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Internal Revenue Bulletin:  2006-29 

July 17, 2006 

Notice 2006-61

2006 Marginal Production Rates

Table of Contents

This notice announces the applicable percentage under section 613A of the Internal Revenue Code to be used in determining percentage depletion for marginal properties for the 2006 calendar year.

Section 613A(c)(6)(C) of the Code defines the term “applicable percentage” for purposes of determining percentage depletion for oil and gas produced from marginal properties. The applicable percentage is the percentage (not greater than 25 percent) equal to the sum of 15 percent, plus one percentage point for each whole dollar by which $20 exceeds the reference price (determined under § 45K(d)(2)(C)) for crude oil for the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the taxable year begins. The reference price determined under § 29(d)(2)(C) for the 2005 calendar year is $50.26.

Table 1 contains the applicable percentages for marginal production for taxable years beginning in calendar years 1991 through 2006.

Notice 2006-61 Table 1
Calendar Year Applicable Percentage
1991 15 percent
1992 18 percent
1993 19 percent
1994 20 percent
1995 21 percent
1996 20 percent
1997 16 percent
1998 17 percent
1999 24 percent
2000 19 percent
2001 15 percent
2002 15 percent
2003 15 percent
2004 15 percent
2005 15 percent
2006 15 percent

The principal author of this notice is Jaime C. Park of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries). For further information regarding this notice, contact Ms. Park at (202) 622-3120 (not a toll-free call).

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