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Web Metrics Testbed


Good usability is critical to the success of a website. Traditional usability engineering techniques can be difficult to apply to web usability evaluation because the users are heterogeneous and geographically dispersed. Also, website software development cycles demand quick turnaround.

The objective of the NIST Web Metrics Testbed is to explore the feasibility of a range of tools and techniques that support rapid, remote, and automated testing and evaluation of website usability. The prototypes are used to support the usability engineering research of the Visualization and Usability Group (VUG). As part of the Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, VUG encourages industry to use and/or commercialize its ideas.

We are now (January 2003) releasing a new version of Web Metrics with even more improvements. Please take a look at our newWhat's New page for the details.

Technical OverviewTechnical Overview
The technical overview contains detailed descriptions as well as instructions for downloading the following prototypes:

General Information and Comments:
Group Manager: Dr. Sharon Laskowski

NIST | Information Technology Lab (ITL) | Information Access Division | Visualization and Usability Group | NIST Web Metrics
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Version 3.0
Page last modified: 11 May 2005
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