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Book Review

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Psychology Resource Guide for Assessment Instruments


National Center for Cost Containment; Department of Veteran Affairs; Milwaukee, WI


National Center for Cost Containment; Department of Veteran Affairs; Milwaukee, WI

Publication Date:

June 1992






Non-disease specific


The Guide serves as a compilation of psychological assessment tools used most often by Medical Center Psychology Services throughout the VA network. It also contains information on less known instruments that show potential as a valid instrument.

The Psychology Service Technical Advisory Group (TAG) worked with the National Center for Cost Containment (NCCC) to develop a survey of instruments used in the VA system. The Guide reports the properties of such instruments, with the exception of more commonly known and used instruments such as the WAIS and Rorschach. Instruments reportedly used by five (5) or more VA Medical Centers were automatically included in the Guide, while instruments that didn’t meet this criterion were still included if they had unique functions or characteristics.

Instruments are divided into five categories within the Guide: 1) general personality, 2) intellectual functioning, 3) neuropsychological/cognitive, 4) vocational/rehabilitation, and 5) other.

Types of Information or Instruments:

Psychological assessment.

Quantity of Instruments:

Excellent. Over 115 instruments included.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

Excellent. Descriptions include: test name, purpose, administration technique, average time to complete and score, advantages, disadvantages, costs, and additional comments and contact information where available.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

Poor. Psychometric information is not provided, except in cases where it is mentioned under “disadvantages” or “advantages.”

Scale Accessibility:

Full scales are not provided.

Book Provides Actual Scale Items:


User-friendly Navigation:

The book is easy to navigate.

Other Types of Information:

The Guide provides the survey given to all VA Psychology Services. It also provides a list of vendors from which to obtain psychological assessment tools.


Instruments may be listed under more than one category if they have a significant secondary purpose.

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