
Julie Nottingham
Jenna Olechnowicz
Jeanne Olson
Bashi Packer
Stephen Pallavicini
Vijay Pallithekethil
Michelle Parker
Marilyn Paul
Jill Pauly
Kurt Pauly
Halina Peabody
Barbara Peller
Rodney Pharness
Shannon Phillips-Shryrock
George Pick
Patricia Pina
Robert Pine
Benjamin Plotkin
Roni Pomerantz
Hedi Pope
Lisa Popeck
Miriam Price
Lewis Priven
Rajan Puri
Catherine Quizon
Francis Reich
Lauren Reighard
Shane Reilly
Barbara Rein
Jaime Richman
Florence Richmond
Hernica Riviere
Claudia Roethke
Morton Roney
Myra Wendel Roney
Almarinda Rose
Morris Rosen
Hans Rosenbach
Lucie Rosenberg
Miriam Rosenberg
Michael Rosenbush
Patricia Rosenman
Shannon Ross
Alexandria Rossetti
Sam Rothman
Ada Rousso
Tania Rozmaryn
Kristin Ruben
Nicole Rubloff
Traci Rucker
Wendy Rudolph
Jane Rushefsky
Arline Sachs
Sidney Sachs
Naomi Salus
Talia Samuelson
Arielle Sandor
Blake Saville
Monica Schaeffer
Samuel Schalkowsky
Gerda Schechter*
Charlene Schiff
Ed Schiff*
Denise Schlickbernd
Katie Schmitz
Lore Schneider
Stanley Schretter
Helmut Schulz
Beth Schuster
Gerald Schwab
Gail Schwartz
Meyer Schwartz
Richard Schwartzbard
Milton Schwartzbart
Hilda Seftor
Rita Segerman
Esther Semdrowicz
Livia Shacter
Celia Shapiro
Harriet Shapiro
Helik Shemer
Stefan Shrier
Naomi Shulman
Norman Shusterman
Donna Silverman
Flora Singer
Jack Singer
Maurice Singer
Donna Sisitsky
David Sitrin
Myra Sklarew
Carole Smith
Hanna Smith
Sara Smith
Susan Smith
Theodore Smith
Margaret Sobel
Haim Solomon
Adrienne Spain
Regina Spiegel
Samuel Spiegel
Linda Spiegler
Carol Starley
Esther Starobin
Charles Stein
Adena Stern
Laura Stewart
Rene Stolbach
Elizabeth Strassburger
Joan Suttin
Arlyne Swartz
Edward Swecker
Ossie Tabacknik
Jessica Talarico
Jeanne Talpers
Catherine Tarabochia
Herman Taube
Myron Taube
Susan Taube
Susan Taylor
Carolyn Tebo
Jamee Telford
Alfred Traum
Josiane Traum
Marie Turim
Rochelle Uffner
Colombina Valera
Emma Vawter
Kirsten Wadas
Alison Wallace
Mary Waring
Susan Warsinger
Marta Wassertzug
Bob Waterman
Edwin Weiner
Nancy Weintraub
Sara Weisman
Martin Weiss
Susan Weiss
Richard Wenig
Jared Westheim
Bayla White
Rachel Whitley
Maria Whittle
Rabbi Jacob Wiener
Lillian Wilansky
Shirley Willcher
Brittany Williams
Evelyn Wilson
Thom Winckelmann
Adele Winters
Norma Wise
Hal Wittman
Charlotte Wolpoff
Serena Woolrich
Lindsay Yarnold
Norbert Yasharoff
Karen Yoches
Dora Yockelson
Jeannie Young
Stephanie Yu
Sae Mi Yun
Meira Zedek
Rebecca Zeifman
Shirley Zuckerman
William Zuckerman
Ellen Zweig
* In Memoriam
Survivor Volunteers are in bold