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Internet Site Review

Please note that this section is an archive (last updated in June 2006). [disclaimer]

Sections:   Overview | Instrument Reviews | Construct Overviews | Book Compendium Reviews | Internet Site Reviews

Measurement of Health-related Quality of Life



This site has been developed by Elizabeth Juniper, MCSP, MSc, a Professor Emeritus at McMaster University in Canada. Its purpose is to bring awareness to the instruments developed by her group in the area of health-related quality of life of asthma and rhinoconjuctivitis of both children and adults.

Types of Information or Instruments:

Several scales are present for each of the four disease categories: asthma, pediatric asthma, rhinoconjuctivitis, and pediatric rhinoconjunctivitis. The site contains descriptions of each of these scales, references on psychometric properties and the several languages that each has been translated into. Instruments are copyrighted and not available on the site. However, they are available and free on request to academics and non-profit organizations.

Quantity of Instruments:

There are 13 instrument descriptions in the aforementioned four categories.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The description provided is concise. There is information about the target groups, age-appropriateness, domains covered and number of questions. It also provides the package contents, availability, and ordering information.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

Psychometric information is not available on the site, however, the literature references may be helpful in accessing this data.

Scale accessibility:

Scales can be obtained by contacting Professor Juniper through email or by writing to her at the address provided on the website.

Site provides actual scale items:

The site does not provide actual scale items.

User-friendly navigation:

The site is visually pleasing and easy to navigate.

Other types of Information:

There is a link at the bottom of the page to McMaster University's Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics home page.


Many of the scales are available in a variety of languages and the references listed also are specific to other language versions of the instruments.


Disease-specific Outcomes > Pulmonary Conditions

[Updated 2003-06-05 11:54:00.0]