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Internet Site Review

Please note that this section is an archive (last updated in June 2006). [disclaimer]

Sections:   Overview | Instrument Reviews | Construct Overviews | Book Compendium Reviews | Internet Site Reviews

Psychological Assessment (Journal Homepage)



This is the homepage for the quarterly journal Psychological Assessment, published by the American Psychological Association. On this site hosted by the University of Hawaii, there is information about the journal and a link to instrument references by topic. Click on "References of Published Articles By Topic" to see a list of topics and instrument names.

Types of Information or Instruments:

The instrument names are not described. There is no psychometric information provided with the instrument names. Among the references provided with instrument names, there are often articles that evaluate their respective psychometric properties.

Quantity of Instruments:

The page contains 302 different topics or instrument names where each is an internal link that takes the user to a page listing one or more citations where that subject or scale was referenced in an article. Note that all the citations refer to articles published in Psychological Assessment only.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The instruments are not described.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

While providing only citations to this one journal, the site allows the user to locate the article citations containing relevant psychometric information quickly. The level and depth of psychometric information may vary since they were written by different authors for many different instruments.

Scale accessibility:

Mostly all the references to scales provide psychometric information only; therefore, actual scales should be searched for by other means, such as the ETS test locator.

Site provides actual scale items:

The site does not provide actual scale items.

User-friendly navigation:

Navigation is simple, but the low-contrast color scheme of hyperlinks (dark blue text on a sky blue background) may be hard to read for some individuals.

Other types of Information:

There are instructions for authors who want to submit a manuscript to Psychological Assessment, the 2000 Annual Report, and recent editorial board members. In addition, there is information about an mentoring program for international scholars and links to related sites.


Psychological Assessment began publication in March 1989 and is one of the most respected journals in its field. This site is most useful for those who have access to Psychological Assessment.


Nondisease-specific Outcomes

[Updated 2004-11-05 10:55:00.0]