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Past Updates from the Clinician Registry Listserv

Update Sent May 14, 2007

NOTE: This document is provided for historical purposes only and may not provide our most accurate and up-to-date information. The most current Clinician's information can be found on the Clinician Home Page.

Today's topics Include:

COCA Conference Call

Mark your calendars for our upcoming COCA Conference Call

Title: Overview of CDC's Response During a Public Health Emergency
Date: Tuesday, May 22
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET
Speaker:  David DeSantis, MSCIS and others

Dial-in Number: (800) 857-9764
Password: COCA

Speaker Information:
David DeSantis began his career with the United States Army and spent 15 years in the Logistics field. He then joined the Department of Defense and provided his expertise as a computer specialist for 3 years. Mr. DeSantis then began working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a Systems Engineer and was later promoted to the Lead Technology Officer for the Division of Emergency Operations and the CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC).  Mr. DeSantis later moved from the Division of Emergency Operations to the National Center for Health Marketing where he is currently the Emergency Coordinator for the Center.

More information to follow.

Pandemic Influenza

Department of Defense Releases Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan - DoD News Release - May 9
The Defense Department is teaming with other federal agencies to prepare the nation to deal with a potential pandemic outbreak of influenza.

Questions and Answers on Pandemic Influenza Vaccine - May 9

FDA Clears First Respirators for Use in Public Health Medical Emergencies - May 8
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared for marketing the first respirators that can help reduce the user's exposure to airborne germs during a public health medical emergency, such as an influenza pandemic. These two filtering facepiece respirators, manufactured by St. Paul, Minn.-based 3M Company (and called the 3M Respirator 8612F and 8670F), will be available to the general public without a prescription.

What You Should Know about Using Facemasks and Respirators during a Flu Pandemic - May 8
This fact sheet provides information about the use of facemasks and respirators in public places during an influenza pandemic. It does not address the use of facemasks and respirators in the workplace or in healthcare settings.

Avian Influenza

Questions and Answers About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus - Updated May 7
The following questions have been updated on this site:

  • Is there a vaccine to protect people from some strains of the H5N1 virus?
  • What is the benefit of the FDA-approved H5N1 vaccine produced by sanofi pasteur Inc?

Please go to the following page for the updated questions and answers:

Seasonal Influenza

Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update - May 11
During week 18 (April 29 – May 5, 2007), influenza activity continued to decrease in the United States. Data from the U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories indicated a similar percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza during week 18 compared to week 17. The percentage of visits for ILI to sentinel providers decreased during week 18 and was below the national baseline for the seventh consecutive week. One state reported regional influenza activity; five states reported local influenza activity; the District of Columbia, New York City, and 31 states reported sporadic influenza activity; and 13 states reported no influenza activity. The number of jurisdictions reporting widespread or regional influenza activity decreased from three for week 17 to one for week 18. The percent of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza has remained below baseline levels for the entire influenza season to date.

Weekly US Map - May 11 

Food Safety

Michigan Firm Recalls Beef Products Due To Possible Contamination With E. coli O157:H7 - USDA Recall Release - PDF File - May 11
Establishment is voluntarily recalling approximately 129,000 pounds of beef products.

Minnesota Firm Recalls Beef Trim Due To Possible E. coli O157:H7 Contamination - USDA Recall Release - PDF File - May 10
Firm is voluntarily recalling approximately 117,500 pounds of beef trim products used to make ground beef.

FDA/USDA Joint News Release: Scientists Conclude Very Low Risk to Humans from Food Containing Melamine - May 7
There is very low risk to human health from consuming meat from hogs and chickens known to have been fed animal feed supplemented with pet food scraps that contained melamine and melamine-related compounds, according to an assessment conducted by scientists from five federal agencies.

Emergency Preparedness

HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures (PHEMC) Enterprise Stakeholders Workshop (July 31- August 2, 2007)
The 2007 HHS PHEMC Enterprise Stakeholders Workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss and receive individual stakeholder feedback on HHS implementation of the HHS Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan and the HHS PHEMCE Implementation Plan for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats, the Project BioShield Act of 2004, and the new HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. For more information about this workshop, please go to the following page:

Guidelines for Handling Decedents Contaminated with Radioactive Materials - PDF File
This document provides guidelines that suggest ways for medical examiners, coroners, and funeral directors to deal with loose surface contamination, internal contamination, or shrapnel on or in decedents’ bodies.


Please visit the COCA web page for additional information:

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