South Dakota Field Office
Mountain-Prairie Region
Federal Project Review



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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has responsibility, under a number of authorities, for the conservation and management of fish and wildlife resources.  Chief among the federal statutes with which our office deals is the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918, the Bald Eagle Protection Act (BEPA) of 1940, and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  In addition to these statutes, the Service has authority under several other legislative, regulatory, and executive mandates to promote conservation of fish and wildlife resources for the benefit of the public.

When we receive project proposals, we primarily look for potential affects on endangered species, wetlands, Service easements, and migratory birds.  

State, federal, & private entity projects:  In South Dakota, the Service provides technical assistance to federal and state agencies or private entities when either federal dollars (grants) or federally permitted activities are involved in the project.  Examples of the projects this office is involved with include: federal water development projects, flood control projects, highway projects, utility lines, wastewater facilities, communications towers, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10/404 permits which review proposed developments in the nation's waterways.

We recommend coordinating with our office during the planning stages of a project to minimize any potential delays in project construction.  Anyone submitting a project review should consider providing the following information:

  • location
  • map or photo of site
  • soil survey information
  • present landuse
  • description of the proposed action

For more information: 

Branch of Federal Activities

For questions concerning projects in South Dakota, contact Pete Gober at 605-224-8693, ext. 224.


Last updated: September 18, 2008

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