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VA National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS)

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Created 2002 December 5
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Practical Information

Instrument Name:

VA National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS)

Instrument Description:

It assesses a facility’s potential for and commitment to service quality and customer satisfaction in terms of facility culture, overall facility commitment to quality improvement, top management commitment, and relationship between job characteristic and service quality. It is sometimes referred as the National VA Quality Improvement Survey (NVAQIS). There are 7 constructs: Organizational Culture (including Group Culture, Entrepreneurial Culture, Hierarchical Culture, and Rational Culture), Baldrige Scale, Leadership Support for CQI, Performance Goals, Evaluation and Feedback, Reward & Recognition, and Employee Job Satisfaction. Some names of the scales have not been constant. Additionally, the Evaluation and Feedback, and the Reward & Recognition scales were used only in the 1997 and 1998 surveys.


Free (Available from the Management Decision and Research Center)

Administration Time:

No information found.

Publication Year:


Item Readability:

Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level of 10.1 for the items and instructions. Most items are written with about 10 words.

Scale Format:

5-point Likert scale for most items.

Administration Technique:

Paper-and-pencil, self-administrated, and mail-delivered survey.

Scoring and Interpretation:

Possible scores for Entrepreneurial Culture and Group Culture dimensions under the Organizational Culture scale are in the range from 0 to 100. Scores for the other scales range from 1 to 5. A higher score means a stronger perception of each construct. Results can be benchmarked. (Ref: 1)


No information found.

Research Contacts

Instrument Developers:

Gary J. Young, JD, PhD and Kamal R. Desai, PhD

Instrument Development Location:

Management Decision and Research Center
Veterans Affairs Medical Center (152-M)
150 South Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02130-4893

Instrument Developer Email:

Instrument Developer Website:

No information found.

Annotated Bibliography

1. GJ, Desai K. National VA Quality Improvement Study (NVAQIS): Interpreting the data. Transition Watch, Management Decision and Research Center, VA’s Office of Research and Development, HSR&D, Spring 1999; 2(3):1-6.
Purpose: To provide background information and interpretation of the survey.
Sample: Study groups included 12406 (in 1997) and 11024 (in 1998.) They were stratified (by service and administration) using random sampling in 161 facilities for the 1997 survey and 147 facilities for the 1998 survey. Response rates were varied among facilities: 44 – 98% in 1997 and 37 – 98% in 1998.
Methods: This study had three rounds of survey. The first two rounds had completed in 1997 and 1998. The survey was mailed to the VA employees stratified random sampled by service and administrative level. The maximum of 150 employees were sampled in each facility.
Implications: Substantial quality improvement between 1997 and 1998 was not observed; however, such cases are often observed in the early stage of a transformation effort.

2. Meterko M, editor. VA National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS). Management research tools/Instrument: Meeting on management research in VA; 2002 Feb 15; Washington, DC. Boston: Management Decision and Research Center; 2002.
This is a brief report on the instrument. The items are included.


Factors and Norms

Factor Analysis Work:

No information found.

Normative Information Availability:

No information found.

Reliability Evidence


No information found.


No information found.

Internal Consistency:

Cronbach’s alphas for Implementation of and support for TQM/CQI (Baldridge Scale) subscales were reported as 0.92 for Management Role, 0.92 for Information & Analysis, 0.89 for Planning for Quality, 0.90 for Human Resource Utilization, and 0.90 for Quality Assurance of Produce/Services. (Ref: 2)

Alternate Forms:

No information found.

Validity Evidence

Construct/ Convergent/ Discriminant:

No information found.

Criterion-related/ Concurrent/ Predictive:

No information found.


No information found.

Responsiveness Evidence:

No information found.

Scale Application in VA Populations:

Yes (Ref: 1)

Scale Application in non-VA Populations:

No information found.


The VA’s NQIS instrument was developed to help track organizational and management factors associated with the VA’s quality improvement efforts. This instrument has been substantially revised since it was first implemented in 1997. Since the VA NQIS was used as a primary data collection instrument for the NVAQIS study, a substantial amount of data, collected across the VA system, exists and is available to VA researchers. Unfortunately, very little psychometric information has been published, except for estimates of internal consistency for a limited number of subscales (see above). Thus, caution is advised when considering this instrument for use.


No information found.