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Hydropower - Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
    Draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) evaluates the Spokane River Developments (P-2545-091) Hydroelectric Project in Steven and Lincoln Counties, Washington and Post Falls Hydroelectric Project (P-12606-000) in Kootenai and Benewah Counties, Idaho
    Issued: December 28, 2006

    The DEIS addresses the impacts of five hydroelectric developments on the Spokane River. The applicant for relicense is Avista Corporation, Spokane, Washington.

    Avista submitted its license application with proposed environmental protection, mitigation and enhancement measures. FERC staff considered what, if any, modifications to Avista’s proposed action would be necessary or appropriate with the continued operation of the project.  Staff is recommending for license Avista’s proposed action with modifications.  Enhancement measures include:  erosion and sedimentation control; improved water quality and quantity; improvement to anadromous and resident fish habitat and recreation facilities upgrades.  Staff did not recommend enhancement measures that are not project related; nor funding or implementation of enhancement measure as yet uncertain or unidentified.

    Staff concludes that relicensing of the Post Falls and Spokane River Developments Projects as proposed with staff modifications would be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for the future use of the Spokane River while ensuring the protection and enhancement of environmental resources.

  eFile your Comments

Electronically file your comments with FERC
All comments must be filed by March 6, 2007, and should reference Project Nos. 2545-091 and 12606-000.

Updated: December 28, 2006