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Book Review

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Comorbidity of Mood and Anxiety Disorders


Jack D. Maser, Ph.D. (ed) and C. Robert Cloninger, M.D. (ed)


American Psychiatric Press

Publication Date:







Non-disease-specific > Comorbidity


This book is a good source for clinical research. It brings together the latest information about comorbidity and illustrates a systematic assessment of the co-occurrence of different symptoms and syndromes in patients with disorders of anxiety or mood. It provides the readers with a methodical examination of both empirical and theoretical information in relation to psychiatric comorbidity. Examples of items are shown for the Present State Examination (PSE), Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R: Patient Version (SCID), and NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS).

The book contains the following sections:
Section I: Introduction
Section II: Classification Issues
Section III: Evidence for Comorbidity: Population-Based Studies
Section IV: Evidence for Comorbidtiy: Treated Samples and Longitudinal Studies
Section V: Evidence for Comorbidity: Family and Genetic Studies
Section VI: Evidence for Comorbidity: Biologic Studies
Section VII: Theories of and Perspectives on Anxiety and Depression
Section VIII: Research Issues, Methodology and Assessment

Types of Information or Instruments:

Instruments that assess comorbidity of mood and anxiety are described or mentioned in this book. The book also lists several instruments that are utilized in such studies as the Israel Study, University of Iowa Study, and the Australian Twin Study. The following instruments or diagnostic procedures are used in these various studies: SADS, Differential Anxiety and Depression Inventory, Minnesota Multi-Pphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Present State Examination (PSE), and International Classification of Disease (ICD).

Quantity of Instruments:

There are over 70 measurements referenced in the book.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

Excellent; instrument descriptions include author(s), publication date, number of items, item scaling, item content, references, and psychometric information where available.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

Good. This book details factor analysis, reliability, and validity for the instruments. In addition, the text compared several tests and cross - referenced the data.

Scale Accessibility:

The book does not provide full scales.

Book Provides Actual Scale Items:

Yes, for three scales.

User-friendly Navigation:

The book is easy to navigate.

Other Types of Information:

The book contains a Reference and Author Index for further research.


All instruments that were used in this book are referenced in the Subject Index.

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