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Transition to College
Table 25-2.  Percentage of high school completers who were enrolled in college the October immediately following high school completion, by sex and type of institution: 1972–2005

Year Total 2-year1 4-year1   Total 2-year1 4-year1

1972 52.7   46.0
1973 50.0 14.6 35.4   43.4 15.2 28.2
1974 49.4 16.6 32.8   45.9 13.9 32.0
1975 52.6 19.0 33.6   49.0 17.4 31.6
1976 47.2 14.5 32.7   50.3 16.6 33.8
1977 52.1 17.2 35.0   49.3 17.8 31.5
1978 51.1 15.6 35.5   49.3 18.3 31.0
1979 50.4 16.9 33.5   48.4 18.1 30.3
1980 46.7 17.1 29.7   51.8 21.6 30.2
1981 54.8 20.9 33.9   53.1 20.1 33.0
1982 49.1 17.5 31.6   52.0 20.6 31.4
1983 51.9 20.2 31.7   53.4 18.4 35.1
1984 56.0 17.7 38.4   54.5 21.0 33.5
1985 58.6 19.9 38.8   56.8 19.3 37.5
1986 55.8 21.3 34.5   51.9 17.3 34.6
1987 58.3 17.3 41.0   55.3 20.3 35.0
1988 57.1 21.3 35.8   60.7 22.4 38.3
1989 57.6 18.3 39.3   61.6 23.1 38.5
1990 58.0 19.6 38.4   62.2 20.6 41.6
1991 57.9 22.9 35.0   67.1 26.8 40.3
1992 60.0 22.1 37.8   63.8 23.9 40.0
1993 59.9 22.9 37.0   65.2 22.8 42.4
1994 60.6 23.0 37.5   63.2 19.1 44.1
1995 62.6 25.3 37.4   61.3 18.1 43.2
1996 60.1 21.5 38.5   69.7 24.6 45.1
1997 63.6 21.4 42.2   70.3 24.1 46.2
1998 62.4 24.4 38.0   69.1 24.3 44.8
1999 61.4 21.0 40.5   64.4 21.1 43.3
2000 59.9 23.1 36.8   66.2 20.0 46.2
2001 59.7 18.6 41.1   63.6 20.7 42.9
2002 62.1 20.5 41.7   68.3 23.0 45.3
2003 61.2 21.9 39.3   66.5 21.0 45.5
2004 61.4 21.8 39.6   71.5 23.1 48.5
2005 66.5 24.7 41.8   70.4 23.4 47.0

— Not available. Data on type of institution were not collected until 1973.

1From 1973 through 1986, due to a skip pattern in the Current Population Survey (CPS), about 3–9 percent of high school completers ages 16–24 who enrolled in college immediately were not asked the question about the type of institutions attended. Such respondents were assumed to have the same probability of enrolling at a 2- or 4-year institution as those who were asked the question.

NOTE: Includes those ages 16–24 completing high school in a given year. The Current Population Survey (CPS) questions about educational attainment were reworded in 1992. Before then, high school completers referred to those who completed 12 years of schooling; beginning in 1992, the term referred to those who received a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. In 1994, the survey methodology for the CPS was changed and weights were adjusted. See supplemental note 2 for further information. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), October Supplement, 1972–2005.

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