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Book Review

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Survival Models and Data Analysis


Regina C. Elandt-Johnson and Norman L. Johnson


John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Publication Date:







Non-disease-specific > Mortality/Survival


This book includes mathematical and graphical techniques for correctly selecting appropriate survival distribution to fit survival data, models for analyzing growth in reliability for clinical trials and developed applications, a complete methodology for comparing two treatment groups when length of survival is the comparison decisive factor, and new help for selecting, in advance clinical trials, the number of patients required for an adequate sample. The book contains four major sections: Survival Measurements and Concepts, Mortality Experiences and Life Tables, Multiple Types of Failure, and Some More Advanced Topics, Plus Indexes.

Types of Information or Instruments:

The text discusses the procedure of multistage testing. It examines the process from developing a hypothesis to collecting valuable data from the test results. The book contains statistical and methodological samples and exercises.

Quantity of Instruments:

There are a few surveys referenced in the book.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The purposes for using the instruments are described in detail as well as the type of data collected. Descriptive information is lacking.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

This book focuses strongly on methods to collect data and design studies, and less on psychometric properties of instruments. The authors cross-reference the methods, then compare mortality experiments and point out the strengths and weaknesses among them. It discusses logic analysis, hypothetical cohort, reliability, variables, types of data, probability and a variety of experimental models.

Scale Accessibility:

The book does not provide full scales.

Book Provides Actual Scale Items:

The book does not contain actual scale items.

User-friendly Navigation:

The book is easy to navigate.

Other Types of Information:

The book contains an Author and Subject Index.


There is a series of books listed as additional references, which starts inside the front and continues to the back cover.

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