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VOS Program Awards

J.P. Van Hamme and Gonzalo Cifuentes

The Hood Island received a VOS Award. On the left is Captain J.P. Van Hamme and on the right is Chief Mate Gonzalo Cifuentes.

Crew of the APL Japan

The APL Japan received a VOS Award. Pictured left to right is Add. 2nd Officer Chen Lin, Chief Officer Cheong Kwee Thiam, Master Captain S.K. Menon, 2nd Officer Zheng Yi, 3rd Officer Chin Chow Yien.

Bernie Meier

Captain Bernie Meier of the Crowley Tug Sinuk receiving his 2003 VOS Award while in Anchorage Alaska on July 23, 2004. The Sinuk was the leading tug of any operating in Alaska waters with 973 weather observations for 2003. this was 121 percent more observations than they took in 2002.

James B. Cramdom, Keith W. Schultz, and Jerel W. Chamberlain

The Geysir received a VOS award. Pictured left to right are 2nd Mate James B. Cramdom, Captain Keith W. Schultz, and Chief mate Jerel W. Chamberlain.

Neil Sandvik, Stephen Lundgren, Michael Tarbox

The Seneca received their fourth consecutive yearly VOS Award while at the Port of Anchorage on August 26, 2004. The Seneca took 723 weather observations in 2003, and have already achieved their best ever total of 1094 weather observations in 2004, with over 2 months left to go this year. From left to right is 2nd Mate Neil Sandvik, Captain Stephen Lundgren, and Chief Mate Michael Tarbox.

Rick Sullivan, Simon Lebrun, Peggy Alander

The Navigator of the Seas received a VOS Award. The award was presented by Miami PMO Peggy Alander (on right). Captain Rick Sullivan (on left) and 1st Officer Simon LeBrun (center) received the award.

Pete Gibino, Walaxzek Piotr, Piekart Jaroslqw

A VOS Award was presented to the Cup San Antonio. Shows left to right are PMO Pete Gibino presenting the award to Deck Cadet Walaxzek Piotr and Third Mate Piekart Jaroslqw.

VOS Educational Cooperative Partner Awards

Maine Maritime Academy, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, State University of New York Maritime College, and Texas Maritime Academy were recently honored for their efforts as Educational Cooperative partners with the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program. The VOS program congratulates the Instructors, Masters, and Mates who assisted us in ensuring that their cadets received real hands-on training in weather observing practices and policies. Thanks to all, and we look forward in supporting each other in the years to come.

Maine Maritime Academy Award Photo

Maine Maritime Academy - Pictured (left to right) front - Robert Luke, VOS Program Lead, Dr. John Barlow, Vice President for Academic Affairs, back - Rendan McAvoy, Chief Mate, T/S State of Maine, Michael Carr, Instructor of Marine Transportation, and Captain Laurence Wade, Master, T/S State of Maine.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Award Photo

Massachusetts Maritime Academy - Pictured left to right Captain Bradley Lima, Academic Vice President, Robert Luke, VOS Program Lead, Commodore Rick Gurnon, Executive Vice President and Acting President, and Jim Luciani, New York Port Meteorological Officer.

State University of New York Maritime College Award Photo

State University of New York Maritime College - Pictured left to right are Jim Luciani, New York Port Meteorological Officer, Tony Manzi, Assistant Professor of Meteorology, and Robert Luke, VOS Program Lead.

Texas Maritime Academy Award Photo

Texas Maritime Academy - Pictured left to right are Chief Mate Buddy Blackburn, 4th Cadet Gabriel Ashworth, 4th Cadet Nathan Corgey, and 2nd Cadet Andy Yates.

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Page last modified: December 2, 2004