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Ovid Announces
January 2009

Ovid Showcases Ovid Universal Search™ and Nursing@Ovid at London’s Online Information 2008 Conference
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Ovid Introduces Ovid Universal Search ,
An Exclusive Cross-Platform Search Solution within OvidSP
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Ovid Introduces Nursing@Ovid
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Ovid Releases Ovid Universal Search™
and Nursing@Ovid

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Ovid Showcases OvidSP Platform Features, Plus New Content Offerings
at SLA 2008

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Ovid Expands its Shibboleth Compliance to Include French and German Federations 
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Professionals, researchers, students, and information managers in the scientific and healthcare communities rely on Ovid for the information they need to explore a new theory, fuel a new discovery, inform ongoing research, and improve patient care. We provide customized clinical, research, and educational solutions that help each individual and each organization transform information into knowledge.

  • Products and Services: Browse our catalog of world-class book, journal, and database resources, innovative information search and discovery tools, and customized services.
  • Events: Find out where and when Ovid is presenting, sponsoring, and hosting events that might interest you.
  • Community: Exchange ideas and strategies with other Ovid customers and Ovid employees.
  • Training and Documentation: Sign up for an Ovid product training session. Discover hints and tips from our online help guides.
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