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VBA’s VA Employee Survey (formerly named One-VA Employee Survey)

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Created 2002 August 1
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Practical Information

Instrument Name:

VBA’s VA Employee Survey (formerly named One-VA Employee Survey)

Instrument Description:

This questionnaire is an organizational climate assessment specialized to the VA, and it gathers information about an organization’s relative strength and weakness for the purpose of action-planning and change implementation process. There are 19 dimensions: Employee Involvement, Leadership & Quality, Teamwork, Rewards/Recognition, Job Security/Commitment to Workforce, Strategic Planning, Performance Measures, Training/Career Development, Innovation, Use of Resources, Work Environment/Quality of Worklife, Communication, Work and Family/Personal Life, Supervision, Customer Orientation, Fairness and Treatment of Others, Diversity, Barriers to Service Delivery, and Organizational Politics (added in 2001).


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Administration Time:

No information found.

Publication Year:

1996 - 1997

Item Readability:

An example is given for an ambiguous word in some items.

Scale Format:

5-item Likert scale for most items.

Administration Technique:

Paper-and-Pencil, Intranet, and Internet versions. Different response rates have resulted from these different administration techniques.

Scoring and Interpretation:

Dimension rating and item rating. The results are compared to the previous results and other offices in the VA system.


Two questionnaires were administered in 2001. One was administered for the Veterans Health Administration, and one for all other VA staff offices, including the National Cemetery Administration and the Board of Veterans Appeals.

Research Contacts

Instrument Developers:

Veterans Benefits Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs collaborated with the Office of the Personnel Management’s (OPM) Personnel Resources and Development Center (PRDC)

Instrument Development Location:

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veteran Benefits Administration Data Management Office Surveys and Research Staff (245)
Washington, DC 20420

Instrument Developer Email:

Instrument Developer Website:

Annotated Bibliography

1. Veterans Benefits Administration. 1999. VBA’s One-VA Employee Survey. Available online URL: Accessed 2002 July 5.

Purpose: Manual extracts to explain the background, the elements, and the interpretation. /td>
Sample: All VA employees were asked to participate. Response rate 74.5% in 1997 (paper version), 43.0% in 1999 (intranet version), and 48.7% in 2001 (either paper or secured internet version).
Methods: All VBA employees were asked to participate. The Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Organizational Assessment Survey was modified. A new dimension with 4 items was added to the 2001’s survey.
Implications: Be aware that the characteristics of some sub-groups of respondents might change greatly from 1999 to 2001 due to the change of the response rates.

2. Veterans Benefits Administration. 1999. "ONE VA" Organizational Assessment Survey. Available from: Accessed 2002 July 5.
Purpose: Report on the 2001’s survey along with 1997 and 1999’s results. /td>
Sample: VA employees; N = 8860 in 1997, N = 4906 in 1999, and N = 5525 in 2001.
Methods: Only results are shown.
Implications: Non-applicable.


Factors and Norms

Factor Analysis Work:

No information found.

Normative Information Availability:

All response data for all items in 1997, 1999, and 2001 surveys are available. (Ref: 2) Guidelines for interpretation are available. (Ref: 1)

Reliability Evidence


No information found.


Not applicable – self-report.

Internal Consistency:

No information found.

Alternate Forms:

No information found.

Validity Evidence

Construct/ Convergent/ Discriminant:

No information found.

Criterion-related/ Concurrent/ Predictive:

No information found.


VBA’s VA Employee Survey had been developed based on Office of Personnel Management’s Organizational Assessment Survey.

Responsiveness Evidence:

No information found.

Scale Application in VA Populations:

Yes, VA employees. (Ref: 1-2)

Scale Application in non-VA Populations:

No information found.


This questionnaire is based on OPM’s Organizational Assessment Survey (OAS). Even though no psychometric assessment has been performed on the VA version, OPM’s Personnel Resources and Development Center (PDRC) did perform some psychometric assessments to arrive at the dimensions of the original version of OAS. OPM’s PRDC also maintains a crosswalk of the different OAS items in various OAS surveys across several federal agencies along with the corresponding database. Comparisons between federal agencies can be made to the extent that the compared items’ wording are kept intact.


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