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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Albatross Cruise line: Unicom Mgt Services, Ltd Inspection Date: 04/21/2007 Score: 94
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

    Cruise Ship's Corrective Action Statement

Item No.: 01
Site: Medical-
Violation: The vessel reached 2% gastrointestinal illness among passengers during the 03/26/2007-04/09/2007 cruise but did not submit a special report. The vessel was within 15 days of arrival in a US port. The vessel arrived in their first US port on 4/16/2007. The nurse indicated that the report was not made because the patients kept on getting better and that they did not have 2% ill on any day. She also seemed to believe that crew member totals were to be factored in when calculating the 2%.
Recommendation: The master, or designated corporate representative, of a vessel with an international itinerary destined for a U.S. port shall submit a special report at any time during a cruise, including between two U.S. ports, when: (1) The cumulative percentage of reportable cases entered in the gastrointestinal illness surveillance log, reaches 2% among passengers or 2% among crew; and (2) The vessel is within 15 days of expected arrival at a U.S. port.
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-
Violation: The standardized gastrointestinal illness log did not have a column to record whether or not a patient was a reportable case. Additionally, the column for crew position was not filled out properly.
Recommendation: Ensure the column for the crew position is filled out properly.
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-
Violation: The standardized gastrointestinal illness log did not have a column to record whether or not a patient was a reportable case. Additionally, the column for crew position was not filled out properly.
Recommendation: Ensure the gastrointestinal illness log has a column to record whether or not a patient was a reportable case.
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-
Violation: The standardized gastrointestinal illness log did not have a column to record whether or not a patient was a reportable case. Additionally, the column for crew position was not filled out properly.
Recommendation: The gastrointestinal illness surveillance log entry for each passenger or crew member shall contain the following information: (1) The first date of clinic visit or report to staff of illness; (2) The person's name, age and gender; (3) A designation as passenger or crew member; (4) Crew member position or job on the vessel, if applicable; (5) Cabin number; (6) Meal seating information; (7) Date and time of illness onset; (8) Illness symptoms, including the presence of the following selected signs and symptoms: numbers of episodes each of diarrhea and vomiting per day, bloody stools, fever, recorded temperature, abdominal cramps, headaches and muscle aches; (9) Notation on whether or not a stool specimen was requested and received; (10) Use of antidiarrheal medication; and (11) The presence of underlying medical conditions which may affect interpretation of acute gastrointestinal illness for example diabetic diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrectomy or others.
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-
Violation: The ordinary seaman who reported to the medical facility on 04/06/2007 was not recorded in the standardized gastrointestinal illness log. This individual was one of 2 crew cases reported in the 24-hour report.
Recommendation: The log shall list: (1) All reportable cases of gastrointestinal illness; (2) All passengers and crew members who are dispensed antidiarrheal medication from the master of the vessel, the medical staff, or other designated staff.
Item No.: 07
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: This vessel has 4 potable water tanks that each share a wall with the hull of the vessel. A variance request has been submitted. Salinity meters and an alarm system have been installed. Documentation on the procedure that would be followed in the event of salt water intrusion was not available.
Recommendation: Ensure that the documentation on the procedure following an the event of salt water intrusion is available.
Item No.: 08
Site: Food Service General-Dump sinks
Violation: The backflow prevention device for all the spray nozzles at the dump sinks did not have an air vent.
Recommendation: Ensure the backflow prevention devices have an air vent.
Item No.: 08
Site: Galley-Pot Wash
Violation: There was no backflow prevention device for the spray nozzle at the 3 compartment sink.
Recommendation: Ensure that backflow preventers are installed when air gaps are impractical or when water under pressure is required.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: The potable water hoses were not labeled "potable water only" at each connection end. This was corrected during the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure that potable water hoses are labeled for use with the words "potable water only" in letters at least 13mm (0.5 inch) at each connecting end.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: The recirculation lines in the whirlpool room were blue. The potable water supply line was not painted or striped blue.
Recommendation: Change the blue to another color on the recirculation lines or add a secondary color to differentiate these lines from the potable water lines.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: The recirculation lines in the whirlpool room were blue. The potable water supply line was not painted or striped blue.
Recommendation: Ensure that potable water piping and fittings are painted or stripped auxiliary blue, or in accordance with ISO 14726, at 5 m (15 feet) intervals on each side of partitions, decks, and bulkheads in all spaces, except where the decor would be marred by such markings.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: The cabin shower hoses were not fitted with backflow protection devices. The hoses could reach the deck area of the shower stall.
Recommendation: Ensure that backflow preventers are installed when air gaps are impractical or when water under pressure is required.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: The international shore connections for the fire system were not fitted with reduced pressure backflow protection devices.
Recommendation: Install reduced pressure backflow protection devices on the international shore connections for the fire suppression system.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-
Violation: Backflow protection devices were not installed on the potable water lines supplying the shower hoses in the spa. Additionally, an inspection could not be conducted in the spa steam generator room because the key to the room could not be located.
Recommendation: Ensure that backflow preventers are installed when air gaps are impractical or when water under pressure is required.
Item No.: 10
Site: Whirlpool/Spa-
Violation: There was no indication that monthly inspections and sedimentation tests were conducted on the granular filters for the whirlpools.
Recommendation: Ensure that a written or electronic record of whirlpool spa filter inspection, backwashing, core sample sedimentation test, and shock halogenation (concentration and contact time) is maintained and available for review during inspections.
Item No.: 10
Site: Whirlpool/Spa-
Violation: There was no indication that monthly inspections and sedimentation tests were conducted on the granular filters for the whirlpools.
Recommendation: Ensure that the granular filters are opened at least monthly and examined for cracks, mounds, or holes in the filter media and a core sample of the filter media is inspected for excessive organic material accumulation using a recommended sedimentation method.
Item No.: 10
Site: Whirlpool/Spa-
Violation: The contact time for superhalogenation was not recorded in the whirlpool log.
Recommendation: Ensure that a written or electronic record of whirlpool spa filter inspection, backwashing, core sample sedimentation test, and shock halogenation (concentration and contact time) is maintained and available for review during inspections.
Item No.: 10
Site: Swimming Pool-
Violation: A shepherd's hook was not provided at the pool. A length of rope was not attached to the floatation device located near the pool.
Recommendation: Ensure that an easy-access shepherd's hook and approved floatation device (with a length of line 1/2 the pool width or 16 m (50 feet)) is provided at a prominent location near each public swimming pool.
Item No.: 10
Site: Swimming Pool-
Violation: The pool log was not clear. There was no indication of the time when the halogen residual was tested. It was difficult to verify whether or not the tests were conducted every 4 hours.
Recommendation: Ensure that residual halogen logs are maintained with residuals measured and recorded every 4 hours during operation.
Item No.: 10
Site: Swimming Pool-
Violation: The pool log was not clear. There was no indication of the time when the halogen residual was tested. It was difficult to verify whether or not the tests were conducted every 4 hours.
Recommendation: Record the time that each test is conducted.
Item No.: 10
Site: Other-Swimming Pools and Whirlpools
Violation: There was no indication on the drain covers and suction line covers that they were anti-entrapment. There was also no documentation for these drain covers.
Recommendation: Ensure that anti-entrapment drain covers or other drains that prevent entrapment hazards as specified in U.S. Consumer Product Safety Publication 363-009801 (dual drains/channel drains) are provided on swimming pools and whirlpool spas. Ensure that drain covers have either the plumbing/engineering approving organization stamp and flow rate affixed to the cover, or that a letter is maintained aboard the vessel certifying that the cover meets the safety requirements outlined in AMSE/ANSI A112.19.8M or an equivalent standard.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-
Violation: Verbal interviews with asymptomatic cabin mates and close personal contacts of crew members with gastrointestinal illness were not documented.
Recommendation: Document these interviews.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-
Violation: Verbal interviews with asymptomatic cabin mates and close personal contacts of crew members with gastrointestinal illness were not documented.
Recommendation: Ensure that medical staff conduct daily verbal interviews with asymptomatic crew until 48 hours after onset of the ill crew members symptoms.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-
Violation: An ordinary seaman reported to the medical facility with gastrointestinal illness on 04/06/2007. There was no indication that this individual was evaluated for his return to work after this initial visit.
Recommendation: Ensure that follow-up with and approval by designated medical personnel is completed before returning crew (food and non-food) to work.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-
Violation: An ordinary seaman reported to the medical facility with gastrointestinal illness on 04/06/2007. There was no indication that this individual was evaluated for his return to work after this initial visit.
Recommendation: Ensure that symptomatic non-food employees meeting the case definition for AGE are isolated in cabin or designated, restricted area until symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-
Violation: There were slotted fasteners noted in the heating element for the fryer, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that materials used in the construction of multiuse utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment are: (1) Durable, corrosion-resistant, and nonabsorbent; (2) Sufficient in weight and thickness to withstand repeated warewashing; (3) Finished to have a smooth, easily cleanable surface; and (4) Resistant to pitting, chipping, crazing, scratching, scoring, distortion, and decomposition.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Cold Pantry
Violation: There was excessive sealant noted along the juncture of the refrigeration unit and the bulkhead, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Remove the excessive sealant.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-
Violation: There were open seams and holes noted in the non-food contact surfaces of equipment, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Bain Marie
Violation: There were holes noted around the piping in the bottom of the technical compartment below the bain marie, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
Item No.: 21
Site: Bar-Harris Bar
Violation: The cooling unit had exposed piping, wiring and other difficult to clean features inside the reach-in refrigerator.
Recommendation: Ensure that nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
Item No.: 22
Site: Bar-Kopernikus Bar
Violation: There was no data plate for the dish wash machine.
Recommendation: Ensure that warewashing machines are provided with an easily accessible and readable data plate affixed to the machine by the manufacturer that indicates the machine's design and operating specifications including the: (1) Temperatures required for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing; (2) Pressure required for the fresh water sanitizing rinse; and (3) Conveyor speed for conveyor machines or cycle time for stationary rack machines.
Item No.: 24
Site: Bar-Kopernikus Bar
Violation: Staff stated the dish wash unit was a chlorine sanitizer. When the plate was measured with a test strip, less than 10 ppm chlorine residual was noted. A surface plate temperature was measured at 154° F and 143° F. A review of the logs for this dish wash machine showed that the final rinse temperatures were measure above 180°F. This machine was in active use.
Recommendation: Determine if the dish wash machine uses hot water or a chlorine sanitizer to sanitize the plates and glasses. If using hot water, ensure the wash and rinse temperatures meet the minimum data plate temperatures. If using a chlorine sanitizer, ensure the concentration is between 50 - 200 ppm.
Item No.: 28
Site: Galley-Dish Wash Area
Violation: There were a few plates stacked wet and not inverted, impeding air drying.
Recommendation: Ensure that clean equipment and utensils are stored: (1) In a self-draining position that allows air drying; and (2) Covered or inverted.
Item No.: 28
Site: Galley-
Violation: There were clean plates stored under the bulk chemical dispensers for the dish wash machine.
Recommendation: Ensure that cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles are stored: (1) In a clean, dry location; (2) Where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and (3) At least 150 mm (6 inches) above the deck.
Item No.: 30
Site: Galley-Hand Wash Stations
Violation: There was no "Wash Hands Often" sign at any of the hand wash stations.
Recommendation: Ensure that a sign stating "WASH HANDS OFTEN" in a language that the food employees understand is posted over handwashing sinks.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-
Violation: There were open seams and holes noted in the bulkheads throughout the galley, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 33
Site: Food Service General-
Violation: There was no coving at the deck/bulkhead junctures in the galleys and at the deck/counter junctures at the waiter stations, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that bulkhead and deck junctures are coved (including galleys, pantries, deck/counter junctures at buffets, bars, waiter stations, and dining room work counters).
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Soup Station
Violation: The deck was damaged along the scupper drains, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 33
Site: Buffet-
Violation: The deck was not constructed of a hard, cleanable surface material, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Pizzeria
Violation: There were holes noted in the deck, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Ensure that decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas, are maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Galley-Pot Wash
Violation: There was a leak noted at the valve under the 3 compartment sink.
Recommendation: Ensure that a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Pantry-Harris Bar
Violation: The deck drain was clogged under the hand wash station.
Recommendation: Ensure that a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Galley-
Violation: There was a leak at the faucet next to the dish wash machine.
Recommendation: Ensure that a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 36
Site: Buffet-
Violation: There was no shield protecting the heating lamps located over the hot food line. The light bulb over the cold food line was not shielded or shatter-proof.
Recommendation: Ensure that an infrared or other heat lamp is protected against breakage by a shield surrounding and extending beyond the bulb so that only the face of the bulb is exposed.
Item No.: 36
Site: Buffet-
Violation: There was no shield protecting the heating lamps located over the hot food line. The light bulb over the cold food line was not shielded or shatter-proof.
Recommendation: Ensure that light bulbs are shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant in areas where there is exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, and linens, or unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
*Inspections scores of 85 or lower are NOT satisfactory

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