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Book Review

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Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Assessment, Mechanism, Management


Robert P. Yezierski and Kim J. Burchiel (eds.)


IASP Press

Publication Date:







Disease-specific > Spinal Cord Injury


This book provides an assessment of the clinical aspects, mechanisms, and treatment of the common pain states associated with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). The book consists of 26 chapters, which are divided into five major parts:

Part I: Clinical Characteristics and Assessment
Part II: Experimental Studies
Part III: Imaging
Part IV: Treatment
Part V: The Future

Types of Information or Instruments:

This book contains instruments that assess the quality of life, pain, and psychological factors of SCI. A few of the instruments mentioned in this book are Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Present Pain Index, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and McGill Pain Questionnaire.

Quantity of Instruments:

There are approximately 12 instruments referenced in this book.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

Instrument descriptions include author(s), publication date, item scaling and content, and psychometric properties.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

The book describes psychometric properties such as reliability (inter-rater and test-retest) and validity (construct, concurrent, and predictive).

Scale Accessibility:

The book does not provide full scales.

Book Provides Actual Scale Items:

This book does not contain actual scale items.

User-friendly Navigation:

The book is easy to navigate.

Other Types of Information:

The book contains a list of contributing authors and a subject index for further research.



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