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Scientific Data Documentation
Occupational Health Supplement, 1988


      The data tape for the 1988 National Health Interview Survey on
      occupational health is composed of data for the sample person from
      the basic health and demographic questionnaire at the beginning
      of the tape and data from the occupational health special topic in
      tape locations 336-1540.

      Adult sample persons were asked questions to determine their
      lifetime working status and their work experience in the year
      prior to the interview.  The primary focus of the special health
      topic was on the individuals who were working at a civilian job in
      the prior year.  Those who never worked were only asked the
      smoking related questions at the end of tape (locations 1515-
      1540).  Those who had previously worked, but not in the past year,
      were asked the initial lifetime work experience questions and then
      skipped to the section on chronic conditions, and they were also
      asked the smoking questions.  Those whose most recent work (in the
      prior year) was active duty military followed the same pattern as
      those who had worked but not in the prior year.

      Overall, the nonresponse rate to the occupational health topic
      for those who had a completed basic questionnaire was about
      10 percent; if this is added to the non-response rate of about
      5 percent for the basic questionnaire, the overall response rate
      is about 86 percent.  There was, however, a response problem
      within the questionnaire affecting a specific group of
      respondents.  Among the 2,667 respondents who had worked at
      civilian jobs in the prior year but were not employed at the time
      of the interview, 525 erroneously did not continue the questions
      about their work activities that begin in tape location 455.  They
      did generally answer the questions again beginning with the list
      of chronic conditions in tape location 1134.  The intervening
      fields were "dummied" for these individuals by inserting "unknown"
      responses in each key field, but by definition, these individuals
      could not have reported work injuries, skin and back conditions.
      These cases can be identified by locating cases with a "2" in
      location 357, a code other than "942" (active duty military) in
      location 365-367 and a dummy record code of "1" in location 496.

      The Occupational Health Special Health topic data tape is unusual
      in several ways.  Unlike the majority of NHIS special topics, the
      data was not edited with priority given to information obtained in
      the basic NHIS.  Whenever data in the supplement, which required
      self-response, was in conflict with data previously given by the
      household respondent, the data from the supplement was used.  As a
      result, current occupation and industry codes, as well as current
      employment status may not agree in the two sections of the tape.
      The data from the special topic is considered to be more accurate.

      Reports of work injuries within the prior year were originally
      keyed as separate records, but they are laid out sequentially
      beginning in tape location 624-709 for the most recent injury and
      ending in tape locations 968-1053 for the fifth (the maximum
      reported) injury reported.  Chronic conditions reported in
      response to a list of conditions frequently associated with
      occupational causes were treated in the same sequential manner;
      the first condition reported is found in tape locations 1151-1178
      and the 13th (the maximum reported) in tape locations 1487-1514.

      Frequently, in the course of the questionnaire, the respondent
      was asked if the job where some event or exposure occurred was
      the same as a previously mentioned job.  To avoid repetition,
      the interviewer skipped the subsequent occupation and industry
      questions; however, to make the data tape easier to use, the
      relevant data was inserted into these locations.


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   1-2         -                    RECORD TYPE

                       44,233           70.  Occupational Health Record

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   3-4         -                    PROCESSING YEAR

                       44,233           88.  1988

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    5          -                    PROCESSING QUARTER

                       11,182           1.  Quarter 1
                       10,984           2.  Quarter 2
                       10,885           3.  Quarter 3
                       11,182           4.  Quarter 4

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   6-8      HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   9-10     HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                        3,321           01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                        3,522           02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                        3,396           03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                        3,418           04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                        3,320           05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                        3,394           06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                        3,419           07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                        3,450           08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                        3,405           09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                        3,383           10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                        3,371           11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                        3,370           12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                        3,464           13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13
 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   15-16       -                    PERSON NUMBER

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   17-18       -                 BLANK (Record Serial Number on other record

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within

                        3,321           Week 01.
                        3,522           Week 02.
                        3,412           Week 03.
                        3,418           Week 04.
                        3,320           Week 05.
                        3,394           Week 06.
                        3,419           Week 07.
                        3,471           Week 08.
                        3,417           Week 09.
                        3,396           Week 10.
                        3,353           Week 11.
                        3,347           Week 12.
                        3,443           Week 13.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    21                              BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   22-23    HH-10d               TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                 Housing Unit = (00-07)

                          324        00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                       40,960        01.  House, apartment, flat
                           36        02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                           22        03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                          motel, etc.
                           42        04.  HU in rooming house
                        1,871        05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                          permanent room added
                          294        06.  Mobile home or trailer with one or
                                          more permanent rooms added
                           18        07.  HU not specified above

                                 Other Unit = (08-13)

                           16        08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                          boarding house
                            0        09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                          hotel, motel, etc.
                           40        10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                          trailer, or tent
                          545        11.  Student quarters in college
                           51        12.  Other unit not specified above
                           14        13.  Other unit; kind unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    24      HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                       39,828           1.  Yes, phone number given
                        1,341           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        2,712           3.  No
                          352           4.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    25      A-1                     SEX

                        18,562          1.  Male
                        25,671          2.  Female

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    26         -                    BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   27-28    Person                  AGE
                            0          00.  Under 1 year
                       44,224       01-98.  Number of years
                            9          99.  99+ years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    29      Recode                  AGE RECODE #1

                            0           1.  Under 5 years
                            0           2.  5-17 years
                        5,337           3.  18-24 years
                       19,166           4.  25-44 years
                       10,747           5.  45-64 years
                        2,867           6.  65-69 years
                        2,434           7.  70-74 years
                        3,682           8.  75 years and over

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    30      Recode                  AGE RECODE #2

                            0           1.  Under 6 years
                            0           2.  6-16 years
                        5,337           3.  17-24 years
                       10,534           4.  25-34 years
                        8,632           5.  35-44 years
                        5,441           6.  45-54 years
                        5,306           7.  55-64 years
                        5,301           8.  65-74 years
                        3,682           9.  75 years and over

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   31-32    Recode                  AGE RECODE #3

                            0       00-35.  Months
                       44,233          36.  Over 3 years

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    33         -                    BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   34-39    A-3                     MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

   34-35                            MONTH

                                        01.  January     07.  July
                                        02.  February    08.  August
                                        03.  March       09.  September
                                        04.  April       10.  October
                                        05.  May         11.  November
                                        06.  June        12.  December
                                                         99.  DK or refused

   36-39                            YEAR OF BIRTH

                                    1800-1899.  1800-1899
                                    1900-1988.  1900-1988
                                         9999.  DK or refused

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   40-41                            BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    42      L-3                     MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - Reported

                          343           1.  Aleut, Eskimo, or American Indian
                          801           2.  Asian/Pacific Islander
                        6,159           3.  Black
                       36,458           4.  White
                          324           5.  Other
                           51           6.  Multiple race
                           97           7.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   43-45    Recode                  RACE RECODES

    43                              RECODE 1

                       36,864           1.  White
                        6,186           2.  Black
                        1,183           3.  Other

    44                              RECODE 2

                       36,864           1.  White
                        7,369           2.  Non-white

    45                              RECODE 3

                        6,186           1.  Black
                       38,047           2.  Non-black

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   46-47    L-4                     HISPANIC ORIGIN

                           28           00.  Multiple Hispanic
                          351           01.  Puerto Rican
                          199           02.  Cuban
                          540           03.  Mexican-Mexicano
                          746           04.  Mexican-American
                           22           05.  Chicano
                          271           06.  Other Latin American
                          361           07.  Other Spanish
                          105           08.  Spanish, DK type
                          124           09.  Unknown if Spanish origin
                       41,486           10.  Not Spanish origin

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    48      L-7                     MARITAL STATUS

                            0           0.  Under 14 years
                       23,525           1.  Married - spouse in household
                          474           2.  Married - spouse not in household
                        5,217           3.  Widowed
                        4,862           4.  Divorced
                        1,419           5.  Separated
                        8,681           6.  Never married
                           55           7.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    49      L-1                     VETERAN STATUS

                       37,015           1.  Non-veteran
                           43           2.  WW I
                        2,170           3.  WW II
                        1,045           4.  Korean War
                        1,961           5.  Vietnam veteran
                          521           6.  Post-Vietnam
                          989           7.  Other service
                          120           8.  Served in Armed Forces, unknown if
                                            war veteran
                          369           9.  Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                            0       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    50      L-1                     ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS ON
                                    ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                       37,015         0.  Non-veteran
                          466         1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                          968         2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                            4         3.  Unknown if all service in
                        5,025         4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                          755         5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                          Guard/Reserve or served in Armed
                            0     Blank.  Under 18 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   51-52    L-2                     EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                          163          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       26,654       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        3,317           13.  1 year
                        4,020           14.  2 years
                        1,570           15.  3 years
                        4,834           16.  4 years
                        1,090           17.  5 years
                        2,440           18.  6 years or more
                          145           19.  Unknown
                            0        Blank.  Under 5 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    53      Recode                  EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                          163           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        4,645           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        5,588           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       16,421           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        8,907           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        4,834           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        3,530           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          145           7.  Unknown
                            0       Blank.  Under 5 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

                                 MEMBER - (Detail)

                           93       00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       23,342    01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        3,387        13.  1 year
                        4,633        14.  2 years
                        1,788        15.  3 years
                        5,870        16.  4 years
                        1,430        17.  5 years
                        3,616        18.  6 years or more
                           74        19.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

                                 MEMBER - Recode

                           93        0.  None; kindergarten only
                        3,318        1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        4,346        2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       15,678        3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        9,808        4.  1-3 years (college)
                        5,870        5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        5,046        6.  5+ years (post-college)
                           74        7.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    57      L-8                     FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                       19,308           1.  Less than $20,000
                       24,054           2.  $20,000 or more
                          871           3.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   58-59    L-8                     FAMILY INCOME

                          427           00.  Less than  $1,000
                          445           01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                          528           02.    2,000 -   2,999
                          741           03.    3,000 -   3,999
                          974           04.    4,000 -   4,999
                          938           05.    5,000 -   5,999
                        1,006           06.    6,000 -   6,999
                          959           07.    7,000 -   7,999
                          853           08.    8,000 -   8,999
                          930           09.    9,000 -   9,999
                        1,127           10.   10,000 -  10,999
                          694           11.   11,000 -  11,999
                        1,068           12.   12,000 -  12,999
                          689           13.   13,000 -  13,999
                          730           14.   14,000 -  14,999
                          987           15.   15,000 -  15,999
                          698           16.   16,000 -  16,999
                          793           17.   17,000 -  17,999
                          950           18.   18,000 -  18,999
                        1,154           19.   19,000 -  19,999
                        3,965           20.   20,000 -  24,999
                        3,480           21.   25,000 -  29,999
                        3,072           22.   30,000 -  34,999
                        2,405           23.   35,000 -  39,999
                        2,117           24.   40,000 -  44,999
                        1,553           25.   45,000 -  49,999
                        5,053           26.  $50,000 and over
                        5,897           27.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    60      Recode                  FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                        3,115           0.  Under $5,000
                        1,944           1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                        2,742           2.    7,000 -   9,999
                        4,308           3.   10,000 -  14,999
                        4,582           4.   15,000 -  19,999
                        3,965           5.   20,000 -  24,999
                        6,552           6.   25,000 -  34,999
                        6,075           7.   35,000 -  49,999
                        5,053           8.  $50,000 or more
                        5,897           9.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    61      Generated               NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                       35,458           1.  At or above poverty threshold
                        5,280           2.  Below poverty threshold
                        3,495           3.  Unknown

 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age & family
  income using the 1986 poverty levels derived from the August, 1987 Current
  Population Survey.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   62-63                         FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

    62      A-2                  Type of Family
                       12,041        &.  Primary individual
                        1,230        -.  Secondary individual
                       30,889        0.  Primary family
                           73      1-9.  Secondary family

    63      A-2                  Relationship to Reference Person
                       11,081        &.  Reference person, living alone
                       17,869        0.  Reference person, 2+ persons in
                       11,743        1.  Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                         Forces and living at home
                          307        2.  Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces
                                         and living at home
                        2,430        3.  Child of reference person or spouse
                           78        4.  Grandchild of reference person or
                          229        5.  Parent of reference person or spouse
                          496        6.  Other relative
                            0        7.  Child of ineligible reference person
                            0        9.  DK or refused

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    64      Recode                  FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                       11,081           1.  Living alone
                        2,190           2.  Living only with non-relative
                       23,508           3.  Living with spouse
                        7,454           4.  Living with relative - other

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   65-66    Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                    Unrelated individuals are coded 01

 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    67      Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                       44,129           1-8.  Number of members
                          104             9.  9+ members

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   68       A-2                  PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25 years
                                 old and never married)

                          735        1.  Both parents, no other relative
                          352        2.  Mother only
                           57        3.  Father only
                          222        4.  Both parents and other 21+ year old
                                         adult relative
                          102        5.  Mother and other 21+ year old adult
                            9        6.  Father and other 21+ year old adult
                           86        7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old adult
                           54        8.  No parent, but two or more 21+ year
                                         old adult relatives
                          304        9.  Unknown
                        1,769        0.  Other
                       40,543    Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or ever

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   69       B-1                     MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                       25,889           1.  Working
                        9,888           2.  Keeping house
                        2,399           3.  Going to school
                        5,719           4.  Something else
                          338           5.  Unknown
                            0       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   70       G-4                     HEALTH STATUS

                       14,509           1.  Excellent
                       12,474           2.  Very Good
                       11,184           3.  Good
                        4,224           4.  Fair
                        1,688           5.  Poor
                          154           6.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    71      Recode               ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS - (all ages)

                        2,338        1.  Unable to perform major activity
                        3,049        2.  Limited in kind/amount major activity
                        2,798        3.  Limited in other activities
                       36,048        4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    72      Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                    "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                        2,529           1.  Unable to work
                        1,857           2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                        1,527           3.  Limited in other activities
                       32,204           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                        6,116       Blank.  Not applicable
                                            (under 18 years, 70+ years)

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   73       B-11                 LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 years)

                            0        1.  Unable to attend school
                            0        2.  Attends special school/classes
                            0        3.  Needs special school/classes
                            0        4.  Limited in school attendance
                            0        5.  Limited in other activities
                            0        6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       44,233    Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years or 18+

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   74       B-14                 NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years old
                                 and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                          227        1.  Unable to perform personal care needs
                          713        2.  Limited in performing other routine
                        8,369        3.  Not limited in performing personal or
                                         routine needs
                          234        4.  Unknown
                       34,690    Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 5-59
                                         years not limited; 70+ years old)

 *For persons 70+ years, codes 1 and 2 in loc. 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2
  in loc. 74.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   75       D-1                  EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS (18+ years)

                                 In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                 Currently employed: (1-3)
                       26,601        1.  Worked in past 2 weeks
                          644        2.  Did not work, has job; not on lay-off
                                         and not looking for work
                           21        3.  Did not work, has job; looking for
                                 Unemployed: (4-7)
                           69        4.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                            8        5.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off and
                                         looking for work
                          227        6.  Did not work, has job; unknown if
                                         looking or on lay-off
                        1,034        7.  Did not work no job; looking for work
                                         or on lay-off

                       15,629    Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)
                            0    Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years old)

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   76       L-6                     CLASS OF WORKER

                       15,629           0.  Not in labor force
                       20,568           1.  Private company
                          879           2.  Federal Government employee
                        1,240           3.  State Government employee
                        2,329           4.  Local Government employee
                          659           5.  Incorporated business
                        2,485           6.  Self-employed
                           60           7.  Without pay
                           40           8.  Never worked
                          344           9.  Unknown
                            0       Blank.  Under 18

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   77-79    L-6                     INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE

                       28,604       010-996.  Code number
                       15,629         Blank.  Not applicable

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   80-81    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX D

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   82-83    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX D

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   84-86    L-6                     OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE

                       28,604       003-999.  Code number
                       15,629         Blank.  Not applicable

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   87-88    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   89-90    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    91      L-R                     RESPONDENT FOR CORE

                            0           0.  Under 17
                       33,808           1.  Self-entirely
                        2,683           2.  Self-partly
                        7,346           3.  Proxy
                          396           4.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   92       Recode                  CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED

                        7,392           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                        7,313           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                        7,346           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                        7,328           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                        7,332           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                        7,410           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                          112           7.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   93-94    G-5                     HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ years)

                       44,001       36-98.  Number of inches
                          232          99.  Unknown
                            0       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   95-97    G-5                     WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ years)

                       43,657       050-500.  Number of pounds
                          576           501.  Unknown
                            0         Blank.  Under 18 years of age

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   98-99    Recode                  TOTAL RESTRICTED ACTIVITY DAYS IN PAST TWO

                       39,338          00.  None
                        4,895       01-14.  Days

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 100-101    D-4                     BED DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS

                       41,454          00.  None
                        2,779       01-14.  Days

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 102-103    D-2                  WORK-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS (control on
                                 Currently Employed, 75:1-3)

                       42,515       00.  None
                        1,718    01-14.  Days

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 104-105    D-3                     SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS

                       44,233          00.  none
                            0       01-14.  Days

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 106-107    D-6                     OTHER DAYS OF RESTRICTED ACTIVITY IN PAST
                                    TWO WEEKS

                       41,653          00.  None
                        2,580       01-14.  Days

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 108-110    G-2                     BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

                       24,589           000.  None
                       19,331       001-365.  1-365 days
                          313           366.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   111      Recode                  BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS - Recode

                       24,589           0.  None
                       14,061           1.  1-7 days
                        3,746           2.  8-30 days
                        1,232           3.  31-180 days
                          292           4.  181-365 days
                          313           5.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 112-114    G-3                     DOCTOR VISITS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

                       10,521           000.  None
                       33,540       001-996.  Visits
                            0           997.  997+ visits
                          172           998.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   115      G-3                     INTERVAL SINCE LAST DOCTOR VISIT

                           46           0.  Never
                       33,947           1.  Less than 1 year
                        4,030           2.  1 to 1ess than 2 years
                        4,093           3.  2 to 1ess than 5 years
                        1,702           4.  5 years or more
                          415           5.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 116-117    Generated               NUMBER OF CONDITIONS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 118-119    Generated               NUMBER OF ACUTE INCIDENCE CONDITIONS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 120-121    Generated               NUMBER OF TWO-WEEK DOCTOR VISITS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 122-123    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODES
                                    IN PAST 12 MONTHS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 124-126    Generated               SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODE DAYS IN PAST
                                    12 MONTHS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 127-128    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODES IN
                                    PAST 12 MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 129-131    Generated               SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODE DAYS IN PAST
                                    12 MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
 132-133    Generated              NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL DISCHARGES IN
                                   PAST 6 MONTHS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
 134-136    Generated            NUMBER OF DAYS IN SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL IN PAST
                                 12 MONTHS FOR DISCHARGES IN PAST 6 MONTHS

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
 137-138    Generated              NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL DISCHARGES IN
                                   PAST 6 MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
 139-141    Generated            NUMBER OF DAYS IN SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL IN PAST
                                 12 MONTHS FOR DISCHARGES IN PAST 6 MONTHS
                                 EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 142-171       -                    BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 172-177                            ANNUAL BASIC WEIGHT BEFORE AGE-SEX-RACE

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   178      Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM
                        4,426           0.  Permit
                        4,290           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       35,517           2.  Area, not oversample for blacks

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 179-181       -                    FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   182      Master                  REGION
                        9,055           1.  Northeast
                       11,363           2.  Midwest
                       14,969           3.  South
                        8,846           4.  West

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   183      Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                    MSA Size
                       18,448           1.  1,000,000 or more
                       11,658           2.  250,000 - 999,999
                        2,919           3.  100,000 - 249,999
                          694           4.  Under 100,000
                       10,514       Blank.  Non-MSA

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   184      Recode                  BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   185      Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                       23,546           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                       10,173           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                            6           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                       10,508           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   186      Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                       15,188           1.  MSA - Central City
                       18,531           2.  MSA - Not Central City
                        9,904           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                          610           4.  Non-MSA - Farm

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 187-189                            PSEUDO PSU CODES

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 190-200                            BLANK

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 201-206                            FINAL ANNUAL BASIC WEIGHT

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

 207-335                            BLANK

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   336      Recode                     LIFETIME WORK STATUS
                           1,744           1.  Never worked
                          42,487           2.  Worked
                               2           9.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 337-339    1a-b                       LONGEST OCCUPATION
                           1,744           000.  Never worked
                          42,209       003-889.  Code number
                             153           905.  Military occupations
                               2           998.  Unknown if ever worked
                             125           999.  Unknown occupation

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (340-343)  Recode                     LONGEST OCCUPATION RECODES
                                       (Appendix A)

 340-341                                   Recode 1
 342-343                                   Recode 2

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 344-345    2a                         HOW LONG DID THIS KIND OF WORK
                           1,412          00.  Less than one year
                          40,755       01-97.  1-97 years
                               0          98.  98+ years
                             320          99.  Unknown
                           1,746       Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 346-347    2b                         AGE WHEN STARTED LONGEST OCCUPATION
                          41,192       01-97.  1-97 years
                               0          98.  98+ years
                           1,295          99.  Unknown
                           1,746       Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 348-350    3a                         LONGEST INDUSTRY FOR LONGEST OCCUPATION
                           1,744           000.  Never worked
                          40,991       010-931.  Code number
                             433           932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                             531           942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                             532           990.  Unknown industry
                               2           998.  Unknown if ever worked

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (351-354)  Recode                     LONGEST INDUSTRY RECODES
                                       (Appendix B)

 351-352                                   Recode 1
 353-354                                   Recode 2

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   355      3b                        CLASS OF WORKER
                          31,966          1.  Private Company
                             606          2.  Armed Forces
                           1,459          3.  Federal government
                           1,534          4.  State government
                           3,313          5.  Local government
                             543          6.  Self-employed - incorporated
                           2,677          7.  Self-employed - not incorporated
                             190          8.  Without pay
                             199          9.  Unknown
                           1,746      Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   356      Recode                     CURRENT JOB STATUS
                          27,408           1.  Currently working
                          15,079           2.  Not currently working
                           1,746       Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   357      Recode                  WORK STATUS IN PAST 12 MONTHS*
                          21,319        1.  Worked all of past 12 months
                           2,682        2.  Worked only in part of past 12
                                            months and not in past 2 weeks
                           6,089        3.  Worked in past year, but unknown
                                            if entire 12 months (includes
                                            worked at current job less than
                                            1 year)
                          14,021        4.  No, did not work in past 12 months
                                            (includes never worked)
                             122        9.  Unknown if worked in past 12
                                            months and no evidence suggests
                                            that they did

 * The last job of 15 of those in category 2 and 1 of those in category 1
   was active duty military.  They are not eligible for questions on injuries,
   back and skin conditions.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (358-364)  Recode                     OCCUPATION IN LAST YEAR (including
                                       Currently held)
 358-360                                 Detailed code
 361-362                                 Recode 1 - See Appendix A
 363-364                                 Recode 2 - See Appendix A
                                         Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                                 worked; didn't work in past

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (365-371)  Recode                     INDUSTRY IN LAST YEAR (including
                                       Currently held)
 365-367                                 Detailed Code
 368-369                                 Recode 1 - See Appendix B
 370-371                                 Recode 2 - See Appendix B
                                         Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                                 worked; didn't work in past

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   372      Recode                   CLASS OF WORKER IN LAST YEAR
                                     (including currently held)
                          21,753         1.  Private Company
                             662         2.  Armed Forces
                           1,244         3.  Federal government
                           2,162         4.  State government
                           1,077         5.  Local government
                           2,022         6.  Self-employed - incorporated
                             771         7.  Self-employed - not incorporated
                              16         8.  Without pay
                             383         9.  Unknown
                          14,143     Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                             worked; didn't work in past year)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   373      4a                         WORKED IN PAST 12 MONTHS
                           2,682           1.  Yes
                          12,338           2.  No
                              59           9.  Unknown
                          29,154       Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                               worked; currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (374-376)  4b                       HOW LONG SINCE WORKED

 374-375                                 Number Of Units
                          14,648         01-95.  1-95 weeks, months, years
                               2            96.  96+ weeks, months, years
                             208            97.  Unknown, but less than 1 year
                             160            98.  Unknown, but more than 1 year
                              61            99.  Unknown
                          29,154         Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                                 worked; currently working)

   376                                   Time Units
                             445             1.  Weeks
                           2,960             2.  Months
                          11,478             3.  Years
                             196             9.  Unknown
                          29,154         Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if ever
                                                 worked; currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 377-379    Recode                   MONTHS SINCE LAST WORKED
                                     (no current job but has worked)
                             257         000.  Less than 1 month
                          14,393     001-995.  1-995 months
                               0         996.  996+ months
                              41         997.  Less than 1 year, exact
                                               time unknown
                             329         998.  More than 1 year, exact time
                              59         999.  Unknown
                          29,154       Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if
                                               ever worked; currently working)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 380-382    4c-d                       INDUSTRY (not currently working but
                                       worked in past year)
                           2,547       010-931.  Code number
                              20           932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                              15           942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                             100           990.  Unknown
                          41,551         Blank.  NA
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (383-386)  Recode                     MOST RECENT INDUSTRY IN LAST YEAR
                                       (Not currently working but worked
                                       in past year)
 383-384                                   Recode 1-see Appendix B
 385-386                                   Recode 2-see Appendix B
                                           Blank. NA
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 387-389    4e-f                       OCCUPATION (Not currently working but
                                       worked in past year)
                           2,591       003-889.  Code number
                               3           905.  Military occupation
                              88           999.  Unknown
                          41,551         Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 390-393    Recode                     MOST RECENT OCCUPATION IN LAST YEAR
                                       (not currently working but worked in
                                       past year) (APPENDIX A)
 390-391                                   Recode 1
 392-393                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank. NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   394      4g                         CLASS OF WORKER (Not currently working
                                       but worked in past year)
                           2,106           1.  Private company
                              17           2.  Armed Forces
                              70           3.  Federal government
                              82           4.  State government
                             178           5.  Local government
                               9           6.  Self-employed, incorporated
                             127           7.  Self-employed, not incorporated
                               7           8.  Without pay
                              86           9.  Unknown
                          41,551       Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (395-397)  5                       HOW LONG WORKED AT LAST JOB (Not currently
                                    working, but worked in past year)

 395-396                                Number Of Units
                           2,521        01-97.  1-97 weeks, months, years
                               0           98.  98+ weeks, months, years
                             161           99.  Unknown
                          41,551        Blank.  NA

   397                                  Time Units
                             221            1.  Weeks
                           1,189            2.  Months
                           1,111            3.  Years
                             161            9.  Unknown
                          41,551        Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 398-400    Recode                     MONTHS WORKED FOR MOST RECENT JOB
                                       IN LAST YEAR (Not currently working
                                       but worked in past year)
                             129           000.  Less than 1 month
                           2,392       001-997.  1-997 months
                               0           998.  998+ months
                             161           999.  Unknown
                          41,551         Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 401-402    6a                         HOW LONG DID MOST RECENT KIND OF WORK
                                       (Not currently working, but worked
                                       in past year)
                             778           00.  Less than 1 year
                           1,650        01-97.  1-97 years
                               0           98.  98+ years
                             254           99.  Unknown
                          41,551        Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 403-404    6b                         AGE STARTED MOST RECENT KIND OF WORK
                                       (Not currently working, but worked
                                       in past year)
                           2,430       01-97.  1-97 years
                               0          98.  98+ years
                             252          99.  Unknown
                          41,551       Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 405-407    7a                        INDUSTRY WHERE DID MOST RECENT WORK
                                      THE LONGEST TIME (Not currently working,
                                      but worked in past year)
                           2,391      010-931.  Code number
                              25          932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                              21          942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                             245          990.  Unknown
                          41,551        Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (408-411)  Recode                     LONGEST INDUSTRY OF MOST RECENT
                                       OCCUPATION IN LAST YEAR (Not currently
                                       working, but worked in past year)
                                       (APPENDIX B)

 408-409                                   Recode 1
 410-411                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank. NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   412      7b                        CLASS OF WORKER (Not currently working,
                                      but worked in past year)
                           2,016          1.  Private company
                              23          2.  Armed Forces
                              72          3.  Federal government
                              74          4.  State government
                             167          5.  Local government
                               8          6.  Self-employed - incorporated
                             121          7.  Self-employed - not incorporated
                               7          8.  Without pay
                             194          9.  Unknown
                          41,551      Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (413-418)  8a                         REASON STOPPED WORKING
   413                                     Job-Related Health Problem
                             724               1.  Mentioned
                          14,184               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

   414                                     Health Problem Not Job-Related
                           1,878               1.  Mentioned
                          13,030               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

   415                                     Retired
                           5,341               1.  Mentioned
                           9,567               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

   416                                     Family/Child Care
                           3,232               1.  Mentioned
                          11,676               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

   417                                     On Layoff
                             713               1.  Mentioned
                          14,195               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

   418                                     Other
                           3,346               1.  Mentioned
                          11,562               2.  Not mentioned
                             171               9.  Unknown
                          29,154           Blank.  NA  (Never, unknown if
                                                   ever worked, currently

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   419      8b                       WORKER'S COMPENSATION CLAIM FILED
                                     (Worked but not currently; reason for not
                                     working was job related health problem)
                             384         1.  Yes
                             331         2.  No
                               9         9.  Unknown
                          43,509     Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   420      8c                         RECEIVED ANY BENEFITS FROM WORKER'S
                                       COMPENSATION (Worker's compensation
                                       claim filed)
                             281           1.  Yes
                             103           2.  No
                               0           9.  Unknown
                          43,849       Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   421      8d                       CLAIM FILED FOR OTHER BENEFITS
                                     (Worked but not currently; reason for not
                                     working was job related health problem)
                             248         1.  Yes
                             464         2.  No
                              12         9.  Unknown
                          43,509     Blank.  NA

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 422-424    9a-b                       CURRENT INDUSTRY
                          27,155       010-932.  Code number
                               4           942.  Armed Forces*
                             249           990.  Unknown industry
                          16,825         Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 *Three of these respondents had non-military occupations (loc. 429-431 not
  equal to 905).  Because it could not be determined if they were actually on
  active duty, they were not deleted from the subsequent sections.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 425-428    Recode                     CURRENT INDUSTRY
                                       (APPENDIX B)

 425-426                               Recode 1
 427-428                               Recode 2
                                       Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 429-431    9c-d                       CURRENT OCCUPATION
                          27,310       003-889.  Code number
                               1           905.  Military occupations
                              97           999.  Unknown occupation
                          16,825         Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (432-435)  Recode                     CURRENT OCCUPATION
                                       (APPENDIX A)

 432-433                               Recode 1
 434-435                               Recode 2
                                       Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   436      9e                        CURRENT CLASS OF WORKER
                          19,647          1.  Private company
                             645          2.  Armed Forces
                           1,174          3.  Federal government
                           2,080          4.  State government
                             899          5.  Local government
                           2,013          6.  Self-employed - incorporated
                             644          7.  Self-employed - not incorporated
                               9          8.  Without pay
                             297          9.  Unknown
                          16,825      Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (437-439)  9f                        HOW LONG WORKED FOR CURRENT EMPLOYER

 437-438                                  Number Of Units
                          26,001          01-97.  1-97 weeks, months, years
                               2             98.  98+ weeks, months, years
                           1,404             99.  Unknown
                          16,826          Blank.  NA (Not currently working at
                                                  civilian job)

   439                                    Time Units
                             933              1.  Weeks
                           6,633              2.  Months
                          18,437              3.  Years
                           1,404              9.  Unknown
                          16,826          Blank.  NA (Not currently working at
                                                  civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 440-442    Recode                     MONTHS WORKED IN CURRENT JOB
                             603           000.  Less than 1 month
                          25,400       001-997.  1-997 months
                               0           998.  998+ months
                           1,404           999.  Unknown
                          16,826         Blank.  NA (Not currently working at
                                                 civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 443-444    9g                             HOW MANY YEARS DID CURRENT KIND OF
                           2,704              00.  Less than 1 year
                          18,006           01-97.  1-97 years
                               0              98.  98+ years
                           6,697              99.  Unknown
                          16,826           Blank.  NA (Not currently working
                                                   at civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 445-446    9h                           AGE WHEN STARTED CURRENT KIND OF WORK
                          20,695         01-97.  1-97 years
                               0            98.  98+ years
                           6,712            99.  Unknown
                          16,826         Blank.  NA (Not currently working
                                                 at civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 447-449    9i                           INDUSTRY WHERE DID CURRENT WORK

                          20,676         010-931.  Code number
                             147             932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                              62             942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                           6,522             990.  Unknown industry
                          16,826           Blank.  NA (Not currently working
                                                   at civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (450-453)  Recode                      LONGEST INDUSTRY OF CURRENT OCCUPATION
                                        (APPENDIX B)

 450-451                                Recode 1
 452-453                                Recode 2
                                        Blank.  NA (Not currently working
                                                at civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   454      9j                           CLASS OF WORKER
                          15,665             1.  Private company
                              77             2.  Armed Forces
                             644             3.  Federal government
                             911             4.  State government
                           1,740             5.  Local government
                             388             6.  Self-employed - incorporated
                           1,651             7.  Self-employed - not
                              44             8.  Without pay
                           6,287             9.  Unknown
                          16,826         Blank.  NA (Not currently working
                                                 at civilian job)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   455      10a                          DID JOB REQUIRE STRENUOUS PHYSICAL
                           9,142             1.  Yes
                          20,365             2.  No
                             567             9.  Unknown
                          14,159         Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past year;
                                                 last job not civilian)

 * The questions beginning with question 10a (loc. 455) through Section N6
   (loc. 1132) pertain only to persons who worked in the past year at a
   civilian job.

   NOTE:  There is a serious non-response problem among respondents who are
   not currently working but worked in the past year.  See the cover sheet for
   specific figures and ways of identifying these records.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (456-458)  10b                         HOW MANY MINUTES OR HOURS AT WORK IN
                                        STRENUOUS ACTIVITIES

 456-457                                    Number Of Units
                               0               00.  None
                           8,537            01-97.  01-97 minutes or hours
                               1               98.  98+ minutes or hours
                             604               99.  Unknown
                          35,091            Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                    strenuous activity)

   458                                      Time Units
                               0                0.  None
                           1,110                1.  Minutes
                           7,428                2.  Hours
                             604                9.  Unknown
                          35,091            Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                    strenuous activity)

 * The questions beginning with question 10a (loc. 455) through Section N6
   (loc. 1132) pertain only to persons who worked in the past year at a
   civilian job.

   NOTE:  There is a serious non-response problem among respondents who are
   not currently working but worked in the past year.  See the cover sheet for
   specific figures and ways of identifying these records.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 459-461    Recode                      TYPICAL MINUTES SPENT AT WORK DOING
                                        STRENUOUS PHYSICAL EXERCISE
                               0            000.  None
                           8,527        001-960.  Number of minutes
                              11            998.  998+ minutes
                             604            999.  Unknown
                          35,091          Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                  strenuous activity)

 * The questions beginning with question 10a (loc. 455) through Section N6
   (loc. 1132) pertain only to persons who worked in the past year at a
   civilian job.

   NOTE:  There is a serious non-response problem among respondents who are
   not currently working but worked in the past year.  See the cover sheet for
   specific figures and ways of identifying these records.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   462      11a                            DID JOB REQUIRE REPEATED BENDING,
                                           TWISTING, REACHING
                          13,327               1.  Yes
                          16,166               2.  No
                             581               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (463-465)  11b                            HOW MANY MINUTES OR HOURS AT WORK

 463-464                                     Number Of Units
                               0              00.  None
                          12,482           01-97.  1-97 minutes or hours
                               2              98.  98+ minutes, hours
                             843              99.  Unknown
                          30,906           Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                   repeated activities)

   465                                       Time Units
                               0               0.  None
                             701               1.  Minutes
                          11,783               2.  Hours
                             843               9.  Unknown
                          30,906           Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                   repeated activities)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 466-468    Recode                       TYPICAL MINUTES SPENT AT WORK DOING
                                         REPEATED BENDING/TWISTING
                               0             000.  None
                          12,467         001-960.  Number of minutes
                              17             998.  998+ minutes
                             843             999.  Unknown
                          30,906           Blank.  NA (*, Job did not require
                                                   repeated activities)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   469      12a                            DID JOB REQUIRE BENDING OR TWISTING
                                           HANDS, WRISTS
                          14,616               1.  Yes
                          14,875               2.  No
                             583               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (470-472)  12b                            HOW MANY MINUTES OR HOURS AT WORK
                                           BENDING/TWISTING HANDS/WRISTS

 470-471                                     Number Of Units
                               0              00.  None
                          13,724           01-97.  1-97 minutes or hours
                               2              98.  98+ minutes, hours
                             890              99.  Unknown
                          29,617           Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                   bending/twisting of hands
                                                   or wrists)

   472                                       Time Units
                               0               0.  None
                             341               1.  Minutes
                          13,385               2.  Hours
                             890               9.  Unknown
                          29,617           Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                   bending/twisting of hands
                                                   or wrists)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 473-475    Recode                      TYPICAL MINUTES SPENT AT WORK BENDING/
                                        TWISTING HANDS/WRISTS
                               0            000.  None
                          13,708        001-960.  Number of minutes
                              18            998.  More than 998 minutes
                             890            999.  Unknown
                          29,617          Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                  bending/twisting of hands
                                                  or wrists)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   476      13a                            WORK WITH VIBRATING MACHINERY
                           5,072               1.  Yes
                          24,370               2.  No
                             632               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (477-479)  13b                            HOW MANY MINUTES OR HOURS AT WORK
                                           WITH VIBRATING MACHINERY

 477-478                                     Number Of Units
                               1               00.  None
                           4,683            01-97.  1-97 minutes or hours
                               1               98.  98+ minutes, hours
                             387               99.  Unknown
                          39,161            Blank.  NA (*, job did not use
                                                    vibrating machinery)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (477-479)     13b                      HOW MANY MINUTES OR HOURS AT WORK WITH
                                        VIBRATING MACHINERY - continued

   479                                    Time Units
                               1            0.  None
                             719            1.  Minutes
                           3,965            2.  Hours
                             387            9.  Unknown
                          39,161        Blank.  NA (*, job did not use
                                                 vibrating machinery)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 480-482    Recode                      TYPICAL MINUTES SPENT AT WORK WITH
                                        VIBRATING TOOLS/MACHINERY
                               1            000.  None
                           4,678        001-960.  Number of minutes
                               6            998.  More than 998 minutes
                             387            999.  Unknown
                          39,161          Blank.  NA (*, job did not require
                                                  use of vibrating machinery)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (483-493)  (14a-k)                        SKIN EXPOSURES PAST 12 MONTHS

   483                                       Exposed To Solvents Or Degreasers
                           6,570               1.  Yes
                          22,889               2.  No
                             615               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   484      14b                              Exposed to Petroleum Products
                           6,339               1.  Yes
                          23,112               2.  No
                             623               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   485      14c                              Exposed To Soaps, Detergents,
                                             Cleaning Solutions
                          10,282               1.  Yes
                          19,174               2.  No
                             618               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   486      14d                              Exposed To Cutting Oils, Machine
                                             Coolants, Metal Working Fluids
                           3,319               1.  Yes
                          26,135               2.  No
                             620               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
 (483-493)  (14a-k)                        SKIN EXPOSURES PAST 12 MONTHS

   487      14e                              Exposed To Paints, Varnishes,
                                             Lacquers, Other Coatings
                           4,134               1.  Yes
                          25,321               2.  No
                             619               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   488      14f                              Exposed To Glues, Pastes, Other
                           5,161               1.  Yes
                          24,279               2.  No
                             634               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   489      14g                              Exposed To Acids Or Alkalies
                           2,758               1.  Yes
                          26,649               2.  No
                             667               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   490      14h                              Exposed To Pesticides,
                                             Insecticides Herbicides,
                                             Fungicides Or Other Fumigants
                           1,794               1.  Yes
                          27,622               2.  No
                             658               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   491      14i                              Exposed To Foods Or Food Products
                           4,355               1.  Yes
                          25,084               2.  No
                             635               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   492      14j                              Exposed To Plants, Trees, Shrubs
                           2,213               1.  Yes
                          27,211               2.  No
                             650               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

   493      14k                              Exposed To Any Other Substances
                                             That Could Irritate Skin
                           3,151               1.  Yes
                          25,843               2.  No
                           1,080               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 494-495                                   BLANK

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                              SECTION N2. BACK PAIN

   496                                   DUMMY FLAG
                             581             1.  Dummy Record (locs. 497-619)
                          43,652         Blank.  Not dummy record

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   497      1a                             BACK PAIN FOR A WEEK DURING PAST
                                           12 MONTHS
                           5,256               1.  Yes
                             261               2.  Yes, but only menstrual**
                          23,970               3.  No
                             587               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **These respondents were not asked further back pain questions.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 498-500    2a                           HOW MANY DAYS HAD BACK PAIN
                           3,934         007-364.  7-364 days
                           1,106             365.  Everyday
                             216             999.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **These respondents were not asked further back pain questions.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 501-503    2b                           HOW MANY FULL DAYS MISSED WORK
                                         BECAUSE OF BACK PAIN
                           3,808             000.  None
                           1,336         001-365.  1-365 days
                             112             999.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **These respondents were not asked further back pain questions.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   504      3a                             WHAT PART OF BACK BOTHERED MOST
                             701               1.  Upper
                             563               2.  Middle
                           3,715               3.  Lower
                             205               4.  Multiple parts including
                              28               5.  Upper and middle
                              44               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **These respondents were not asked further back pain questions.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (505-507)  3b                         DID BACK PAIN SPREAD TO:

   505                                     Buttocks
                           1,714               1.  Yes
                           3,501               2.  No
                              41               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

   506                                     Thighs
                           1,577               1.  Yes
                           3,634               2.  No
                              45               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

   507                                     Lower Legs Or Foot
                           1,514               1.  Yes
                           3,687               2.  No
                              55               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
   508      4a                         BACK PAIN RESULT FROM SINGLE ACCIDENT
                           2,051           1.  Yes
                           3,174           2.  No
                              31           9.  Unknown
                          38,977       Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (509-514)  4b                         WHEN DID ACCIDENT HAPPEN**

 509-510                                   Month
                             145               01.  January
                             133               02.  February
                             129               03.  March
                             135               04.  April
                             124               05.  May
                             186               06.  June
                             140               07.  July
                             141               08.  August
                             116               09.  September
                             141               10.  October
                             144               11.  November
                             120               12.  December
                             347               98.  Unknown month
                              50               99.  Unknown
                          42,182            Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                    back pain not from single

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (509-514)  4b                         WHEN DID ACCIDENT HAPPEN**

 511-512                                   Date
                             845           01-31.  Day of month
                           1,156              98.  Unknown day
                              50              99.  Unknown
                          42,182           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single

 513-514                                   Year
                           2,001           00-88.  1900-1988
                              50              99.  Unknown
                          42,182           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 515-516    Recode                     YEARS SINCE ACCIDENT
                             860              00.  Less than 1 year
                           1,141           01-98.  1-98 years
                              50              99.  Unknown
                          42,182           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   517      4c                         AT WORK WHEN ACCIDENT HAPPENED
                             958               1.  Yes
                           1,082               2.  No
                              11               9.  Unknown
                          42,182           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   518      4d                         WAS THIS AT MOST RECENT JOB
                                       HELD IN PAST YEAR
                             603               1.  Yes
                             355               2.  No
                               0               9.  Unknown
                          43,275           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single
                                                   accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Not edited with respect to rationality of work date.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 519-521    4e-f                        INDUSTRY WHEN ACCIDENT HAPPENED
            Recode                      (Those At Work When Accident Happened)

                             900        010-931.  Code number
                               3            932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                              30            942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                              25            990.  Unknown Industry
                          43,275          Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                  back pain not from single
                                                  accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (522-525)  Recode                         INDUSTRY WHEN ACCIDENT HAPPENED
                                           (Appendix B)

 522-523                                   Recode 1
 524-525                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single
                                                   accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 526-528    4g-h                        OCCUPATION WHEN ACCIDENT HAPPENED
                                        (Those At Work When Accident Happened)

                             915        003-889.  Code number
                              14            905.  Military occupations
                              29            999.  Unknown occupation
                          43,275          Blank.  NA (*, no known back
                                                  pain, back pain not from
                                                  single accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (529-532)  Recode                         OCCUPATION WHEN ACCIDENT HAPPENED
                                           (Appendix A)

 529-530                                   Recode 1
 531-532                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single
                                                   accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   533      4i                             CLASS OF WORKER
                                           (Those At work when accident
                             696               1.  Private company
                              38               2.  Armed forces
                              37               3.  Federal government
                              67               4.  State government
                              34               5.  Local government
                              30               6.  Self-employed, incorporated
                              35               7.  Self-employed, not
                               1               8.  Without pay
                              20               9.  Unknown class of worker
                          43,275           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from single
                                                   accident at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   534      5a                             BACK PAIN BROUGHT ON BY REPEATED
                           2,684               1.  Yes
                           2,524               2.  No
                              48               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   535      5b                             WHERE PERFORM ACTIVITIES
                           1,989               1.  At work
                             469               2.  At home
                             133               3.  Recreational site
                               2               4.  Multiple places
                                                   including "at work"
                               2               5.  Multiple places
                                                   excluding "at work"
                              81               8.  Other place
                               8               9.  Unknown
                          41,549           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from repeated

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   536      6a                             WAS THIS AT MOST RECENT HELD JOB
                                           IN PAST YEAR
                           1,752               1.  Yes
                             227               2.  No
                              12               9.  Unknown
                          42,242           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from repeated
                                                   activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 537-539    6b-c                         INDUSTRY WHERE REPEATED ACTIVITIES
                                         PERFORMED (For Those With Repeated
                                         Activities At Work)
                           1,947         010-931.  Code number
                               6             932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                               5             942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                              33             990.  Unknown Industry
                          42,242           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from repeated
                                                   activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (540-543)  Recode                         INDUSTRY WHERE REPEATED ACTIVITIES
                                           CAUSING BACK PAIN TOOK PLACE
                                           (Appendix B)
 540-541                                   Recode 1
 542-543                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from repeated
                                                   activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 544-546    6d-e                        OCCUPATION WHERE REPEATED ACTIVITIES
                           1,965        003-889.  Code number
                               2            905.  Military occupations
                              24            999.  Unknown occupation
                          42,242          Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                  back pain not from repeated
                                                  activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (547-550)  Recode                         OCCUPATION WHERE REPEATED
                                           ACTIVITIES CAUSING BACK PAIN
                                           TOOK PLACE
                                           (Appendix A)
 547-548                                   Recode 1
 549-550                                   Recode 2
                                           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                   back pain not from repeated
                                                   activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   551      6f                           CLASS OF WORKER (At Time of
                                         Repeated Activities)
                           1,487             1.  Private company
                              30             2.  Armed forces
                              57             3.  Federal government
                             101             4.  State government
                              60             5.  Local government
                             138             6.  Self-employed, incorporated
                              78             7.  Self-employed, not
                               1             8.  Without pay
                              39             9.  Unknown class of worker
                          42,242         Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                 back pain not from repeated
                                                 activities at work)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Some responses coded 1-6 may have resulted from a misperception
   that the accident or repeated activities, as well as the "pain days",
   must have occurred in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   552      7                            WHAT CAUSED BACK PAIN**
                                         (Reported Back Pain Not Caused By
                                         Accident Or Repeated Activities)
                             417             0.  Disease/impairment/health
                                                   condition - not pregnancy
                              33             1.  Accident/injury at job
                                                 (not reported earlier)
                              44             2.  Accident/injury not at job
                                                 (not reported earlier)
                              73             3.  Accident/injury - not
                                                 specified at job or other
                                                 (not reported earlier)
                              89             4.  Repeated activities at job
                                                 (not reported earlier)
                              39             5.  Repeated activities - not at
                                                 job (not reported earlier)
                              83             6.  Repeated activities, not
                                                 specified at job or other
                                                 (not reported earlier)
                             117             7.  Pregnancy
                             208             8.  Other
                             467             9.  Unknown
                          42,663         Blank.  NA

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Some responses coded 1-6 may have resulted from a misperception
   that the accident or repeated activities, as well as the "pain days",
   must have occurred in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   553      Recode                      CAUSE OF BACK PAIN RECODE
                           1,002            1.  Injury only
                           1,635            2.  Repeated activity only
                           1,049            3.  Both injury and repeated
                             150            4.  Injury not initially reported
                                                (No detailed info.)
                             211            5.  Repeated activity not
                                                initially reported
                                                (No detailed info.)
                             417            6.  Disease/impairment/condition
                                                (not pregnancy)
                             117            7.  Pregnancy
                             208            8.  Other cause
                             467            9.  Unknown cause
                          38,977        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 **Priority was given to any mention of work cause.  If work was not mentioned
   and any other place was given, "not at work" was coded.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   554      Recode                      PLACE OF INJURY/REPEATED ACTIVITY
                             742            0.  Disease/impairment/condition
                                                /pregnancy (no place asked)
                           2,561            1.  Work (injuries and/or
                                                repeated activities**)
                           1,321            2.  Not at work (injuries and/or
                                                repeated activities**)
                             165            3.  Unknown if at work (injuries
                                                and/or repeated activities**)
                             467            9.  Unknown (no cause of back
                                                pain given)
                          38,977        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 **Priority was given to any mention of work cause.  If work was not mentioned
   and any other place was given, "not at work" was coded.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   555      8a                             BACK BOTHERED YOU TODAY
                           2,314               1.  Yes
                           2,917               2.  No
                              25               9.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 **Priority was given to any mention of work cause.  If work was not mentioned
   and any other place was given, "not at work" was coded.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (556-558)  8b                          WHEN LAST HAD BACK PAIN
 556-557                                    Number Of Units
                           2,824            01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months
                               0               98.  98+ days, weeks, months
                             118               99.  Unknown
                          41,291            Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                    back bothered today)

   558                                      Time Units
                             647              1.  Days
                             823              2.  Weeks
                           1,354              3.  Months
                             118              9.  Unknown
                          41,291          Blank.  (*, no known back pain,
                                                  back bothered today)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 **Priority was given to any mention of work cause.  If work was not mentioned
   and any other place was given, "not at work" was coded.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
 559-560    Recode                         WEEKS SINCE LAST BACK PAIN
                           2,849              00.  Less than 1 week
                           2,289           01-51.  1-51 weeks
                             118              99.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
 (561-563)  8c                          HOW LONG DID BACK BOTHER YOU
                                        THE LAST TIME

 561-562                                    Number Of Units
                           4,731            01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                              28               98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                             497               99.  Unknown
                          38,977            Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

   563                                      Time Units
                           2,681              1.  Days
                             705              2.  Weeks
                             564              3.  Months
                             809              4.  Years
                             497              9.  Unknown
                          38,977          Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 564-567    Recode                      CONSECUTIVE WEEKS BACK HURT
                                        THIS OR LAST TIME
                           1,661             0000.  Less than 1 week
                           3,098        0001-5121.  1-5121 weeks
                               0             5122.  98+ Years
                             497             9999.  Unknown
                          38,977            Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 568-569    9a                             WHAT YEAR FIRST HAD BACK PAIN
                                           FOR A WEEK OR MORE

                           4,881           00-88.  1900-1988
                             375              99.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 570-571    9b                             HOW MANY DIFFERENT YEARS HAD BACK
                                           PAIN FOR A WEEK OR MORE

                           1,781              01.  Less than 2 years
                           3,133           02-97.  2-97 years
                               0              98.  98+ years
                             342              99.  Unknown
                          38,977           Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   572      9c                          LONGEST PERIOD HAD BACK PAIN
                                        EVERY DAY
                           2,456            0.  Less than one month
                             835            1.  1 month, less than 3 months
                             347            2.  3 months, less than 6 months
                             287            3.  6 months, less than 12 months
                             419            4.  1 year, less than 5 years
                             625            5.  5 or more years
                             287            9.  Unknown
                          38,977        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   573      10a                         EVER STOPPED WORKING AT JOB OR CHANGED
                                        JOBS BECAUSE OF BACK PAIN
                             649            1.  Yes
                           4,569            2.  No
                              38            9.  Unknown
                          38,977        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   574      10b                         EVER MADE MAJOR CHANGE IN WORK
                                        ACTIVITIES BECAUSE OF BACK PAIN
                             510            1.  Yes
                           4,025            2.  No
                              72            9.  Unknown
                          39,626        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain,
                                                stopped working/changed jobs
                                                due to back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   575      Recode                      WORK CHANGE RECODE (back injury)
                             649            1.  Stopped working or change job
                             509            2.  Did not stop working or change
                                                job but did make change in
                                                work activities
                           4,020            3.  Did not stop working, change
                                                job or change work activities
                               1            6.  Unknown if stopped working or
                                                changed jobs but did change
                                                work activities
                               5            7.  Unknown if stopped working or
                                                changed job but did not change
                                                work activities
                              40            8.  Did not stop working or change
                                                jobs and unknown if changed
                                                work activities
                              32            9.  Unknown if stopped working,
                                                changed job or changed work
                          38,977        Blank.  NA (*, no known back pain)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                           SECTION N3. HAND DISCOMFORT

   576      1                              HANDEDNESS
            (page 49)      2,450               1.  Left handed
                          25,035               2.  Right handed
                           1,963               3.  Use both hands equally well
                             626               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   577      2                              WHICH HAND USE MOST AT WORK
                           2,235               1.  Left
                          23,020               2.  Right
                           4,153               3.  Both equally
                             666               9.  Unknown
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   578      3                            HAD HAND DISCOMFORT IN PAST 12 MONTHS
                           6,556             1.  Yes
                          22,894             2.  No
                             624             9.  Unknown
                          14,159         Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   579      4                           DISCOMFORT DUE ENTIRELY TO AN INJURY
                           1,561            1.  Yes
                           4,785            2.  No
                             210            9.  Unknown
                          37,677        Blank.  NA (*, no known hand

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 580-582    5a                          HOW MANY DAYS HAD HAND DISCOMFORT
                                        (Past 12 Months)
                             968            000.  Less than 5 days
                           2,982        005-364.  5-364 days
                             676            365.  Everyday
                              15            998.  Seven or more consecutive
                                                  days, unknown exact number
                             354            999.  Unknown
                          39,238          Blank.  NA (*, no known hand
                                                  discomfort, hand discomfort
                                                  caused by injury)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   583      5b                          HAVE DISCOMFORT EVERYDAY FOR A
                                        WEEK OR MORE
                           1,963            1.  Yes
                           1,900            2.  No
                             164            9.  Unknown
                          40,206        Blank.  NA (*, no known hand
                                                discomfort of 6+ days, hand
                                                discomfort caused by injury)
 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   584      6                              WHICH HAND HAD DISCOMFORT**
                             434               1.  Left
                           1,010               2.  Right
                           1,272               3.  Both
                              60               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   585      7                              DISCOMFORT WORSE WHEN TRYING TO
                             792               1.  Yes
                           1,920               2.  No
                              64               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   586      8                              HANDS OFTEN FEEL CLUMSY**
                           1,140               1.  Yes
                           1,569               2.  No
                              67               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   587      9a                             HAND(S) BOTHERED YOU TODAY**
                           1,112               1.  Yes
                           1,601               2.  No
                              63               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (588-590)  9b                             WHEN LAST HAD HAND DISCOMFORT**

 588-589                                     Number Of Units
                           1,539           01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months
                               0              98.  98+ days, weeks, months
                             125              99.  Unknown
                          42,569           Blank.  NA (*, hand bothered today)

   590                                       Time Units
                             405               1.  Days
                             536               2.  Weeks
                             598               3.  Months
                             125               9.  Unknown
                          42,569           Blank.  NA (*, hand bothered today)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 591-592    Recode                         WEEKS SINCE LAST HAND DISCOMFORT**
                           1,468              00.  Less than 1 week
                           1,183           01-51.  Weeks
                             125              99.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)
 *See footnote on page 30.
 **Hand discomfort referred to in locations 584-620 was not caused
   exclusively by an injury and lasted for seven or more consecutive
   days or twenty or more days in the past year.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (593-595)  9c                             HOW LONG DID HANDS BOTHER YOU
                                           THAT TIME**
 593-594                                     Number Of Units
                           2,435             01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                               5                98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                             336                99.  Unknown
                          41,457             Blank.  NA (*)

   595                                       Time Units
                           1,272               1.  Days
                             317               2.  Weeks
                             359               3.  Months
                             492               4.  Years
                             336               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 596-599    Recode                         CONSECUTIVE WEEKS HAD HAND
                                           DISCOMFORT THIS OR LAST TIME **
                             954                0000.  Less than 1 week
                           1,486           0001-5121.  Weeks
                               0                5122.  98+ years
                             336                9999.  Unknown
                          41,457               Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 600-601    10a                            WHAT YEAR HAND DISCOMFORT
                                           FIRST NOTICED **
                           2,590           00-88.  1900-1988
                             186              99.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 602-603    10b                            IN HOW MANY DIFFERENT YEARS HAVE
                                           HANDS BOTHERED YOU **
                           1,070              01.  Less than 2 years
                           1,545           02-97.  2-97 years
                               0              98.  98+ years
                             161              99.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   604      11a                            BEEN AWAY FROM WORK FOR MORE THAN
                                           ONE WEEK (Past 12 Months)**
                           1,093               1.  Yes
                           1,621               2.  No
                              62               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   605      11b                         DID HAND DISCOMFORT INCREASE,
                                        DECREASE, STAY THE SAME**
                              38            1.  Increase
                             406            2.  Decrease
                             626            3.  Stay the same
                              23            9.  Unknown
                          43,140        Blank.  NA (*, not away from work more
                                                than one week in past year)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   606      12                             MISS AT LEAST A FULL DAY FROM
                                           WORK BECAUSE OF HAND DISCOMFORT**
                             196               1.  Yes
                           2,503               2.  No
                              77               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   607      13a                         EVER STOPPED WORKING AT JOB OR
                                        CHANGED JOBS DUE TO HAND DISCOMFORT**
                             151               1.  Yes
                           2,565               2.  No
                              60               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   608      13b                         EVER MADE MAJOR CHANGE IN WORK
                                        ACTIVITIES BECAUSE OF HAND
                             161            1.  Yes
                           2,376            2.  No
                              88            9.  Unknown
                          41,608        Blank.  NA (*, stopped working/changed
                                                jobs due to hand discomfort)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   609      Recode                      WORK CHANGE RECODE (Hand discomfort)**
                             151            1.  Stopped working or changed job
                             161            2.  Did not stop working or change
                                                job but did make change in
                                                work activities
                           2,376            3.  Did not stop working, change
                                                job or change work activities
                               0            6.  Unknown if stopped working or
                                                changed jobs but did change
                                                work activities
                               0            7.  Unknown if stopped working or
                                                changed job but did not change
                                                work activities
                              28            8.  Did not stop working or change
                                                jobs and unknown if changed
                                                work activities
                              60            9.  Unknown if stopped working,
                                                changed job or changed work
                          41,457        Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (610-612)  14a                            HOW LONG SINCE SAW MEDICAL PERSON**

 610-611                                     Number Of Units
                           1,193               00.  Never saw medical person
                           1,480            01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                               0               98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                             103               99.  Unknown
                          41,457            Blank.  NA (*)

   612                                       Time Units
                           1,193               0.  Never saw medical person
                              82               1.  Days
                             200               2.  Weeks
                             677               3.  Months
                             521               4.  Years
                             103               9.  Unknown
                          41,457           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 613-616    Recode                        WEEKS SINCE LAST SAW MEDICAL
                                          PERSON FOR HAND PROBLEM**
                              59               0000.  Less than 1 week
                           1,421          0001-5121.  Weeks
                               0               5122.  98+ years
                           1,193               8888.  Never saw medical person
                             103               9999.  Unknown
                          41,457              Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   617      14b                            WHAT MEDICAL PERSON CALLED HAND
                             489               1.  Arthritis/rheumatism
                              94               2.  De Quervain's disease/
                                                   tendonitis/ tenosynovitis
                               4               3.  Trigger finger (snapping
                               7               4.  Fracture
                             164               5.  Carpal tunnel syndrome
                              28               6.  Strain/sprain/dislocation
                              40               7.  Ganglionic cyst
                             358               8.  Other
                             399               9.  Unknown, "didn't call it
                          42,650           Blank.  NA (*, never saw medical

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (618-620)  15a-c                       EVER HAD

   618      15a                           ARTHRITIS OF HAND, WRIST OR FINGER**
                           1,105            1.  Yes
                           1,414            2.  No
                             257            9.  Unknown
                          41,457        Blank.  NA (*)

   619      15b                           BROKEN BONE IN HAND, WRIST, FINGER**
                             557            1.  Yes
                           2,119            2.  No
                             100            9.  Unknown
                          41,457        Blank.  NA (*)

   620      15c                           CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME**
                             278            1.  Yes
                           2,227            2.  No
                             271            9.  Unknown
                          41,457        Blank.  NA(*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See footnote on page 48.

 Part 1
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                            SECTION N4. WORK INJURIES

   621      1                          ANY WORK INJURIES PAST 12 MONTHS*
                           1,971           1.  Yes
                          27,441           2.  No
                             662           9.  Unknown**
                          14,159       Blank.  NA

  *As with the preceding fields, Questions in Section N4 were asked only of
    those persons who worked in the past year at a civilian job.
 **All but 2 of these are dummy records; by definition, no work injuries
  were reported for these respondents.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 622-623    2                          NUMBER OF TIMES INJURED PAST*
                                       12 MONTHS
                           1,971       01-20.  1-20 times
                               0          21.  21+ times
                          42,262       Blank.  NA

  *As with the preceding fields, Questions in Section N4 were asked only of
    those persons who worked in the past year at a civilian job.
 **All but 2 of these are dummy records; by definition, no work injuries
  were reported for these respondents.

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st         2nd         3rd

                      SECTION N4.  WORK INJURIES -CONTINUED

 DATE OF INJURY**                     3    (624-629)   (710-715)  (796-801)

   Month                                   (624-625)   (710-711)  (796-797)
     01.  January                             126          11          8
     02.  February                            144          19          4
     03.  March                               158          18          6
     04.  April                               133          18          6
     05.  May                                 136          26          3
     06.  June                                187          20          4
     07.  July                                141          15          5
     08.  August                              165          25          4
     09.  September                           159          27          3
     10.  October                             157          24          4
     11.  November                            143          11          8
     12.  December                            115          15          0
     98.  Unknown month (year known)           43           9          1
     99.  Unknown date                        164          55         18
  Blank.  NA                               42,262      43,940     44,159

   Day                                     (626-627)   (712-713)  (798-799)
 01-31.  Day of month                         986         114         19
    98.  Unknown day (year known)              94          18          4
    99.  Unknown date                         891         161         51
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

   Year                                    (628-629)   (714-715)  (800-801)
 87-88.  1987-1988                          1,807         238         56
    99.  Unknown date                         164          55         18
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

 **Most injuries will be entered in order with the most recent injury first
   (in loc. 624-709)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    4th         5th

                      SECTION N4.  WORK INJURIES -CONTINUED

 DATE OF INJURY**                     3    (882-887)   (968-973)

   Month                                   (882-883)   (968-969)
     01.  January                               1           0
     02.  February                              2           0
     03.  March                                 0           0
     04.  April                                 0           0
     05.  May                                   0           0
     06.  June                                  0           1
     07.  July                                  2           1
     08.  August                                2           0
     09.  September                             1           0
     10.  October                               0           0
     11.  November                              2           1
     12.  December                              0           0
     98.  Unknown month (year known)            0           0
     99.  Unknown date                          6           0
  Blank.  NA                               44,217      44,230

   Day                                     (884-885)   (970-971)
 01-31.  Day of month                           3           2
    98.  Unknown day (year known)               0           0
    99.  Unknown date                          13           1
 Blank.  NA                                44,217      44,230

   Year                                    (886-887)   (972-973)
 87-88.  1987-1988                             10           3
    99.  Unknown date                           6           0
 Blank.  NA                                44,217      44,230

 **Most injuries will be entered in order with the most recent injury first
   (in loc. 624-709)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st         2nd         3rd

 At Work At Most Recent Job Held      4       (630)       (716)       (802)
 In Past Year When Injury Happened
     1.  Yes                                1,681         205         49
     2.  No                                   287          57         16
     9.  Unknown                                3          31          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

 Industry When Injury Happened        5a   (631-633)   (717-719)  (803-805)
 010-931. Code number                       1,934         257         61
     932. Armed Forces - civilian              14           3          2
     942. Armed Forces - active duty            4           1          0
     990. Unknown                              19          32         11
   Blank. NA                               42,262      43,940     44,159

 Industry Where Injury Occurred   Recode   (634-637)   (720-723)  (806-809)
   Recode 1                                (634-635)   (720-721)  (806-807)
   Recode 2                                (636-637)   (722-723)  (808-809)
 Blank.  NA

 Occupation When Injury Happened  5c-d     (638-640)    (724-726)  (810-812)
 003-889.  Code number                      1,953         262         64
     905.  Military occupations                 1           0          0
     999.  Unknown                             17          31         10
   Blank.  NA                              42,262       43,940     44,159

 Occupation Where Injury Occurred Recode   (641-644)    (727-730)  (813-816)
   Recode 1                                (641-642)    (727-728)  (813-814)
   Recode 2                                (643-644)    (729-730)  (815-816)
   Blank.  NA

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 At Work At Most Recent Job Held      4                 (888)        (974)
 In Past Year When Injury Happened
     1.  Yes                                                9           3
     2.  No                                                 3           0
     9.  Unknown                                            4           0
 Blank.  NA                                            44,217      44,230

 Industry When Injury Happened        5a              (889-891)    (975-977)
 010-931. Code number                                      11           2
     932. Armed Forces - civilian                           0           0
     942. Armed Forces - active duty                        0           0
     990. Unknown                                           5           1
   Blank. NA                                           44,217      44,230

 Industry Where Injury Occurred   Recode              (892-895)    (978-981)
   Recode 1                                           (892-893)    (978-979)
   Recode 2                                           (894-895)    (980-981)
 Blank.  NA

 Occupation When Injury Happened  5c-d                (896-898)    (982-984)
 003-889.  Code number                                     12           3
     905.  Military occupations                             0           0
     999.  Unknown                                          4           0
   Blank.  NA                                          44,217      44,230

 Occupation Where Injury Occurred Recode              (899-902)    (985-988)
   Recode 1                                           (899-900)    (985-986)
   Recode 2                                           (901-902)    (987-988)
   Blank.  NA

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st         2nd         3rd

 Class Of Worker                  5e          (645)       (731)      (817)
     1.  Private company                    1,544         208         49
     2.  Armed forces                          37           8          2
     3.  Federal government                    63          10          4
     4.  State government                     133          17          4
     5.  Local government                      59           5          0
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated           76           7          3
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated       36           4          1
     8.  Without pay                            2           0          0
     9.  Unknown                               21          34         11
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

 Part(s) Of Body Injured          6        (646-647)    (732-733)  (818-819)
 00-94.  Selected codes-                    1,930         260         64
         See attachment 1
    99.  Unknown                               41          33         10
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

 Nature (Kind) Of Injury          6        (648-649)    (734-735)  (820-821)
 01-74.  Selected codes-see                 1,863         255         61
         Attachment 2
    99.  Unknown                              108          38         13
 Blank.  NA                                42,262      43,940     44,159

 2nd Report For Same Accident     6        (650-653)    (736-739)  (822-825)
   Part of Body                            (650-651)    (736-737)  (822-823)
   (See Attachment 1 For Codes)
 Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
         parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury                          (652-653)    (738-739)  (824-825)
   (See Attachment 2 For Codes)
 Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
         of injuries mentioned)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.                4th         5th

 Class Of Worker                  5e                    (903)       (989)
     1.  Private company                                    9           3
     2.  Armed forces                                       0           0
     3.  Federal government                                 0           0
     4.  State government                                   0           0
     5.  Local government                                   0           0
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated                        1           0
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated                    1           0
     8.  Without pay                                        0           0
     9.  Unknown                                            5           0
 Blank.  NA                                            44,217      44,230

 Part(s) Of Body Injured          6                    (904-905)   (990-991)
 00-94.  Selected codes-                                   11           3
         See attachment 1
    99.  Unknown                                            5           0
 Blank.  NA                                            44,217      44,230

 Nature (Kind) Of Injury          6                    (906-907)   (992-993)
 01-74.  Selected codes-see                                10           2
         Attachment 2
    99.  Unknown                                            6           1
 Blank.  NA                                            44,217      44,230

 2nd Report For Same Accident     6                    (908-911)   (994-997)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes)          (908-909)   (994-995)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
           parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)         (910-911)   (996-997)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
           of injuries mentioned)

 Part 2

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.       1st       2nd        3rd

 3rd Report For Same Accident         6       (654-657) (740-743)  (826-829)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes) (654-655) (740-741)  (826-827)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)(656-657) (742-743)  (828-829)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 4th Report For Same Accident         6       (658-661) (744-747)  (830-833)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes) (658-659) (744-745)  (830-831)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)(660-661) (746-747)  (832-833)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 5th Report For Same Accident         6       (662-665) (748-751)  (834-837)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes) (662-663) (748-749)  (834-835)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)(664-665) (750-751)  (836-837)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 Number of Different Body Parts   Generated   (666-667) (752-753)  (838-839)
 Reported In This Accident
 00-11.  Different body parts reported
 Blank.  NA

 Number Of Kinds of Injuries      Generated   (668-669) (754-755)  (840-841)
 Reported In This Accident
 00-09.  Kinds of Injuries Reported
 Blank.  NA

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.                 4th        5th

 3rd Report For Same Accident         6                 (912-915)  (998-1001)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes)           (912-913)  (998-999)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)          (914-915)  (1000-1001)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 4th Report For Same Accident         6                 (916-919)  (1002-1005)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes)           (916-917)  (1002-1003)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)          (918-919)  (1004-1005)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 5th Report For Same Accident         6                 (920-923)  (1006-1009)
   Part of Body  (See Attachment 1 For Codes)           (920-921)  (1006-1007)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of body
              parts mentioned)
   Kind of Injury (See Attachment 2 For Codes)          (922-923)  (1008-1009)
   Blank.  NA (Less than this number of kinds
              of injuries mentioned)

 Number of Different Body Parts   Generated             (924-925)  (1010-1011)
 Reported In This Accident
 00-11.  Different body parts reported
 Blank.  NA

 Number Of Kinds of Injuries      Generated             (926-927)  (1012-1013)
 Reported In This Accident
 00-09.  Kinds of Injuries Reported
 Blank.  NA

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 Lose Consciousness               7         (670)        (756)      (842)
     1.  Yes                                   57           10          6
     2.  No                                 1,896          241         60
     9.  Unknown                               18           42          8
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Doing At Time Of Injury          8        (671-672)    (757-758)  (843-844)
 01-98.  See Attachment - 3                 1,914          252         61
    99.  Unknown                               57           41         13
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 How Injury Happened              9        (673-674)    (759-760)  (845-846)
 01-98.  See Attachment - 4                 1,900          257         63
    99.  Unknown                               71           36         11
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Performing New Or Unfamiliar     10        (675)        (761)      (847)
 Job Task At Time Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                  208           26         12
     2.  No                                 1,755          235         53
     9.  Unknown                                8           32          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Performing Usual Job Tasks       11        (676)        (762)      (848)
     1.  Yes                                1,562          220         50
     2.  No                                   190           15          3
     9.  Unknown                               11           32          9
 Blank.  NA (Includes performing           42,470       43,966     44,171
         new/unfamiliar task)

 See Medical Person               12        (677)        (763)      (849)
 As Result Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                1,751          211         58
     2.  No                                   212           51          8
     9.  Unknown                                8           31          8
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 Lose Consciousness               7                      (928)      (1014)
     1.  Yes                                                 2          0
     2.  No                                                 10          3
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Doing At Time Of Injury          8                     (929-930)  (1015-1016)
 01-98.  See Attachment - 3                                  9          2
    99.  Unknown                                             7          1
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 How Injury Happened              9                     (931-932)  (1017-1018)
 01-98.  See Attachment - 4                                 11          3
    99.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Performing New Or Unfamiliar     10                     (933)      (1019)
 Job Task At Time Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                                 1          0
     2.  No                                                 11          3
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Performing Usual Job Tasks       11                     (934)      (1020)
     1.  Yes                                                10          3
     2.  No                                                  1          0
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes performing                        43,218     44,230
         new/unfamiliar task)

 See Medical Person               12                     (935)      (1021)
 As Result Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                                10          3
     2.  No                                                  2          0
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 When First Saw Medical Person        13    (678)        (764)      (850)
     1.  Work site health unit                248           36          9
     2.  Doctor's office (group               617           71         17
         practice or Dr.'s clinic)
     3.  Emergency room                       595           63         19
     4.  Walk-in clinic                       140           18          5
     5.  Hospital outpatient clinic            45            7          4
     8.  Other                                 98           15          4
     9.  Unknown                                8            1          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown          42,482       44,022     44,175
         if medical person seen)

 Wearing Eye Protection Equipment     14a   (679)        (765)      (851)
     1.  Yes                                   37           10          4
     2.  No                                    75            9          3
     9.  Unknown                                1            0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes eye not injured)     44,120       44,214     44,226

 What Type Of Eye Protection
 Equipment                            14b   (680)        (766)      (852)
     1.  Welding goggles                        1            0          0
     2.  Other goggles                          3            0          0
     3.  Glasses with side shields             11            6          1
     4.  Glasses without side shields           9            2          2
     5.  Welding helmet                         2            1          1
     6.  Face shield                            2            0          0
     8.  Other                                  1            0          0
     9.  Unknown                                8            1          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes eye not injured,     44,196       44,223     44,229
         no eye protection equipment

 Miss More Than Half The Day From     15a      (681)     (767)      (853)
 Work On Day Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                  730           98         30
     2.  No                                 1,230          162         35
     9.  Unknown                               11           33          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.                4th         5th

 When First Saw Medical Person        13                 (936)      (1022)
     1.  Work site health unit                               2          0
     2.  Doctor's office (group                              3          2
         practice or Dr.'s clinic)
     3.  Emergency room                                      2          0
     4.  Walk-in clinic                                      1          1
     5.  Hospital outpatient clinic                          1          0
     8.  Other                                               1          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                       44,223     44,230
         if medical person seen)

 Wearing Eye Protection Equipment     14a                (937)      (1023)
     1.  Yes                                                 1          0
     2.  No                                                  1          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes eye not injured)                  44,231     44,233

 What Type Of Eye Protection
 Equipment                            14b                (938)      (1024)
     1.  Welding goggles                                     0          0
     2.  Other goggles                                       0          0
     3.  Glasses with side shields                           0          0
     4.  Glasses without side shields                        0          0
     5.  Welding helmet                                      1          0
     6.  Face shield                                         0          0
     8.  Other                                               0          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes eye not injured,                  44,232     44,233
         no eye protection equipment

 Miss More Than Half The Day From     15a                (939)      (1025)
 Work On Day Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                                 4          2
     2.  No                                                  8          1
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Part 3

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.     1st          2nd        3rd

 Number Full Days Missed From Work  15b    (682-684)    (768-770)  (854-856)
 Other Than Day Of Injury
     000.  None                             1,014          148         38
 001-365.  1-365 days                         915          111         26
     999.  Unknown                             42           34         10
   Blank.  NA                              42,262       43,940     44,159

 Miss Other Time From Work          15c     (685)        (771)      (857)
 Because Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                  177           13          2
     2.  No                                 1,765          244         62
     9.  Unknown                               29           36         10
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Number Days Missed More Than       15d    (686-688)    (772-774)  (858-860)
 Half Day From Work
     000.  None                                56            1          0
 001-365.  1-365 days                         106           10          1
     999.  Unknown                             15            2          1
   Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown        44,056       44,220     44,231
           if other time missed
           from work)

 Total Days In Year Lost From     Recode   (689-691)    (775-777)  (861-863)
 Work Because of Work Injury
     000.  None                               987          146         37
 001-365.  Days                               936          111         26
     999.  Unknown                             48           36         11
   Blank.  NA                              42,262       43,940     44,159

 Temporarily Transferred To         16a     (692)        (778)      (864)
 Another Job
     1.  Yes                                  101           18          6
     2.  No                                 1,858          244         60
     9.  Unknown                               12           31          8
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.                  4th         5th

 Number Full Days Missed From Work    15b               (940-942)  (1026-1028)
 Other Than Day Of Injury
     000.  None                                              6          0
 001-365.  1-365 days                                        6          3
     999.  Unknown                                           4          0
   Blank.  NA                                           44,217     44,230

 Miss Other Time From Work Because    15c                (943)      (1029)
 Of Injury
     1.  Yes                                                 0          0
     2.  No                                                 12          3
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Number Days Missed More Than         15d               (944-946)  (1030-1032)
 Half Day From Work
     000.  None                                              0          0
 001-365.  1-365 days                                        0          0
     999.  Unknown                                           0          0
   Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                     44,233     44,233
           if other time missed
           from work)

 Total Days In Year Lost From     Recode                (947-949)  (1033-1035)
 Work Because of Work Injury
     000.  None                                              6          0
 001-365.  Days                                              6          3
     999.  Unknown                                           4          0
   Blank.  NA                                           44,217     44,230

 Temporarily Transferred To           16a                (950)      (1036)
 Another Job
     1.  Yes                                                 0          0
     2.  No                                                 12          3
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 Temporarily Assigned Lighter Work    16b   (693)        (779)      (865)
     1.  Yes                                  312           35          8
     2.  No                                 1,459          191         45
     9.  Unknown                               99           49         15
 Blank.  NA (Includes temporarily          42,363       43,958     44,165
         transferred to other job)

 Effect of Injury Recode          Recode    (694)        (780)      (866)
     1. Transferred to another job            101           18          6
     2. Not transferred but given lighter     312           35          8
        work/excused from duties
     3. Not transferred and not given       1,458          191         45
        lighter work/excused from duties
     6. Unknown if transferred but given        0            0          0
        lighter work/excused from duties
     7. Unknown if transferred and not given    1            0          0
        lighter work/excused from duties
     8. Not transferred and unknown if given   88           18          7
        lighter work/excused from duties
     9. Unknown if transferred or if given     11           31          8
        lighter work/excused from duties
 Blank. NA                                 42,262       43,940     44,159

 Report Injury To Employer            17a   (695)        (781)      (867)
     1.  Yes                                1,804          236         55
     2.  No                                   151           24         10
     9.  Unknown                               16           33          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed    17b   (696)        (782)      (868)
     1.  Yes                                  917          104         29
     2.  No                                 1,020          154         33
     9.  Unknown                               34           35         12
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 *No claim resolution was obtained for this injury because data was only
  obtained on 4 claims per respondent.  (loc. 1041 = blank)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 Temporarily Assigned Lighter Work    16b                (951)      (1037)
     1.  Yes                                                 1          1
     2.  No                                                  9          1
     9.  Unknown                                             6          1
 Blank.  NA (Includes temporarily                       44,217     44,230
         transferred to other job)

 Effect of Injury Recode              Recode             (952)      (1038)
     1. Transferred to another job                           0          0
     2. Not transferred but given lighter                    1          1
        work/excused from duties
     3. Not transferred and not given                        9          1
        lighter work/excused from duties
     6. Unknown if transferred but given                     0          0
        lighter work/excused from duties
     7. Unknown if transferred and not given                 0          0
        lighter work/excused from duties
     8. Not transferred and unknown if given                 2          1
        lighter work/excused from duties
     9. Unknown if transferred or if given                   4          0
        lighter work/excused from duties
 Blank. NA                                              44,217     44,230

 Report Injury To Employer            17a                (953)      (1039)
     1.  Yes                                                 8          3
     2.  No                                                  3          0
     9.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed    17b                (954)      (1040)
     1.  Yes                                                 3          1*
     2.  No                                                  8          2
     9.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 *No claim resolution was obtained for this injury because data was only
  obtained on 4 claims per respondent.  (loc. 1041 = blank)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded, Sect.N8/1  (697)     (783)      (869)
 Denied, Or Is It In Process
     1.  Awarded                                 455        47         12
     2.  Denied                                   22         3          2
     3.  In process                              185         5          2
     9.  Unknown                                 255        49         13
 Blank.  NA (Includes no or unknown           43,316    44,129     44,204
         if worker's compensation
         claims filed)

 Change Employers                     18a      (698)     (784)      (870)
     1.  Yes                                      65         9          4
     2.  No                                    1,892       253         62
     9.  Unknown                                  14        31          8
 Blank.  NA                                   42,262    43,940     44,159

 Was Salary Lower, Higher Or Same     18b      (699)     (785)      (871)
 After Changed Employer
     1.  Lower                                    33         2          0
     2.  Higher                                   17         4          2
     3.  Same                                     11         2          1
     9.  Unknown                                   4         1          1
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown             44,168    44,224     44,229
         if changed employers)

 As Satisfied, Less Satisfied,        18c      (700)     (786)      (872)
 More Satisfied With New Employer
     1.  As satisfied                              8         0          0
     2.  Less satisfied                           17         0          1
     3.  More satisfied                           33         8          3
     9.  Unknown                                   7         1          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown             44,168    44,224     44,229
         if changed employers)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded, Sect.N8/1            (955)      (1041)
 Denied, Or Is It In Process
     1.  Awarded                                             3          0
     2.  Denied                                              0          0
     3.  In process                                          0          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no or unknown                     44,230     44,233
         if worker's compensation
         claims filed)

 Change Employers                     18a                (956)      (1042)
     1.  Yes                                                 1          0
     2.  No                                                 11          3
     9.  Unknown                                             4          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Was Salary Lower, Higher Or Same     18b                (957)      (1043)
 After Changed Employer
     1.  Lower                                               0          0
     2.  Higher                                              0          0
     3.  Same                                                1          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                       44,232     44,233
         if changed employers)

 As Satisfied, Less Satisfied,        18c                  (958)    (1044)
 More Satisfied With New Employer
     1.  As satisfied                                        0          0
     2.  Less satisfied                                      1          0
     3.  More satisfied                                      0          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                       44,232     44,233
         if changed employers)

 Part 4

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 Change Kind Of Work                  19a   (701)        (787)      (873)
     1.  Yes                                  107           13          5
     2.  No                                 1,848          248         60
     9.  Unknown                               16           32          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Was Salary Lower, Higher, Or         19b   (702)        (788)      (874)
 The Same After Changed Jobs
     0.  Changed employers                     49            5          2
         (See 18A)
     1.  Lower                                 13            3          1
     2.  Higher                                 6            1          0
     3.  Same                                  37            3          1
     9.  Unknown                                2            1          1
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown          44,126       44,220     44,228
         if changed kind of work)

 As Satisfied, Less Satisfied,        19c   (703)        (789)      (875)
 More Satisfied With New Job
     1.  As satisfied                          27            4          1
     2.  Less satisfied                        31            2          1
     3.  More satisfied                        41            6          2
     9.  Unknown                                8            1          1
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown          44,126       44,220     44,228
         if changed kind of work)

 Make Permanent Change In             20    (704)        (790)      (876)
 Work Activities
     1.  Yes                                   55            5          3
     2.  No                                 1,738          229         52
     9.  Unknown                               55           42         12
 Blank.  NA (Includes changed              42,385       43,957     44,166
         employers or kind of work)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 Change Kind Of Work                  19a                (959)      (1045)
     1.  Yes                                                 1          0
     2.  No                                                 10          3
     9.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Was Salary Lower, Higher, Or         19b                (960)      (1046)
 The Same After Changed Jobs
     0.  Changed employers                                   1         0
         (See 18A)
     1.  Lower                                               0         0
     2.  Higher                                              0         0
     3.  Same                                                0         0
     9.  Unknown                                             0         0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                       44,232     44,233
         if changed kind of work)

 As Satisfied, Less Satisfied,        19c                (961)      (1047)
 More Satisfied With New Job
     1.  As satisfied                                        0          0
     2.  Less satisfied                                      1          0
     3.  More satisfied                                      0          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes no, unknown                       44,232     44,233
         if changed kind of work)

 Make Permanent Change In             20                 (962)      (1048)
 Work Activities
     1.  Yes                                                 0          0
     2.  No                                                 10          3
     9.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA (Includes changed                           44,218     44,230
         employers or kind of work)

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st       2nd        3rd

 Change Off-The-Job Activities    21        (705)        (791)      (877)
     1.  Yes                                  139           18          9
     2.  No                                 1,782          237         55
     9.  Unknown                               50           38         10
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

 Changes In Salary                Recode    (706)        (792)      (878)
 (Changed employer or kind of
     1.  Lower                                 46            5          1
     2.  Higher                                23            5          2
     3.  Same                                  48            5          2
     9.  Unknown                                6            2          2
 Blank.  NA                                44,110       44,216     44,226

 Changes In Job Satisfaction      Recode    (707)        (793)      (879)
 (Changed employer or kind of
     1.  As satisfied                          28            4          1
     2.  Less satisfied                        32            1          2
     3.  More satisfied                        50           10          3
     9.  Unknown                               13            2          1
 Blank.  NA                                44,110       44,216     44,226

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.              4th           5th

 Change Off-The-Job Activities    21                     (963)      (1049)
     1.  Yes                                                 1          1
     2.  No                                                 10          2
     9.  Unknown                                             5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 Changes In Salary                Recode                 (964)      (1050)
 (Changed employer or kind of
     1.  Lower                                               0          0
     2.  Higher                                              0          0
     3.  Same                                                1          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,232     44,233

 Changes In Job Satisfaction      Recode                 (965)      (1051)
 (Changed employer or kind of
     1.  As satisfied                                        0          0
     2.  Less satisfied                                      1          0
     3.  More satisfied                                      0          0
     9.  Unknown                                             0          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,232     44,233

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.    1st           2nd       3rd

 Work Changes Because of          Recode   (708-709)    (794-795)  (880-881)
    01.  Changed employers (EM) and            49            5          2
         kind of work (KOW)
    02.  Changed EM, not KOW                   15            4          2
    03.  Did not change EM but Changed KOW     57            8          3
    04.  Did not Change EM or KOW but          55            5          3
         changed work activities (WA)
    05.  Did not change EM, KOW or WA       1,729          229         52
    06.  Changed EM, Unknown if changed KOW     1            0          0
    07.  Changed KOW, Unknown if changed EM     1            0          0
    08.  Did not change EM or KOW, unknown     42           10          3
         if changed WA
    09.  Did not change EM or WA, unknown       2            0          0
         if changed KOW
    10.  Did not change KOW or WA, unknown      7            0          0
         if changed EM
    11.  Did not change EM, did change WA,      0            0          0
         unknown if changed KOW
    12.  Did not change KOW, did change WA,     0            0          0
         unknown if changed EM
    13.  Other unknown                         13           32          9
 Blank.  NA                                42,262       43,940     44,159

         Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for Each Injury

 Items and Codes                  Item No.                  4th        5th

 Work Changes Because of          Recode                (966-967)  (1052-1053)
    01.  Changed employers (EM) and                          1          0
         kind of work (KOW)
    02.  Changed EM, not KOW                                 0          0
    03.  Did not change EM but Changed KOW                   0          0
    04.  Did not Change EM or KOW but changed                0          0
         work activities (WA)
    05.  Did not change EM, KOW or WA                       10          3
    06.  Changed EM, Unknown if changed KOW                  0          0
    07.  Changed KOW, Unknown if changed EM                  0          0
    08.  Did not change EM or KOW, unknown                   0          0
         if changed WA
    09.  Did not change EM or WA, unknown                    0          0
         if changed KOW
    10.  Did not change KOW or WA, unknown                   0          0
         if changed EM
    11.  Did not change EM, did change WA,                   0          0
         unknown if changed KOW
    12.  Did not change KOW, did change WA,                  0          0
         unknown if changed EM
    13.  Other unknown                                       5          0
 Blank.  NA                                             44,217     44,230

 1054-1106. Section N5. Skin Conditions
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                           SECTION N5. SKIN CONDITIONS

   1054                                 DUMMY RECORD
                             153            1.  Dummy Record (locs. 1054-1149
                                                if employed at civilian job in
                                                past year**; locs. 1133-1149
                                                if not employed in past year
                                                but ever employed including
                          44,080        Blank.  Not Dummy Record

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See note about non-response problem on page 30.  These respondents are not
   true "dummy records" because they have data in locs. 1133-1149 but did not
   complete the questions represented by locs. 1055-1132.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1055     1a                             ANY SKIN RASH IN PAST 12 MONTHS
                           3,617               1.  Yes
                          25,828               2.  No
                             629               9.  Unknown**
                          14,159           Blank.  NA (*)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See note about non-response problem on page 30.  These respondents are not
   true "dummy records" because they have data in locs. 1133-1149 but did not
   complete the questions represented by locs. 1055-1132.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1056-1058  1b                             NUMBER DAYS WITH SKIN RASH IN
                                           PAST 12 MONTHS
                           2,615           001-364.  1-364 days
                             839               365.  Everyday
                             163               999.  Unknown
                          40,616             Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See note about non-response problem on page 30.  These respondents are not
   true "dummy records" because they have data in locs. 1133-1149 but did not
   complete the questions represented by locs. 1055-1132.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1059-1062) 2                             PARTS OF BODY AFFECTED

   1059                                        Hands
                           1,262                 1.  Mentioned
                           2,332                 2.  Not mentioned
                              23                 9.  Unknown
                          40,616             Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

   1060                                        Arms
                           1,128                 1.  Mentioned
                           2,466                 2.  Not mentioned
                              23                 9.  Unknown
                          40,616             Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

   1061                                        Head, Face or Neck
                           1,054                 1.  Mentioned
                           2,540                 2.  Not mentioned
                              23                 9.  Unknown
                          40,616             Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

   1062                                        Other Body Part
                           1,629                 1.  Mentioned
                           1,965                 2.  Not mentioned
                              23                 9.  Unknown
                          40,616             Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 **See note about non-response problem on page 30.  These respondents are not
   true "dummy records" because they have data in locs. 1133-1149 but did not
   complete the questions represented by locs. 1055-1132.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
   1063     3                              MISS FULL DAY FROM WORK IN PAST 12
                                           MONTHS BECAUSE OF SKIN CONDITION
                             188               1.  Yes
                           3,418               2.  No
                              11               9.  Unknown
                          40,616           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes
   1064     4a                             SKIN CONDITION RESULT FROM
                             807               1.  Yes
                           2,433               2.  No
                             377               9.  Unknown
                          40,616           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1065-1066  4b                          WHAT CHEMICALS
                               3            03.  Animal products
                             516            09.  Chemicals, chemical compounds
                              39            11.  Coal and petroleum products
                              18            14.  Drugs and medicines
                              13            18.  Food products
                              19            20.  Glass items
                               3            27.  Infectious, parasitic agents
                               8            29.  Liquids
                               0            42.  Mineral items, metallic NEC
                              16            43.  Mineral items, nonmetallic
                               3            45.  Paper and pulp items NEC
                               2            46.  Particles, unidentified
                              59            47.  Plants, trees, vegetation
                               1            53.  Scrap, debris, waste
                                                 materials NEC
                               6            55.  Textile items NEC
                               5            57.  Wood items
                               3            62.  Rubber products
                              35            88.  Miscellaneous NEC, including
                                                 furniture, fixtures,
                                                 furnishings, metal items,
                                                 silica, steam, ice, snow
                               0            98.  Non-classifiable
                              58            99.  Unknown
                          43,426         Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                 reported, no chemical/
                                                 substance exposure reported
                                                 as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1067     4c                             GET THESE SUBSTANCES ON SKIN IN
                                           PAST 12 MONTHS
                             784               1.  Yes
                              18               2.  No
                               5               9.  Unknown
                          43,426           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure reported
                                                   as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1068     4d                             AT WORK WHEN GOT SUBSTANCE ON SKIN
                             531               1.  Yes
                             272               2.  No
                               4               9.  Unknown
                          43,426           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure reported
                                                   as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1069     5a                          WAS THIS AT LAST JOB HELD IN PAST YEAR
                             476            1.  Yes
                              43            2.  No
                              12            9.  Unknown
                          43,702        Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                reported, no chemical/
                                                substance exposure at work
                                                reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1070-1072  5b-c                        INDUSTRY WHEN GOT SUBSTANCE
                                        ON SKIN
                             506        010-931.  Code number
                               2            932.  Armed Forces - civilian
                               3            942.  Armed Forces - active duty
                              20            990.  Unknown
                          43,702          Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                  reported, no chemical/
                                                  substance exposure at work
                                                  reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1073-1076)   Recode                   INDUSTRY WHEN GOT SUBSTANCE ON SKIN
                                        (APPENDIX B)
 1073-1074                                  Recode 1
 1075-1076                                  Recode 2
                                            Blank. NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure at work
                                                   reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1077-1079  5d                          OCCUPATION WHEN GOT SUBSTANCE
                                        ON SKIN
                             512        003-889.  Code number
                               1            905.  Military occupation
                              18            999.  Unknown
                          43,702          Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                  reported, no chemical/
                                                  substance exposure at work
                                                  reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1080-1083)   Recode                   OCCUPATION WHEN GOT SUBSTANCE ON SKIN
                                        (APPENDIX A)
 1080-1081                                  Recode 1
 1082-1083                                  Recode 2
                                            Blank. NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure at work
                                                   reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1084        5f                       CLASS OF WORKER
                             406            1.  Private company
                              10            2.  Armed Forces
                              15            3.  Federal government
                              21            4.  State government
                              11            5.  Local government
                              30            6.  Self-employed, incorporated
                              19            7.  Self-employed, not
                               0            8.  Without pay
                              19            9.  Unknown
                          43,702        Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure at work
                                                   reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1085        6a                          USE PRESCRIBED MEDICATION OR
                                           TREATMENT FOR SKIN CONDITION
                           1,748               1.  Yes
                           1,851               2.  No
                              18               9.  Unknown
                          40,616           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1086        6b                          USE OVER-THE-COUNTER TREATMENT
                                           FOR SKIN CONDITION
                           2,019               1.  Yes
                           1,569               2.  No
                              29               9.  Unknown
                          40,616           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1087-1089)   7a                       HOW LONG SINCE TALKED TO
                                        DERMATOLOGIST ABOUT SKIN CONDITION

 1087-1088                                  Number Of Time Units
                           1,783               00.  Never
                           1,798            01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                               0               98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                              36               99.  Unknown
                          40,616            Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

   1089                                     Time Units
                           1,783              0.  Never
                              38              1.  Days
                             147              2.  Weeks
                             710              3.  Months
                             903              4.  Years
                              36              9.  Unknown
                          40,616          Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1090-1093  Recode                      WEEKS SINCE SAW DERMATOLOGIST/SKIN
                              22             0000.  Less than 1 week
                           1,776        0001-5121.  Weeks
                               0             5122.  98+ years
                           1,783             8888.  Never saw
                                                    dermatologist/skin spec.
                              36             9999.  Unknown
                          40,616            Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1094-1096)   7b                       HOW LONG SINCE TALKED TO ANY OTHER
                                        MEDICAL PERSON ABOUT SKIN CONDITION

 1094-1095                                  Number Of Time Units
                           1,771               00.  Never
                           1,784            01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                               0               98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                              62               99.  Unknown
                          40,616            Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

   1096                                     Time Units
                           1,771              0.  Never
                              47              1.  Days
                             196              2.  Weeks
                             836              3.  Months
                             705              4.  Years
                              62              9.  Unknown
                          40,616          Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1097-1100  Recode                      WEEKS SINCE SAW OTHER MEDICAL PERSON
                                        ABOUT SKIN CONDITION
                              30             0000.  Less than 1 week
                           1,754        0001-5121.  Weeks
                               0             5122.  98+ years
                           1,771             8888.  Never saw other medical
                              62             9999.  Unknown
                          40,616            Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1101        8a                          STOPPED WORKING OR CHANGED JOBS
                                           IN PAST 12 MONTHS BECAUSE OF
                                           SKIN CONDITION
                              37               1.  Yes
                           3,564               2.  No
                              16               9.  Unknown
                          40,616           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1102        8b                          MAKE MAJOR CHANGE IN WORK
                                           ACTIVITIES BECAUSE OF SKIN
                              39               1.  Yes
                           3,511               2.  No
                              30               9.  Unknown
                          40,653           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, stopped work/
                                                   changed job)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1103     Recode                      WORK CHANGE RECODE (SW)
                              37            1.  Stopped working (SW) or
                                                changed job
                              39            2.  Did not SW, but made major
                                                change in work activity (CWA)
                           3,507            3.  Did not SW or CWA
                               0            6.  Unknown if SW but did CWA
                               4            7   Unknown if SW but did not CWA
                              18            8.  Did not SW, unknown if CWA
                              12            9.  Unknown if SW or CWA
                          40,616        Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1104     9                              REPORT SKIN CONDITION TO EMPLOYER
                                           AS WORK-RELATED
                             121               1.  Yes
                             314               2.  No
                              96               9.  Unknown
                          43,702           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure at work
                                                   reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1105     10                             WORKER'S COMPENSATION CLAIM FILED
                                           FOR SKIN CONDITION
                               7               1.  Yes
                             428               2.  No
                              96               9.  Unknown
                          43,702           Blank.  NA (*, no skin condition
                                                   reported, no chemical/
                                                   substance exposure at work
                                                   reported as cause)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1106     N8/2                        WAS WORKER'S COMPENSATION AWARDED,
                                        DENIED, OR IS IT STILL IN PROCESS
                                        FOR SKIN CONDITION
                               4            1.  Awarded
                               0            2.  Denied
                               1            3.  In process
                               2            9.  Unknown
                          44,226        Blank. (*,  no skin condition
                                                reported, no chemical/
                                                substance exposure at work
                                                reported as cause, no worker's
                                                compensation claim filed)

 *See footnote on page 30.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes


   1107     1a                           EPISODES OF ITCHY, IRRITATED,
                                         WATERY EYES IN PAST 2 WEEKS**
                           4,379             1.  Yes
                          21,811             2.  No
                             219             9.  Unknown
                          17,824         Blank.  NA (Not working at civilian
                                                 job in past 2 weeks)

 **Questions in section N6 on respiratory conditions (locs. 1107-1133)
   were asked only of respondents who worked in the past 2 weeks.  See
   cover sheet for details.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1108-1109  1b                             HOW MANY DAYS HAD ITCHY,
                                           IRRITATED, WATERY EYES**
                           4,283           01-14.  1-14 days
                              96              99.  Unknown
                          39,854           Blank.  NA (No eye irritation

 **Questions in section N6 on respiratory conditions (locs. 1107-1133)
   were asked only of respondents who worked in the past 2 weeks.  See
   cover sheet for details.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1110     1c                             SYMPTOMS DUE TO COLD OR FLU, HAY
                                           FEVER, OTHER ALLERGIES OR
                                           SOMETHING ELSE**
                             544               1.  Cold or flu
                             610               2.  Hay fever
                           1,383               3.  Other allergies
                              66               4.  Multiple causes
                           1,692               8.  Something else
                              84               9.  Unknown
                          39,854           Blank.  NA (No eye irritation

 **Questions in section N6 on respiratory conditions (locs. 1107-1133)
   were asked only of respondents who worked in the past 2 weeks.  See
   cover sheet for details.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1111     2a                             HAVE SYMPTOMS WHILE AT WORK**
                           2,955               1.  Yes
                             840               2.  No
                              40               9.  Unknown
                          40,398           Blank.  NA (No eye irritation
                                                   reported, eye irritation
                                                   due to cold or fever)

 **Questions in section N6 on respiratory conditions (locs. 1107-1133)
   were asked only of respondents who worked in the past 2 weeks.  See
   cover sheet for details.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1112     2b                             WHEN AWAY FROM WORK DID SYMPTOMS
                                           INCREASE, DECREASE OR STAY
                                           THE SAME**
                             259               1.  Increase
                             729               2.  Decrease
                           1,952               3.  Stay the same
                               0               4.  Not away from work
                              15               9.  Unknown
                          41,278           Blank.  NA (No eye irritation
                                                   reported, eye irritation
                                                   due to cold or fever, no
                                                   symptoms reported while
                                                   at work)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1113     3                           HAVE A FEVER WITH SYMPTOMS**
                             141            1.  Yes
                           3,636            2.  No
                              58            9.  Unknown
                          40,398        Blank.  NA (No eye irritation
                                                reported, eye irritation due
                                                to cold/flu)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1114        4a                          WEAR CONTACT LENSES**
                           3,129               1.  Yes
                          22,951               2.  No
                             329               9.  Unknown
                          17,824           Blank.  NA
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1115-1119)   4b                          TYPE OF LENSES**

   1115                                        Hard lenses
                             664                   1.  Mentioned
                           2,432                   2.  Not mentioned
                              33                   9.  Unknown
                          41,104               Blank.  NA (No/unknown if
                                                       contact lenses worn)

   1116                                        Soft lenses, daily wear
                           1,670                   1.  Mentioned
                           1,426                   2.  Not mentioned
                              33                   9.  Unknown
                          41,104               Blank.  NA (No/unknown if
                                                       contact lenses worn)

   1117                                        Soft lenses, extended wear
                             609                   1.  Mentioned
                           2,487                   2.  Not mentioned
                              33                   9.  Unknown
                          41,104               Blank.  NA (No/unknown if
                                                       contact lenses worn)

   1118                                        Intraocular lenses
                              17                   1.  Mentioned
                           3,079                   2.  Not mentioned
                              33                   9.  Unknown
                          41,104               Blank.  NA (No/unknown if
                                                       contact lenses worn)

   1119                                        Other
                             166                   1.  Mentioned
                           2,930                   2.  Not mentioned
                              33                   9.  Unknown
                          41,104               Blank.  NA (No/unknown if
                                                       contact lenses worn)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1120     5a                             EPISODES OF STUFFY, BLOCKED,
                                           ITCHY, RUNNY NOSE IN PAST 2 WEEKS**
                           7,303               1.  Yes
                          18,816               2.  No
                             290               9.  Unknown
                          17,824           Blank.  NA

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1121-1122  5b                          HOW MANY DAYS HAD STUFFY, BLOCKED,
                                        ITCHY OR RUNNY NOSE**
                           7,124        01-14.  1-14 days
                             179           99.  Unknown
                          36,930        Blank.  NA (No stuffy, blocked, itchy
                                                or runny nose reported)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1123     5c                          SYMPTOMS DUE TO COLD OR FLU, HAY
                                        FEVER, OTHER ALLERGIES OR
                                        SOMETHING ELSE**
                           2,870            1.  Cold or flu
                             848            2.  Hay fever
                           1,897            3.  Other allergies
                              87            4.  Multiple causes
                           1,490            8.  Something else
                             111            9.  Unknown
                          36,930        Blank.  NA (No stuffy, blocked, itchy
                                                or runny nose reported)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1124     6a                          HAVE SYMPTOMS WHILE AT WORK**
                           3,590            1.  Yes
                             800            2.  No
                              43            9.  Unknown
                          39,800        Blank.  NA (No stuffy, blocked, itchy
                                                or runny nose reported, nose
                                                symptoms due to cold/flu)

 **See footnote on page 74.

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1125     6b                          WHEN AWAY FROM WORK DID SYMPTOMS
                                        INCREASE, DECREASE OR STAY THE SAME**
                             289            1.  Increase
                             555            2.  Decrease
                           2,730            3.  Stay the same
                               0            4.  Not away from work
                              16            9.  Unknown
                          40,643        Blank.  NA (No stuffy, blocked, itchy
                                                or runny nose reported, nose
                                                symptoms due to cold/flu,
                                                no symptoms while at work

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1126     7                           HAVE A FEVER WITH SYMPTOMS**
                             191            1.  Yes
                           4,151            2.  No
                              91            9.  Unknown
                          39,800        Blank.  NA (No stuffy, blocked, itchy
                                                or runny nose reported, nose
                                                symptoms due to cold/flu,
                                                no symptoms while at work

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1127     8a                             EPISODES OF SORE OR DRY THROAT**
                           3,507               1.  Yes
                          22,572               2.  No
                             330               9.  Unknown
                          17,824           Blank.  NA

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1128-1129  8b                          HOW MANY DAYS HAD SORE OR DRY THROAT**
                           3,445        01-14.  1-14 days
                              62           99.  Unknown
                          40,726        Blank.  NA (No sore/dry throat

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1130     8c                             SYMPTOMS DUE TO COLD OR FLU, HAY
                                           FEVER, OTHER ALLERGIES OR
                                           SOMETHING ELSE**
                           1,853               1.  Cold or flu
                             152               2.  Hay fever
                             510               3.  Other allergies
                              24               4.  Multiple entry
                             918               8.  Something else
                              50               9.  Unknown
                          40,726           Blank.  NA (No sore/dry throat

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1131     9a                             HAVE SYMPTOMS WHILE AT WORK
                           1,273               1.  Yes
                             342               2.  No
                              39               9.  Unknown
                          42,579           Blank.  NA (No sore/dry throat
                                                   reported, throat symptoms
                                                   due to cold/flu)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1132     9b                           WHEN AWAY FROM WORK DID SYMPTOMS
                                         INCREASE, DECREASE OR STAY THE SAME
                              73             1.  Increase
                             234             2.  Decrease
                             961             3.  Stay the same
                               0             4.  Not away from work
                               5             9.  Unknown
                          42,960         Blank.  NA (No sore/dry throat
                                                 reported, throat symptoms
                                                 due to cold/flu, no symptoms
                                                 while at work reported)

 **See footnote on page 74.
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1133     10                             HAVE A FEVER WITH SYMPTOMS
                             161               1.  Yes
                           1,437               2.  No
                              56               9.  Unknown
                          42,579           Blank.  NA (No sore/dry throat
                                                   reported, throat symptoms
                                                   due to cold/flu)

 **See footnote on page 74.

 Part 1
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                             SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS

 (1134-1144)   1a-k                        HAD ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS IN
                                           PAST 12 MONTHS

   1134        1a                            Repeated Trouble With Neck,
                                             Back Or Spine
                           8,627               1.  Yes
                          33,674               2.  No
                             186               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1135        1b                            Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
                             650               1.  Yes
                          41,548               2.  No
                             289               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1136        1c                            Raynaud's Phenomenon
                             185               1.  Yes
                          42,042               2.  No
                             260               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1137        1d                            Tendonitis
                           1,398               1.  Yes
                          40,792               2.  No
                             297               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1138        1e                            Hepatitis
                              82               1.  Yes
                          42,206               2.  No
                             199               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1139        1f                            Skin Cancer
                             522               1.  Yes
                          41,747               2.  No
                             218               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1134-1144)   1a-k                        HAD ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS IN
                                           PAST 12 MONTHS -(Continued)

   1140        1g                            Lung Cancer
                              43               1.  Yes
                          42,218               2.  No
                             226               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1141        1h                            Asthma
                           1,291               1.  Yes
                          40,965               2.  No
                             231               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1142        1i                            Chronic Bronchitis
                           1,142               1.  Yes
                          41,110               2.  No
                             235               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1143        1j                            Emphysema
                             553               1.  Yes
                          41,693               2.  No
                             241               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1144        1k                            Any Dust Disease Of The Lung
                             109               1.  Yes
                          42,109               2.  No
                             269               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

   1145        2a                            Now Have Deafness In One Or
                                             Both Ears
                           1,256               1.  Yes
                          41,001               2.  No
                             230               9.  Unknown
                           1,746           Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1146        2b                          Other Trouble Hearing In One Or
                                           Both Ears
                           3,515             1.  Yes
                          38,676             2.  No
                             296             9.  Unknown
                           1,746         Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

 1147-1148                               NUMBER OF CONDITION RECORDS*
                          42,487         00-13.  0-13 Condition records
                           1,746         Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

 1149-1150                               NUMBER OF DUMMY CONDITION
                                         RECORDS CREATED
                          42,487         00-13.  0-13 dummy condition records
                           1,746         Blank.  NA (No, unknown if ever

 *Only respondents who have worked and who reported 1 or more conditions will
  have data in Section N7 (loc. 1151 on).

 Part 2

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.     1st          2nd         3rd

                             SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS*

 Dummy Record                     Generated    (1151)    (1179)       (1207)
     1.  Dummy Record                           153          144            58
 Blank.  Not Dummy Record                    44,080       44,089        44,175

 Condition Diagnostic Code            1a-k,  (1152-1153)(1180-1181)(1208-1209)
    01. Repeated trouble with neck    2a-b    1,540          120             9
    02. Repeated trouble with back            6,229          338            18
    03. Repeated trouble with spine             353           57           126
    04. Carpal tunnel syndrome                  363          260            15
    05. Raynaud's phenomenon                     91           71            15
    06. Tendonitis                              771          497           105
    07. Hepatitis                                46           24             4
    08. Skin cancer                             302          163            41
    09. Lung cancer                              19           18             2
    10. Asthma                                  802          363            97
    11. Chronic bronchitis                      455          442           166
    12. Emphysema                               224          175            99
    13. Silicosis                                14            5             0
    14. Asbestosis                               14           10             4
    15. Brown lung disease                        1            0             0
    16. Black lung disease                        9            8             4
    17. Any other dust disease of lung            5            8             6
    18. Deafness in one or both ears            727          361           115
    19. Other trouble hearing in one or       1,908        1,125           333
        both ears
    20. Repeated trouble with neck, back        471           10             3
        or spine, exact location not specified
    21. Unspecified disease of lung (silicosis,   1            4             1
        asbestosis, brown or black lung disease,
 Blank. NA                                   29,888       40,174        43,070

 *See note on page 82.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.        4th          5th         6th

                       SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS* (Continued)

 Dummy Record                     Generated   (1235)         (1263)    (1291)
     1.  Dummy Record                            30           22             7
 Blank.  Not Dummy Record                    44,203       44,211        44,226

 Condition Diagnostic Code            1a-k,  (1236-1237)(1264-1265)(1292-1293)
    01. Repeated trouble with neck    2a-b        1            0             0
    02. Repeated trouble with back                5            1             0
    03. Repeated trouble with spine               3            1             0
    04. Carpal tunnel syndrome                   10            2             0
    05. Raynaud's phenomenon                      4            4             0
    06. Tendonitis                               18            4             3
    07. Hepatitis                                 4            2             1
    08. Skin cancer                               8            3             3
    09. Lung cancer                               0            0             0
    10. Asthma                                   19            5             1
    11. Chronic bronchitis                       60           12             1
    12. Emphysema                                37           11             2
    13. Silicosis                                 1            0             0
    14. Asbestosis                                2            1             1
    15. Brown lung disease                        0            0             0
    16. Black lung disease                        3            0             0
    17. Any other dust disease of lung            1            1             1
    18. Deafness in one or both ears             39            8             4
    19. Other trouble hearing in one or         114           19            10
        both ears
    20. Repeated trouble with neck, back          0            0             0
        or spine, exact location not specified
    21. Unspecified disease of lung (silicosis,   1            1             0
        asbestosis, brown or black lung disease,
 Blank. NA                                   43,903       44,158        44,206

 *See note on page 82.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.           7th     8th      9th

                       SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS* (Continued)

 Dummy Record                     Generated   (1319)       (1347)       (1375)
     1.  Dummy Record                             5            5             4
 Blank.  Not Dummy Record                    44,228       44,228        44,229

 Condition Diagnostic Code            1a-k,  (1320-1321)(1348-1349)(1376-1377)
    01. Repeated trouble with neck    2a-b        0            0             0
    02. Repeated trouble with back                0            0             0
    03. Repeated trouble with spine               0            0             0
    04. Carpal tunnel syndrome                    0            0             0
    05. Raynaud's phenomenon                      0            0             0
    06. Tendonitis                                0            0             0
    07. Hepatitis                                 1            0             0
    08. Skin cancer                               1            1             0
    09. Lung cancer                               2            1             1
    10. Asthma                                    0            2             1
    11. Chronic bronchitis                        2            0             2
    12. Emphysema                                 1            0             0
    13. Silicosis                                 0            0             0
    14. Asbestosis                                0            0             0
    15. Brown lung disease                        0            0             0
    16. Black lung disease                        0            0             0
    17. Any other dust disease of lung            0            0             0
    18. Deafness in one or both ears              0            1             0
    19. Other trouble hearing in one or           3            1             0
        both ears
    20. Repeated trouble with neck, back          0            0             0
        or spine, exact location not specified
    21. Unspecified disease of lung (silicosis,   0            0             0
        asbestosis, brown or black lung disease,
 Blank. NA                                   44,223       44,227        44,229

 *See note on page 82.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.          10th        11th

                       SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS* (Continued)

 Dummy Record                     Generated     (1403)       (1431)
     1.  Dummy Record                               4           4
 Blank.  Not Dummy Record                      44,229      44,229

 Condition Diagnostic Code            1a-k,    (1404-1405)   (1432-1433)
    01. Repeated trouble with neck    2a-b          0           0
    02. Repeated trouble with back                  0           0
    03. Repeated trouble with spine                 0           0
    04. Carpal tunnel syndrome                      0           0
    05. Raynaud's phenomenon                        0           0
    06. Tendonitis                                  0           0
    07. Hepatitis                                   0           0
    08. Skin cancer                                 0           0
    09. Lung cancer                                 0           0
    10. Asthma                                      1           0
    11. Chronic bronchitis                          1           1
    12. Emphysema                                   2           1
    13. Silicosis                                   0           0
    14. Asbestosis                                  0           0
    15. Brown lung disease                          0           0
    16. Black lung disease                          0           0
    17. Any other dust disease of lung              0           0
    18. Deafness in one or both ears                0           0
    19. Other trouble hearing in one or             0           0
        both ears
    20. Repeated trouble with neck, back            0           0
        or spine, exact location not specified
    21. Unspecified disease of lung (silicosis,     0           2
        asbestosis, brown or black lung disease,
 Blank. NA                                     44,229       44,229

 *See note on page 82.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.          12th        13th

                       SECTION N7.  CONDITIONS* (Continued)

 Dummy Record                     Generated     (1459)       (1487)
     1.  Dummy Record                               3           3
 Blank.  Not Dummy Record                      44,230      44,230

 Condition Diagnostic Code            1a-k,    (1460-1461)   (1488-1489)
    01. Repeated trouble with neck    2a-b          0           0
    02. Repeated trouble with back                  0           0
    03. Repeated trouble with spine                 0           0
    04. Carpal tunnel syndrome                      0           0
    05. Raynaud's phenomenon                        0           0
    06. Tendonitis                                  0           0
    07. Hepatitis                                   0           0
    08. Skin cancer                                 0           0
    09. Lung cancer                                 0           0
    10. Asthma                                      0           0
    11. Chronic bronchitis                          0           0
    12. Emphysema                                   1           0
    13. Silicosis                                   0           0
    14. Asbestosis                                  0           0
    15. Brown lung disease                          0           0
    16. Black lung disease                          0           0
    17. Any other dust disease of lung              0           0
    18. Deafness in one or both ears                1           0
    19. Other trouble hearing in one or             0           2
        both ears
    20. Repeated trouble with neck, back            0           0
        or spine, exact location not specified
    21. Unspecified disease of lung (silicosis,     1           1
        asbestosis, brown or black lung disease,
 Blank. NA                                     44,230       44,230

 *See note on page 82.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.     1st    2nd     3rd     4th

 Ever Told By Doctor That             3       (1154) (1182)  (1210)  (1238)
 Condition Was Related To Any Job
     1.  Yes                                 2,209     543      147      34
     2.  No                                 11,892   3,315      936     261
     9.  Unknown                               244     201       80      35
 Blank.  NA                                 29,888  40,174   43,070  43,903

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed    4       (1155) (1183)  (1211)  (1239)
 For Condition
     1.  Yes                                  1,113    152       33      11
     2.  No                                  13,013  3,707    1,047     283
     9.  Unknown                                219    200       83      36
 Blank.  NA                                  29,888 40,174   43,070  43,903

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded, Sect.N8/3 (1156) (1184)  (1212)  (1240)
 Denied, Or Is It Still In Process
     1.  Awarded                                371     33        8       1
     2.  Denied                                  25      2        1       0
     3.  In process                              73      6        1       0
     9.  Unknown                                644    111       23      10
 Blank.  NA (No or unknown if worker's       43,120 44,081   44,200  44,222
         compensation claim filed)

 Report Condition To Employer As      5       (1157) (1185)  (1213)  (1241)
     1.  Yes                                    884    197       60      19
     2.  No                                  12,104  3,503      980     263
     9.  Unknown                                244    207       90      37
 Blank.  NA (Worker's compensation           31,001 40,326   43,103  43,914
         claim filed)

 Part 3

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.            5th     6th     7th

 Ever Told By Doctor That             3             (1266)   (1294)  (1322)
 Condition Was Related To Any Job
     1.  Yes                                             9        4       0
     2.  No                                             41       14       5
     9.  Unknown                                        25        9       5
 Blank.  NA                                         44,158   44,206  44,223

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed    4             (1267)   (1295)  (1323)
 For Condition
     1.  Yes                                             1*       2       0
     2.  No                                             49       16       5
     9.  Unknown                                        25        9       5
 Blank.  NA                                         44,158   44,206  44,223

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded, Sect.N8/3        (1268)  (1296)  (1324)
 Denied, Or Is It Still In Process
     1.  Awarded                                         0        1       0
     2.  Denied                                          0        0       0
     3.  In process                                      0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         0        1       0
 Blank.  NA (No or unknown if worker's              44,233   44,231  44,233
         compensation claim filed)

 Report Condition To Employer As      5              (1269)  (1297)  (1325)
     1.  Yes                                             4        0       1
     2.  No                                             45       16       4
     9.  Unknown                                        25        9       5
 Blank.  NA (Worker's compensation                  44,159   44,208  44,223
         claim filed)

 *No claim resolution was obtained for this condition because data was only
 obtained on 4 claims per respondent.

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                     8th     9th     10th

 Ever Told By Doctor That                            (1350)  (1378)  (1406)
 Condition Was Related To Any Job
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              1        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         5        4       4
 Blank.  NA                                         44,227   44,229  44,229

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed                   (1351)  (1379)  (1407)
 For Condition
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              1        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         5        4       4
 Blank.  NA                                         44,227   44,229  44,229

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded,                  (1352)  (1380)  (1408)
 Denied, Or Is It Still In Process
     1.  Awarded                                         0        0       0
     2.  Denied                                          0        0       0
     3.  In process                                      0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         0        0       0
 Blank.  NA (No or unknown if worker's              44,233   44,233  44,233
         compensation claim filed)

 Report Condition To Employer As                     (1353)  (1381)  (1409)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              1        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         5        4       4
 Blank.  NA (Worker's compensation                  44,227   44,229  44,229
         claim filed)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                     11th    12th    13th

 Ever Told By Doctor That                           (1434)   (1462)  (1490)
 Condition Was Related To Any Job
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         4        3       3
 Blank.  NA                                         44,229   44,230  44,230

 Worker's Compensation Claim Filed                  (1435)   (1463)  (1491)
 For Condition
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         4        3       3
 Blank.  NA                                         44,229   44,230  44,230

 Was Worker's Compensation Awarded,                 (1436)   (1464)  (1492)
 Denied, Or Is It Still In Process
     1.  Awarded                                         0        0       0
     2.  Denied                                          0        0       0
     3.  In process                                      0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         0        0       0
 Blank.  NA (No or unknown if worker's              44,233   44,233  44,233
         compensation claim filed)

 Report Condition To Employer As                    (1437)   (1465)  (1493)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         4        3       3
 Blank.  NA (Worker's compensation                  44,229   44,230  44,230
         claim filed

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.     1st    2nd     3rd     4th

 Ever Tell Doctor Condition Was       6      (1158)  (1186)  (1214)  (1242)
 Job Related
     1.  Yes                                  2,098    418      117      31
     2.  No                                  11,997  3,414      958     263
     9.  Unknown                                250    227       88      36
 Blank.  NA                                  29,888 40,174   43,070  43,903

 Told To Stay Home Because Of         7a     (1159)  (1187)  (1215)  (1243)
 Condition (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                    879    153       35       3
     2.  No                                   6,848  1,657      407      95
     9.  Unknown                              1,234    330       73      24
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past             35,272 42,093   43,718  44,111
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Transfer To Another     7b     (1160)  (1188)  (1216)  (1244)
 Job Because Of Condition (Past 12
     1.  Yes                                    139     22        3       0
     2.  No                                   7,587  1,787      439      98
     9.  Unknown                              1,235    331       73      24
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past             35,272 42,093   43,718  44,111
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Give Lighter Work       7c     (1161)  (1189)  (1217)  (1245)
 Because Of Condition
 (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                    359     61       13       2
     2.  No                                   7,221  1,728      427      96
     9.  Unknown                              1,242    329       72      24
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past             35,411 42,115   43,721  44,111
         year at civilian job,
         transferred to another job)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.            5th     6th      7th

 Ever Tell Doctor Condition Was       6             (1270)   (1298)  (1326)
 Job Related
     1.  Yes                                             6        3       1
     2.  No                                             44       15       4
     9.  Unknown                                        25        9       5
 Blank.  NA                                         44,158   44,206  44,223

 Told To Stay Home Because Of         7a             (1271)  (1299)  (1327)
 Condition (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             2        0       0
     2.  No                                             13        5       0
     9.  Unknown                                        10        4       4
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,208   44,224  44,229
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Transfer To Another     7b             (1272)  (1300)  (1328)
 Job Because Of Condition (Past 12
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                             15        5       0
     9.  Unknown                                        10        4       4
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,208   44,224  44,229
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Give Lighter Work       7c             (1273)  (1301)  (1329)
 Because Of Condition
 (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                             15        5       0
     9.  Unknown                                        10        4       4
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,208   44,224  44,229
         year to civilian job,
         transferred to another job)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                      8th     9th     10th

 Ever Tell Doctor Condition Was                     (1354)   (1382)  (1410)
 Job Related
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              1        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         5        4       4
 Blank.  NA                                         44,227   44,229  44,229

 Told To Stay Home Because Of                       (1355)   (1383)  (1411)
 Condition (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        3       3
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,230  44,230
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Transfer To Another                   (1356)   (1384)  (1412)
 Job Because Of Condition (Past 12
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        3       3
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,230  44,230
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Give Lighter Work                     (1357)   (1385)  (1413)
 Because Of Condition
 (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        3       3
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,230  44,230
         year at civilian job,
         transferred to another job)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                      11th    12th    13th

 Ever Tell Doctor Condition Was                     (1438)   (1466)  (1494)
 Job Related
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         4        3       3
 Blank.  NA                                         44,229   44,230  44,230

 Told To Stay Home Because Of                       (1439)   (1467)  (1495)
 Condition (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        2       2
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,231  44,231
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Transfer To Another                   (1440)   (1468)  (1496)
 Job Because Of Condition (Past 12
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        2       2
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,231  44,231
         year at civilian job)

 Did Employer Give Lighter Work                     (1441)   (1469)  (1497)
 Because Of Condition
 (Past 12 Months)
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         3        2       2
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past                    44,230   44,231  44,231
         year at civilian job,
         transferred to another job)

 Part 4

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.     1st   2nd      3rd     4th

 Work Change Recode               Recode     (1162) (1190)   (1218)  (1246)

     1.  Transferred to another job             139     22        3       0
     2.  Did not transfer but got               359     61       13       2
         lighter work
     3.  Did not transfer or get              7,219  1,724      426      96
         lighter work
     6.  Unknown if transferred but               0      0        0       0
         did get lighter work
     7.  Unknown if transferred but               2      4        1       0
         did not get lighter work
     8.  Did not transfer, unknown                9      2        0       0
         if got lighter work
     9.  Unknown if transferred or            1,233    327       72      24
         got lighter work (includes
         dummy records)
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past year        35,272 42,093   43,718  44,111
         at civilian job)

 Ever Stop Working At Job Or Change   8      (1163) (1191)   (1219)  (1247)
 Jobs Because Of Condition
     1.  Yes                                  1,264    234       42      17
     2.  No                                  12,559  3,470      982     266
     9.  Unknown                                383    333      136      47
 Blank.  NA (Transferred to another          30,027 40,196   43,073  43,903
         job during past 12 months)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.            5th     6th      7th

 Work Change Recode               Recode            (1274)   (1302)  (1330)

     1.  Transferred to another job                      0        0       0
     2.  Did not transfer but got                        0        0       0
         lighter work
     3.  Did not transfer or get                        15        5       0
         lighter work
     6.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did get lighter work
     7.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did not get lighter work
     8.  Did not transfer, unknown                       0        0       0
         if got lighter work
     9.  Unknown if transferred or                      10        4       4
         got lighter work (includes
         dummy records)
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past year               44,208   44,224  44,229
         at civilian job)

 Ever Stop Working At Job Or Change   8             (1275)   (1303)  (1331)
 Jobs Because Of Condition
     1.  Yes                                             4        4       1
     2.  No                                             45       14       4
     9.  Unknown                                        26        9       5
 Blank.  NA (Transferred to another                 44,158   44,206  44,223
         job during past 12 months)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                     8th     9th     10th

 Work Change Recode                                 (1358)   (1386)  (1414)
     1.  Transferred to another job                      0        0       0
     2.  Did not transfer but got                        0        0       0
         lighter work
     3.  Did not transfer or get                         0        0       0
         lighter work
     6.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did get lighter work
     7.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did not get lighter work
     8.  Did not transfer, unknown                       0        0       0
         if got lighter work
     9.  Unknown if transferred or                       3        3       3
         got lighter work (includes
         dummy records)
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past year               44,230   44,230  44,230
         at civilian job)

 Ever Stop Working At Job Or Change   8             (1359)   (1387)  (1415)
 Jobs Because Of Condition
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              1        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         5        4       4
 Blank.  NA (Transferred to another                 44,227   44,229  44,229
         job during past 12 months)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                                     11th    12th    13th

 Work Change Recode                                 (1442)   (1470)  (1498)
     1.  Transferred to another job                      0        0       0
     2.  Did not transfer but got                        0        0       0
         lighter work
     3.  Did not transfer or get                         0        0       0
         lighter work
     6.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did get lighter work
     7.  Unknown if transferred but                      0        0       0
         did not get lighter work
     8.  Did not transfer, unknown                       0        0       0
         if got lighter work
     9.  Unknown if transferred or                       3        2       2
         got lighter work (includes
         dummy records)
 Blank.  NA (Didn't work in past year               44,230   44,231  44,231
         at civilian job)

 Ever Stop Working At Job Or Change   8             (1443)   (1471)  (1499)
 Jobs Because Of Condition
     1.  Yes                                             0        0       0
     2.  No                                              0        0       0
     9.  Unknown                                         4        3       3
 Blank.  NA (Transferred to another                 44,229   44,230  44,230
         job during past 12 months)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.       1st          2nd        3rd

 Occupation Related To Condition      9a     (1164-1166)(1192-1194)(1220-1222)
 003-889.  Code number                          2,463        512         140
     905.  Military occupation                     70         29           6
     999.  Unknown                                422        113          40
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported          41,278     43,579      44,047
           to be work related)

 Occupation Recodes (Work         Recode     (1167-1170)(1195-1198)(1223-1226)
 Related To Condition)
 (Appendix A)
   Recode 1                                  (1167-1168)(1195-1196)(1223-1224)
   Recode 2                                  (1169-1170)(1197-1198)(1225-1226)
   Blank. NA (Condition not reported
          to be work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.       4th         5th         6th

 Occupation Related To Condition      9a     (1248-1250)(1276-1278)(1304-1306)
 003-889.  Code number                           37            8           4
     905.  Military occupation                    1            0           0
     999.  Unknown                               11            1           0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        44,184       44,224      44,229
           to be work related)

 Occupation Recodes (Work         Recode     (1251-1254)(1279-1282)(1307-1310)
 Related To Condition)
 (Appendix A)
   Recode 1                                  (1251-1252)(1279-1280)(1307-1308)
   Recode 2                                  (1253-1254)(1281-1282)(1309-1310)
   Blank. NA (Condition not reported
          to be work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      7th          8th          9th

 Occupation Related To Condition      9a     (1332-1334)(1360-1362)(1388-1390)
 003-889.  Code number                              1            0           0
     905.  Military occupation                      0            0           0
     999.  Unknown                                  0            0           0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported          44,232       44,233      44,233
           to be work related)

 Occupation Recodes (Work         Recode     (1335-1338)(1363-1366)(1391-1394)
 Related To Condition)
 (Appendix A)
   Recode 1                                  (1335-1336)(1363-1364)(1391-1392)
   Recode 2                                  (1337-1338)(1365-1366)(1393-1394)
   Blank. NA (Condition not reported
          to be work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      10th            11th

 Occupation Related To Condition      9a     (1416-1418)     (1444-1446)
 003-889.  Code number                              0                0
     905.  Military occupation                      0                0
     999.  Unknown                                  0                0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported          44,233           44,233
           to be work related)

 Occupation Recodes (Work         Recode     (1419-1422)     (1447-1450)
 Related To Condition)
 (Appendix A)
   Recode 1                                  (1419-1420)     (1447-1448)
   Recode 2                                  (1421-1422)     (1449-1450)
   Blank. NA (Condition not reported
          to be work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      12th            13th

 Occupation Related To Condition      9a     (1472-1474)     (1500-1502)
 003-889.  Code number                              0                0
     905.  Military occupation                      0                0
     999.  Unknown                                  0                0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported          44,233           44,233
           to be work related)

 Occupation Recodes (Work         Recode     (1475-1478)     (1503-1506)
 Related To Condition)
 (Appendix A)
   Recode 1                                  (1475-1476)     (1503-1504)
   Recode 2                                  (1477-1478)     (1505-1506)
   Blank. NA (Condition not reported
          to be work related)
 Part 4

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.       1st         2nd         3rd

 Industry Where Worked The            9c     (1171-1173)(1199-1201)(1227-1229)
 Longest At Condition Related
 010-931.  Code number                        2,361          482           129
     932.  Armed Forces - civilian               70           22             6
     942.  Armed Forces - active duty            98           38            10
     990.  Unknown                              426          112            41
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        41,278       43,579        44,047
           to be work related)

 Industry Recode (Work Related    Recode     (1174-1177)(1202-1205)(1230-1233)
 To Condition) (Appendix B)
   Recode 1                                  (1174-1175)(1202-1203)(1230-1231)
   Recode 2                                  (1176-1177)(1204-1205)(1232-1233)
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported
           to be work related)

 Class Of Worker                      9d      (1178)         (1206)     (1234)
     1.  Private company                      1,880          365            91
     2.  Armed Forces                           141           50            12
     3.  Federal government                     108           23            10
     4.  State government                        76           17             5
     5.  Local government                       167           33             9
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated             25            5             3
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated        152           43            14
     8.  Without pay                              5            2             1
     9.  Unknown                                401          116            41
 Blank.  NA (Condition not reported to be    41,278       43,579        44,047
         work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.       4th         5th         6th

 Industry Where Worked The            9c     (1255-1257)(1283-1285)(1311-1313)
 Longest At Condition Related
 010-931.  Code number                           33            7             3
     932.  Armed Forces - civilian                2            1             1
     942.  Armed Forces - active duty             3            0             0
     990.  Unknown                               11            1             0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        44,184       44,224        44,229
           to be work related)

 Industry Recode (Work Related    Recode     (1258-1261)(1286-1289)(1314-1317)
 To Condition) (Appendix B)
   Recode 1                                  (1258-1259)(1286-1287)(1314-1315)
   Recode 2                                  (1260-1261)(1288-1289)(1316-1317)
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported
           to be work related)

 Class Of Worker                      9d      (1262)         (1290)     (1318)
     1.  Private company                         23            6             2
     2.  Armed Forces                             3            0             0
     3.  Federal government                       3            1             1
     4.  State government                         3            0             0
     5.  Local government                         1            1             1
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated              2            0             0
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated          2            0             0
     8.  Without pay                              1            0             0
     9.  Unknown                                 11            1             0
 Blank.  NA (Condition not reported to be    44,184       44,224        44,229
         work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      7th          8th          9th

 Industry Where Worked The            9c     (1339-1341)(1367-1369)(1395-1397)
 Longest At Condition Related
 010-931.  Code number                            0            0             0
     932.  Armed Forces - civilian                1            0             0
     942.  Armed Forces - active duty             0            0             0
     990.  Unknown                                0            0             0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        44,232       44,233        44,233
           to be work related)

 Industry Recode (Work Related    Recode     (1342-1345)(1370-1373)(1398-1401)
 To Condition) (Appendix B)
   Recode 1                                  (1342-1343)(1370-1371)(1398-1399)
   Recode 2                                  (1344-1345)(1372-1373)(1400-1401)
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported
           to be work related)

 Class Of Worker                      9d      (1346)         (1374)     (1402)
     1.  Private company                          0            0             0
     2.  Armed Forces                             0            0             0
     3.  Federal government                       1            0             0
     4.  State government                         0            0             0
     5.  Local government                         0            0             0
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated              0            0             0
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated          0            0             0
     8.  Without pay                              0            0             0
     9.  Unknown                                  0            0             0
 Blank.  NA (Condition not reported to be    44,232       44,233        44,233
         work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      10th         11th

 Industry Where Worked The            9c     (1423-1425)  (1451-1453)
 Longest At Condition Related
 010-931.  Code number                            0            0
     932.  Armed Forces - civilian                0            0
     942.  Armed Forces - active duty             0            0
     990.  Unknown                                0            0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        44,233       44,233
           to be work related)

 Industry Recode (Work Related    Recode     (1426-1429)  (1454-1457)
 To Condition) (Appendix B)
   Recode 1                                  (1426-1427)  (1454-1455)
   Recode 2                                  (1428-1429)  (1456-1457)
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported
           to be work related)

 Class Of Worker                      9d       (1430)       (1458)
     1.  Private company                          0            0
     2.  Armed Forces                             0            0
     3.  Federal government                       0            0
     4.  State government                         0            0
     5.  Local government                         0            0
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated              0            0
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated          0            0
     8.  Without pay                              0            0
     9.  Unknown                                  0            0
 Blank.  NA (Condition not reported to be    44,233       44,233
         work related)

 Tape Locations (in parenthesis) and Frequencies for each condition

 Items and Codes                  Item No.      12th         13th

 Industry Where Worked The            9c     (1479-1481)  (1507-1509)
 Longest At Condition Related
 010-931.  Code number                            0            0
     932.  Armed Forces - civilian                0            0
     942.  Armed Forces - active duty             0            0
     990.  Unknown                                0            0
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported        44,233       44,233
           to be work related)

 Industry Recode (Work Related    Recode     (1482-1485)  (1510-1513)
 To Condition) (Appendix B)
   Recode 1                                  (1482-1483)  (1510-1511)
   Recode 2                                  (1484-1485)  (1512-1513)
   Blank.  NA (Condition not reported
           to be work related)

 Class Of Worker                      9d      (1486)       (1514)
     1.  Private company                          0            0
     2.  Armed Forces                             0            0
     3.  Federal government                       0            0
     4.  State government                         0            0
     5.  Local government                         0            0
     6.  Self-employed, incorporated              0            0
     7.  Self-employed, not incorporated          0            0
     8.  Without pay                              0            0
     9.  Unknown                                  0            0
 Blank.  NA (Condition not reported to be    44,233       44,233
         work related)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

                          SECTION N8. CIGARETTE SMOKING

   1515     Generated                      DUMMY RECORD
                             292               1.  Dummy Record
                          43,941           Blank.  Not Dummy Record

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1516         1                          SMOKED 100 CIGARETTES IN LIFETIME
                          22,822               1.  Yes
                          21,075               2.  No
                             336               9.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1517-1518      2                       AGE WHEN STARTED SMOKING FAIRLY
                             913           00.  Never smoked regularly
                          21,543        01-97.  1-97 years
                               0           98.  98+ years
                             366           99.  Unknown
                          21,411        Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if smoked
                                                100 cigarettes)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1519         3                          SMOKE NOW
                          12,466               1.  Yes
                          10,269               2.  No
                              87               9.  Unknown
                          21,411           Blank.  NA (Never or unknown if
                                                   smoked 100 cigarettes)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1520       Recode                       SMOKING STATUS
                          21,075               1.  Never smoked 100 cigarettes
                             708               2.  Former occasional
                           9,561               3.  Former regular
                             166               4.  Current occasional
                          12,300               5.  Current regular
                              39               7.  Occasional smoker, current
                                                   status unknown
                              48               8.  Have smoked 100 cigarettes,
                                                   current status unknown
                             336               9.  Unknown smoking status
                                                   (includes dummy records)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 (1521-1523)   4                         HOW LONG SINCE SMOKED FAIRLY

 1521-1522                                   Number Of Time Units
                           9,313             01-97.  1-97 days, weeks, months,
                               0                98.  98+ days, weeks, months,
                             248                99.  Unknown
                          34,672             Blank.  NA (Not a former smoker,
                                                     never smoked regularly)

   1523                                      Time Units
                              80               1.  Days
                             161               2.  Weeks
                           1,075               3.  Months
                           7,997               4.  Years
                             248               9.  Unknown
                          34,672           Blank.  NA (Not a former smoker,
                                                   never smoked regularly)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1524-1525   Recode                      INTERVAL SINCE LAST SMOKED REGULARLY
                             174             00.  Less than 1 month
                             203             01.  1-2 months
                             235             02.  3-5 months
                             328             03.  6-11 months
                           5,198          11-24.  1-14 years
                           1,007             25.  15-19 years
                             866             26.  20-24 years
                             515             27.  25-29 years
                             525             28.  30-39 years
                             262             29.  40+ years
                             248             99.  Unknown
                          34,672          Blank.  NA (Not a former smoker,
                                                  never smoked regularly)
 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1526-1527     5                           HOW MANY CIGARETTES A DAY SMOKED
                             295              00.  Less than one per day
                          21,288           01-96.  1-96 cigarettes per day
                              27              97.  97+ cigarettes per day
                             913              98.  Never smoked regularly
                             299              99.  Unknown
                          21,411           Blank.  NA (No or unknown if
                                                   smoked 100 cigarettes)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1528        6a                          LIVE WITH ANYONE WHO SMOKES
                           9,474               1.  Yes
                          33,912               2.  No
                             847               9.  Unknown

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1529        6b                        DO THEY SMOKE REGULARLY IN
                                         THE HOME
                           8,122             1.  Yes
                           1,159             2.  No
                             193             9.  Unknown
                          34,759         Blank.  NA (Doesn't live with smoker
                                                 or unknown if does)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1530        7a                          SMOKING ALLOWED IN WORK PLACE
                          10,594               1.  Yes
                          15,465               2.  No
                             498               3.  Works at home
                             851               9.  Unknown
                          16,825           Blank.  NA (Not currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

   1531        7b                        DOES CIGARETTE SMOKE IN WORK
                                         PLACE CAUSE DISCOMFORT
                           5,924             1.  No discomfort
                           2,150             2.  Some discomfort
                           1,264             3.  Moderate discomfort
                           1,137             4.  Great discomfort
                             617             9.  Unknown
                          33,141         Blank.  NA (No or unknown if smoking
                                                 allowed in workplace, not
                                                 currently working)

 Locations  Item No.      Frequency            Items and Codes

 1532-1540                                 BLANK


 Appendix A - Occupation Recode Outline

 Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (01-03) (01)       -            EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE,            -
                                 AND MANAGERIAL OCCUPATIONS

    01    01   003-006           Officials and administrators, 111-113
                                 public administration

    02    01   007-009,013-019   Managers and administrators,  121-128,132-139
                                 except public administration

    03    01   023-029,033-037   Management related occupations1412,1414-1415,

 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Professional Specialty Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (04-11) (02)       -            PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY                -

    04    02   044-049,053-059   Engineers                     1622-1628,1632-

    05    02   043,063           Architects and surveyors      161,164

    06    02   064-069,073-079   Natural mathematical and      171-172,1732-
                                 computer scientists           1733,1739,1842-

    07    02   084-089           Health diagnosing occupations 27,261-262,281,

    08    02   095-099,103-106   Health assessment and        29,301-302,3031-
                                 treating occupations         3034,3039,304,

    09    02   113-119,123-129,  Teachers, librarians and     2212-2218,2222-
               133-139,143-149   counselors                   2228,2231-2238,
               153-159,163-165                                2242-2247,2249,

    10    02   183-189,193-195,  Writers, artists,             34,321-329,331-
               197-199           entertainers and athletes     333,398

    11    02   166-169,173-179   Other professional specialty  1912-1916,1919,
                                 occupations                   192,2032-2033,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Technicians and Related Support Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
 (12-13) (03)       -            TECHNICIANS AND RELATED            -
                                 SUPPORT OCCUPATIONS

    12    03   203-208           Health technologists and   362-366,369

    13    03   213-218,223-229,  Technologists, technicians 3711-3713,3719,
               233-235           except health              372-373,382,3831-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Sales Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (14-16) (04)       -            SALES OCCUPATIONS                    -

    14    04   243               Supervisors and proprietors  40

    15    04   253-259           Sales representatives,       4122-4124,4152-
                                 commodities and finance      4153,421,423-424

    16    04   263-269,274-278,  Other sales                  4342-4348,4351-
               283-285                                        4354,4356,4359,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (17-21) (05)       -            ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT                -
                                 OCCUPATIONS, INCLUDING CLERICAL

    17    05   308-309           Computer equipment operators 4612-4613

    18    05   313-315           Secretaries, stenographers   4622-4624
                                 and typists

    19    05   337-339,343-344   Financial records processing 4712-4713,4715-
                                 occupations                  4716,4718

    20    05   354-357           Mail and message distributing4742-4745

    21    05   303-307,316-319,  Other administrative support 4511-4519,4521-
               323,325-329,                                   4529,463,4642-
               335-336,345-349,                               4645,4649,4662-
               353,359,363-366,                               4664,4692,4694,
               368-369,373-379,                               4696,4699,4722-
               383-387,389                                    4723,4729,4732-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Private Household Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

    22    06   403-407           PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS  502-507,509
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Protective Service Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (23-24) (07)       -            PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    23    07   413-414,416-418,  Police and firefighters      5111-5112,5122-
               423-424                                        5123,5132-5134

    24    07   415,425-427       Other protective service     5113,5142,5144,
                                 occupations                  5149
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Service Occupations, Except Protective and Household

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (25-28) (08)       -            SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, EXCEPT
                                 PROTECTIVE AND HOUSEHOLD

    25    08   433-439,443-444   Food service                  5211-5219

    26    08   445-447           Health service                5232-5233,5236

    27    08   448-449,453-455   Cleaning and building service 5241-5242,5244-

    28    08   456-459,463-469   Personal service              5251-5258,5262-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (29-31) (09)       -            FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING

    29    09   473-476           Farm operators and managers   5512-5515,5522-

    30    09   477,479,483-489   Farm workers and other        5611-5619,5621-
                                 agricultural workers          5622,5624-5625,

    31    09   494-499           Forestry and fishing          571-573,579,
                                 occupations                   583-584,8241
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

 (32-34) (10)       -            PRECISION PRODUCTION, CRAFT
                                 AND REPAIR OCCUPATIONS

    32    10   503,505-509,      Mechanics and repairers      60,6111-6118,
               514-519,523,                                   613-614,6151-
               525-527,529                                    6159,616,6171-
               533-536,538-539,                               6179

    33    10   553-558,563-567,  Construction and extractive  6311-6316,6318,
               569,573,575-577,  trades                       632,6412-6414,
               579,583-585,                                   6422,6424,6432-
               587-589,593-599,                               6433,6442-6444,
               613-617                                        645,6462-6468,

    34    10   633-637,639,      Precision production         67,71,6811-6814,
               643-647,649,      occupations                  6816-6817,6821-
               653-659,666-669,                               6824,6829,6831-
               673-679,683-684,                               6832,6835,6839,
               686-689,693-696,                               6844,6852-6854,
               699                                            6856,6859,6861-
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Operators, Fabricators and Laborers

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
                                 OPERATORS, FABRICATORS AND LABORERS

 (35-36) (11)                    MACHINE OPERATORS, ASSEMBLERS
                                 AND INSPECTORS

    35    11   703-709,713-715,  Machine operators and        6841-6842,6849,
               717,719,723-729,  tenderers,except precision   6855,6863,6868,
               733-739,743-745,                               7312-7319,7322,
               747-749,753-759,                               7324,7326,7329,
               763-766,768-769,                               7339,7342-7344,
               773-774,777,779                                7349,7431-7435,

    36    11   783-787,789,      Fabricators, assemblers,     7332-7333,7532-
               793-799           inspectors and samplers      7533,7714,7717,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (37-39) (12)       -            TRANSPORTATION AND MATERIAL
                                 MOVING OCCUPATIONS

    37    12   803-806,808-809,  Motor vehicle operators      8111,8212-8216,
               813-814                                        8218-8219,874

    38    12   823-826,828-829,  Other transportation, except 8113,8232-8233,
               833-834           motor vehicles               8239,8241(pt.),

    39    12   843-845,848-849,  Material moving equipment    812,8312-8319
               853,855-856,859   operators
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

 (40-41) (13)                    HANDLERS, EQUIPMENT CLEANERS,
                                 HELPERS AND LABORERS

    40    13   869               Construction laborers          871

    41    13   863-867,873,      Freight, stock and material    85,861-863,
               875-878,883,885,  handlers                       8641-8646,
               887-889                                          8648,865,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Unknown Occupation

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    95    14   999 and all       UNKNOWN OCCUPATION
               other codes
               except 000,
               905 and 998
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 New Worker

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    97    15   000               NEW WORKER (Question 1a only)
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Armed Forces

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    98    16   905               ARMED FORCES
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Unknown if Ever Worked

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    99    17   998               UNKNOWN IF EVER WORKED (Question 1a only)
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Occupation Recode Titles


                                                                Recode No. 1
    Code                             Titles                     Inclusions



    02    PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY OCCUPATIONS                       04-11



    04    SALES OCCUPATIONS                                        14-16


                         SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    06    PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS                            22

    07    PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS                           23-24


    09    FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING OCCUPATIONS                29-31






    14    UNKNOWN OCCUPATION                                       95

    15    NEVER WORKED                                             97

    16    ARMED FORCES                                             98

    17    UNKNOWN IF EVER WORKED                                   99

Appendix B - Industry Recodes Outline

 Agriculture/Forestry and Fisheries

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    01    01   010-011,020-021   AGRICULTURE                 01-02,07,078

    02    01   030-031           FORESTRY AND FISHERIES      08-09
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    10    02   040-042,050       MINING                      10-14
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    20    03   060               CONSTRUCTION                15-17
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Manufacturing: Nondurable Goods

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING:

 (30-34)                         NONDURABLE GOODS

    30    04   100-102,110-112,  Food and kindred products 201-209

    31    04   132,140-142,      Textile mill and finished 221-229,231-239
               150-152           textile products

    32    04   171-172           Printing, publishing and  271-279
                                 allied industries

    33    04   180-182,190-192   Chemicals and allied      281-287,289

    34    04   130,160-162,      Other nondurable goods   21,261-266,291,295,
               200-201,210-212,                           299,301-304,306-307,
               220-222                                    311,313-317,319

 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Manufacturing: Durable Goods

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING: - continued

 (40-46)                         DURABLE GOODS

    40    04   230-232,241-242   Furniture, lumber and wood

    41    04   270-272,280       Primary metal industries 331-332,334,3331-

    42    04   281-282,290-292,  Fabricated metal         341-349
               300               industries, including

    43    04   310-312,320-322,  Machinery, except        351-359
               331-332           electrical

    44    04   340-342,350       Electrical machinery,    361-367,369
                                 equipment and supplies

    45    04   351-352,360-362,  Transportation equipment 371-376,379

    46    04   250-252,261-262,  Other and not specified  321-329,381-387,394
               301,371-372,      durable goods
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Transportation, Communications and Other Public Utilities

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
 (50-54) (05)        -           TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS
                                 AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES

    50    05   400               Railroads                   40

    51    05   410-411           Trucking service and        421-423

    52    05   401-402,412,      Other transportation        41,43-47

    53    05   440-442           Communications              481-483,489

    54    05   460-462,470-472   Utilities and sanitary      491-497
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Wholesale Trade

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    60    06   500-502,510-512,  WHOLESALE TRADE           501-508,5093,5094,
               521-522,530-532,                            5099,511-518,5191,
               540-542,550-552,                            5194,5198,5199
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Retail Trade

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

 (61-65)  (07)       -           RETAIL TRADE

    61    07   591-592,600       General merchandise stores 531,533,539

    62    07   601-602,610-611   Food, bakery and dairy     541-546,549

    63    07   612,620-622       Automotive dealers and     551-557,559
                                 gasoline stations

    64    07   641               Eating and drinking places 58

    65    07   580-582,590,      Other and not specified  521,523,525-527,56,
               630-632,640,642,  retail trade             571-573,591-593,
               650-652,660-662,                           5941-5949,5961-5963,
               670-672,681-682,                           598,5992-5994,5999
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

 (70-71) (08)        -           FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL

    70    08   700-702           Banking and credit          60-61

    71    08   710-712           Insurance, real estate,     62-67
                                 and other finance
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1   No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title           SIC Code*

 (75-85) (09-12)     -           SERVICES:

 (75-76)   (09)                  BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES

    75    09   721-722,730-732,  Business services         731-737,7391-7397,
               740-742,750                                 7399,751,752,754

    76    09   751-752,760       Repair services           753,762-764,7692,

 (77-78)   (10)      -           PERSONAL SERVICES

    77    10   761               Private households        88

    78    10   762,770-772,      Other personal services   701-704,721-726,729

    79    11   800-802           ENTERTAINMENT AND         78,791-794,799
                                 RECREATION SERVICES

 (80-85)   (12)     -            PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED

    80    12   831               Hospitals                 806

    81    12   812,820-822,830,  Health services, except   801-803,8041-8042,
               832,840           hospitals                 8049,805,807-809

    82    12   842,850           Elementary and secondary  821-822
                                 schools and colleges

    83    12   851-852,860       Other educational services823-824,829

    84    12   861-862,870-872,  Social services, religious832-833,835-836,
               880-881           and membership            839,84,861-866,869

    85    12   841,882,890-892   Legal, engineering and    81,891-893,899
                                 other professional services
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Public Administration

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    90    13   900-901,910,      PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION       911-913,919,92-97
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Unknown Industry

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    95    14   990 and all       UNKNOWN INDUSTRY                    -
               other codes
               except 000
               942, 998
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 New Worker

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    97    15   000               NEW WORKER (Question 3a only)
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Armed Forces

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    98    16   942               ARMED FORCES (Excludes Reserves
                                 and National Guard)
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Unknown if Ever Worked

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    99    17   998               UNKNOWN IF EVER WORKED (Question 3a only)
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Industry Recode Titles


                                                             Recode No. 1
     Code                             Titles                 Inclusions

    01    AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES                01,02

    02    MINING                                             10

    03    CONSTRUCTION                                       20

    04    MANUFACTURING                                      30-34, 40-46


    06    WHOLESALE TRADE                                    60

    07    RETAIL TRADE                                       61-65

    08    FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE                70-71

    09    BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES                       75-76

    10    PERSONAL SERVICES                                  77-78


    12    PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES                  80-85

    13    PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION                              90

    14    UNKNOWN INDUSTRY                                   95

    15    NEVER WORKED                                       97

    16    ARMED FORCES                                       98

    17    UNKNOWN IF EVER WORKED                             99

Appendix C - Occupation Recode Outline

 Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (01-03) (01)       -            EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE,             -
                                 AND MANAGERIAL OCCUPATIONS

    01    01   003-006           Officials and administrators, 111-113
                                 public administration

    02    01   007-009,013-019   Managers and administrators,  121-128,132-139
                                 except public administration

    03    01   023-029,033-037   Management related occupations1412,1414-1415,

 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Professional Specialty Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (04-11) (02)       -            PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY                 -

    04    02   044-049,053-059   Engineers                     1622-1628,1632-

    05    02   043,063           Architects and surveyors      161,164

    06    02   064-069,073-079   Natural mathematical and      171-172,1732-
                                 computer scientists           1733,1739,1842-

    07    02   084-089           Health diagnosing occupations 27,261-262,281,

    08    02   095-099,103-106   Health assessment and        29,301-302,3031-
                                 treating occupations         3034,3039,304,

    09    02   113-119,123-129,  Teachers, librarians and     2212-2218,2222-
               133-139,143-149   counselors                   2228,2231-2238,
               153-159,163-165                                2242-2247,2249,

    10    02   183-189,193-195,  Writers, artists,             34,321-329,331-
               197-199           entertainers and athletes     333,398

    11    02   166-169,173-179   Other professional specialty  1912-1916,1919,
                                 occupations                   192,2032-2033,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Technicians and Related Support Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
 (12-13) (03)       -            TECHNICIANS AND RELATED             -
                                 SUPPORT OCCUPATIONS

    12    03   203-208           Health technologists and    362-366,369

    13    03   213-218,223-229,  Technologists, technicians  3711-3713,3719,
               233-235           except health               372-373,382,3831-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Sales Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (14-16) (04)       -            SALES OCCUPATIONS                    -

    14    04   243               Supervisors and proprietors  40

    15    04   253-259           Sales representatives,       4122-4124,4152-
                                 commodities and finance      4153,421,423-424

    16    04   263-269,274-278,  Other sales                  4342-4348,4351-
               283-285                                        4354,4356,4359,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (17-21) (05)       -            ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT                -
                                 OCCUPATIONS, INCLUDING CLERICAL

    17    05   308-309           Computer equipment operators 4612-4613

    18    05   313-315           Secretaries, stenographers   4622-4624
                                 and typists

    19    05   337-339,343-344   Financial records processing 4712-4713,4715-
                                 occupations                  4716,4718

    20    05   354-357           Mail and message distributing4742-4745

    21    05   303-307,316-319,  Other administrative support 4511-4519,4521-
               323,325-329,                                   4529,463,4642-
               335-336,345-349,                               4645,4649,4662-
               353,359,363-366,                               4664,4692,4694,
               368-369,373-379,                               4696,4699,4722-
               383-387,389                                    4723,4729,4732-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Private Household Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

    22    06   403-407           PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS  502-507,509
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Protective Service Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (23-24) (07)       -            PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    23    07   413-414,416-418,  Police and firefighters      5111-5112,5122-
               423-424                                        5123,5132-5134

    24    07   415,425-427       Other protective service     5113,5142,5144,
                                 occupations                  5149
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Service Occupations, Except Protective and Household

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (25-28) (08)       -            SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, EXCEPT
                                 PROTECTIVE AND HOUSEHOLD

    25    08   433-439,443-444   Food service                  5211-5219

    26    08   445-447           Health service                5232-5233,5236

    27    08   448-449,453-455   Cleaning and building service 5241-5242,5244-

    28    08   456-459,463-469   Personal service              5251-5258,5262-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

 (29-31) (09)       -            FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING

    29    09   473-476           Farm operators and managers   5512-5515,5522-

    30    09   477,479,483-489   Farm workers and other        5611-5619,5621-
                                 agricultural workers          5622,5624-5625,

    31    09   494-499           Forestry and fishing          571-573,579,
                                 occupations                   583-584,8241
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

 (32-34) (10)       -            PRECISION PRODUCTION, CRAFT
                                 AND REPAIR OCCUPATIONS

    32    10   503,505-509,      Mechanics and repairers      60,6111-6118,
               514-519,523,                                   613-614,6151-
               525-527,529                                    6159,616,6171-
               533-536,538-539,                               6179

    33    10   553-558,563-567,  Construction and extractive  6311-6316,6318,
               569,573,575-577,  trades                       632,6412-6414,
               579,583-585,                                   6422,6424,6432-
               587-589,593-599,                               6433,6442-6444,
               613-617                                        645,6462-6468,

    34    10   633-637,639,      Precision production         67,71,6811-6814,
               643-647,649,      occupations                  6816-6817,6821-
               653-659,666-669,                               6824,6829,6831-
               673-679,683-684,                               6832,6835,6839,
               686-689,693-696,                               6844,6852-6854,
               699                                            6856,6859,6861-
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Operators, Fabricators and Laborers

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
                                 OPERATORS, FABRICATORS AND LABORERS

 (35-36) (11)                    MACHINE OPERATORS, ASSEMBLERS
                                 AND INSPECTORS

    35    11   703-709,713-715,  Machine operators and        6841-6842,6849,
               717,719,723-729,  tenderers,except precision   6855,6863,6868,
               733-739,743-745,                               7312-7319,7322,
               747-749,753-759,                               7324,7326,7329,
               763-766,768-769,                               7339,7342-7344,
               773-774,777,779                                7349,7431-7435,

    36    11   783-787,789,      Fabricators, assemblers,     7332-7333,7532-
               793-799           inspectors and samplers      7533,7714,7717,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
 (37-39) (12)       -            TRANSPORTATION AND MATERIAL
                                 MOVING OCCUPATIONS

    37    12   803-806,808-809,  Motor vehicle operators      8111,8212-8216,
               813-814                                        8218-8219,874

    38    12   823-826,828-829,  Other transportation, except 8113,8232-8233,
               833-834           motor vehicles               8239,8241(pt.),

    39    12   843-845,848-849,  Material moving equipment    812,8312-8319
               853,855-856,859   operators
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*

 (40-41) (13)                    HANDLERS, EQUIPMENT CLEANERS,
                                 HELPERS AND LABORERS

    40    13   869               Construction laborers          871

    41    13   863-867,873,      Freight, stock and material    85,861-863,
               875-878,883,885,  handlers                       8641-8646,
               887-889                                          8648,865,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Unknown Occupation

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    95    14   999 and all       UNKNOWN OCCUPATION
               other codes
               except 990
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 New Worker

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    96    14   990               NEW WORKER
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

 Not in Labor Force

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    97    15   Not applicable    NOT IN LABOR FORCE - codes Blank
                                 and 8 in current activity recode
                                 (Loc. 75).  (Under 18 or 18+
                                 and Not in Labor Force)
 *Standard Occupational Classification.


  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*

    98    16   905               MILITARY
 *Standard Occupational Classification

 Occupation Recode Titles


                                                                Recode No. 1
    Code                             Titles                     Inclusions



    02    PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY OCCUPATIONS                       04-11



    04    SALES OCCUPATIONS                                        14-16


                         SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    06    PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS                            22

    07    PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS                           23-24


    09    FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING OCCUPATIONS                29-31






    14    UNKNOWN OCCUPATION (includes New Workers)                95-96

    15    NOT IN LABOR FORCE                                       97

    16    MILITARY                                                 98

Appendix D - Industry Recodes Outline

 Agriculture/Forestry and Fisheries

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    01    01   010-011,020-021   AGRICULTURE                 01-02,07,078

    02    01   030-031           FORESTRY AND FISHERIES      08-09
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    10    02   040-042,050       MINING                      10-14
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    20    03   060               CONSTRUCTION                15-17
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Manufacturing: Nondurable Goods

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING:

 (30-34)                         NONDURABLE GOODS

    30    04   100-102,110-112,  Food and kindred products 201-209

    31    04   132,140-142,      Textile mill and finished 221-229,231-239
               150-152           textile products

    32    04   171-172           Printing, publishing and  271-279
                                 allied industries

    33    04   180-182,190-192   Chemicals and allied      281-287,289

    34    04   130,160-162,      Other nondurable goods   21,261-266,291,295,
               200-201,210-212,                           299,301-304,306-307,
               220-222                                    311,313-317,319

 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Manufacturing: Durable Goods

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING: - continued

 (40-46)                         DURABLE GOODS

    40    04   230-232,241-242   Furniture, lumber and wood

    41    04   270-272,280       Primary metal industries 331-332,334,3331-

    42    04   281-282,290-292,  Fabricated metal         341-349
               300               industries, including

    43    04   310-312,320-322,  Machinery, except        351-359
               331-332           electrical

    44    04   340-342,350       Electrical machinery,    361-367,369
                                 equipment and supplies

    45    04   351-352,360-362,  Transportation equipment 371-376,379

    46    04   250-252,261-262,  Other and not specified  321-329,381-387,394
               301,371-372,      durable goods
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Transportation, Communications and Other Public Utilities

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
 (50-54) (05)        -           TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS
                                 AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES

    50    05   400               Railroads                   40

    51    05   410-411           Trucking service and        421-423

    52    05   401-402,412,      Other transportation        41,43-47

    53    05   440-442           Communications              481-483,489

    54    05   460-462,470-472   Utilities and sanitary      491-497
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Wholesale Trade

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    60    06   500-502,510-512,  WHOLESALE TRADE           501-508,5093,5094,
               521-522,530-532,                            5099,511-518,5191,
               540-542,550-552,                            5194,5198,5199
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Retail Trade

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

 (61-65)  (07)       -           RETAIL TRADE

    61    07   591-592,600       General merchandise stores531,533,539

    62    07   601-602,610-611   Food, bakery and dairy    541-546,549

    63    07   612,620-622       Automotive dealers and    551-557,559
                                 gasoline stations

    64    07   641               Eating and drinking places58

    65    07   580-582,590,      Other and not specified  521,523,525-527,56,
               630-632,640,642,  retail trade             571-573,591-593,
               650-652,660-662,                           5941-5949,5961-5963,
               670-672,681-682,                           598,5992-5994,5999
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

 (70-71) (08)        -           FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL

    70    08   700-702           Banking and credit          60-61

    71    08   710-712           Insurance, real estate,     62-67
                                 and other finance
 *Standard Industrial Classification


  No. 1   No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title           SIC Code*

 (75-85) (09-12)     -           SERVICES:

 (75-76)   (09)                  BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES

    75    09   721-722,730-732,  Business services         731-737,7391-7397,
               740-742,750                                 7399,751,752,754

    76    09   751-752,760       Repair services           753,762-764,7692,

 (77-78)   (10)      -           PERSONAL SERVICES

    77    10   761               Private households        88

    78    10   762,770-772,      Other personal services   701-704,721-726,729

    79    11   800-802           ENTERTAINMENT AND         78,791-794,799
                                 RECREATION SERVICES

 (80-85)   (12)     -            PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED

    80    12   831               Hospitals                 806

    81    12   812,820-822,830,  Health services, except   801-803,8041-8042,
               832,840           hospitals                 8049,805,807-809

    82    12   842,850           Elementary and secondary  821-822
                                 schools and colleges

    83    12   851-852,860       Other educational services 823-824,829

    84    12   861-862,870-872,  Social services, religious 832-833,835-836,
               880-881           and membership             839,84,861-866,869

    85    12   841,882,890-892   Legal, engineering and     81,891-893,899
                                 other professional services
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Public Administration

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    90    13   900-901,910,      PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION       911-913,919,92-97
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Unknown Industry

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    95    14   990 and all       UNKNOWN INDUSTRY                    -
               other codes
               except 996
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 New Worker

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    96    14   996               NEW WORKER
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Not in Labor Force

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    97    15   Not applicable    NOT IN LABOR FORCE - codes Blank
                                 and 8 in current activity recode
                                 (loc. 75) (Under 18 or 18+ and
                                 not in Labor Force).
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Armed Forces

  No. 1  No. 2  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*

    98    16   942               ARMED FORCES (excludes Reserves
                                 and National Guard)
 *Standard Industrial Classification

 Industry Recode Titles


                                                             Recode No. 1
     Code                             Titles                 Inclusions

    01    AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES                01,02

    02    MINING                                             10

    03    CONSTRUCTION                                       20

    04    MANUFACTURING                                      30-34, 40-46


    06    WHOLESALE TRADE                                    60

    07    RETAIL TRADE                                       61-65

    08    FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE                70-71

    09    BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES                       75-76

    10    PERSONAL SERVICES                                  77-78


    12    PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES                  80-85

    13    PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION                              90

    14    UNKNOWN (includes new workers)                     95-96

    15    NOT IN LABOR FORCE                                 97

    16    ARMED FORCES                                       98


 Code           Body Part

 00             Internal (used with anoxia, aspirated on ingested
                foreign object)
 30             Shoulder
 31             Upper trunk (not including shoulders)
 32             Elbow
 33             Lower Arm (not including elbow or wrist)
 34             Wrist
 35             Knee
 36             Lower leg (not including knee or ankle)
 37             Ankle
 38             Pubic region
 75             Head
 76             Face (including eyelid, eye area and nose)
 77             Eyeball
 78             Back
 79             Lower trunk
 80             Upper arm
 81             Upper leg
 82             Hand
 83             Foot
 84             25-50% of Body
 85             All parts of Body
 87             Not stated
 88             Mouth (including lips, tongue and teeth)
 89             Neck
 92             Finger
 93             Toe
 94             Ear


 Code           Injury Diagnosis

 41             +Ingested Foreign Object
 42             +Aspirated Foreign Object
 46              Burns, electrical
 47              Burns, not specified
 48              Burns (scald from hot liquids or steam)
 49              Burns, chemical (caustics, etc.)
 50              Amputation
 51              Burns, thermal (from flames or hot surface)
 52              Concussions
 53              Contusions, Abrasions
 54              Crushing
 55              Dislocation
 56              Foreign Body
 57              Fracture
 58              Hematoma
 59              Laceration
 60              Dental Injury
 61              Nerve Damage
 62              Internal Organ
 63              Puncture
 64              Strain or Sprain
 65             +Anoxia
 66              Hemorrhage
 67             *Electric Shock
 68             *Poisoning
 69             *Submersion (including drowning)
 70              Not Stated
 71              Other
 72              Avulsion
 73              Burns, radiation (includes all cell damage by
                 ultraviolet, x-rays, microwaves, laser beam,
                 radioactive materials, etc.)
 74              Dermatitis, Conjunctivitis
 99              Unknown

 *Code 85 should always be used for body part
 +Code 00 should always be used for body part


 Code                               Description

 01     STRUCK AGAINST - - - injury was produced by impact between the injured
        person and the source of injury, the motion producing the contact
        being primarily that of the person rather than of the source of
        injury, except when the motion of the person was generated in a fall.
        Includes:  bumping into objects, stepping on objects, etc.. Includes
        stationary and moving objects.  Excludes:  jumping from elevations,
        see code 03.

 02     STRUCK BY - - - injury was produced by impact between the injured
        person and the source of injury, the motion producing the contact
        being primarily that of the source of injury rather than of the
        person.  Includes:  falling objects, flying objects and "struck by,"

 03     FALL FROM ELEVATION - - - injury was produced by impact between the
        injured person and the source of injury, the motion producing the
        contact being that of the person, under the following circumstances:

        1.  The motion of the person and the force of impact were generated by

        2.  The point of contact with the source of injury was lower than the
            surface supporting the person at the inception of the fall.

        Includes:  falls:  from scaffolds, walkways, platforms, etc., ladders,
        piled materials, vehicles, on stairs, into shafts, excavations, floor
        openings, etc. (from edge of opening), to lower level, NEC.  Includes
        also:  jumping from elevations.

 05     FALL ON SAME LEVEL - - - injury was produced by impact between the
        injured person and an external object, the motion producing the
        contact being that of the person, under the following circumstances:

        1.  The motion of the person was generated by gravity following a loss
            of equilibrium and ability to maintain an upright position.

        2.  The point of contact with the source of injury was at the same
            level or above the surface supporting the person at the inception
            of the fall.

        Includes:  fall to the walkway or working surface, fall onto or
        against objects, fall on same level, NEC.

 06     CAUGHT IN, UNDER, OR BETWEEN - - - injury was produced by squeezing,
        pinching, or crushing between a moving object and a stationary object,
        between two moving objects, or between parts of an object. DO NOT USE
        THIS CODE when the source of injury is a freely flying or falling
        object.  Includes:  in running or meshing objects, a moving and a
        stationary object, two or more moving (not meshing) objects,
        collapsing materials (slides of earth, collapse of building sites),
        caught in, under or between, NEC.

 08     RUBBED OR ABRADED - - - injury was produced by pressure, vibration, or
        friction between the person and the source of injury.

 10     BODILY REACTION - - - injury resulted solely from a free bodily motion
        which imposed stress or strain upon some part of the body.

        Generally applies to the occurrence of strains, sprains, ruptures, or
        other internal injuries resulting from involuntary motion induced by
        sudden noise, fright, or efforts to recover from slips or loss of
        balance.  Includes cases involving nervous shock and cases of muscular
        or internal injury resulting from the execution of personal movements
        such as walking, climbing, running, reaching, turning, bending, etc.,
        when such movement in itself was the source of injury. Do not use this
        code for overexertion cases involving the lifting, pulling, or pushing
        of objects, or cases in which a bodily movement, voluntary or
        involuntary, results in forcible contact with an external object.

 12     OVEREXERTION - - - injury resulted from excessive physical effort, as
        in lifting, pulling, pushing, wielding, or throwing, as the source of
        injury.  Includes overexertion in:  lifting objects, pulling or
        pushing objects, holding, wielding, throwing, or carrying objects, and
        overexertion, NEC.

 13     CONTACT WITH ELECTRIC CURRENT - - - injury consisted of electric
        shock or electrocution.

 15     CONTACT WITH TEMPERATURE EXTREMES - - - injury consisted of a burn,
        heat exhaustion, freezing, frostbite, etc., resulting from contact
        with, or exposure to, hot or cold objects, air, gases, vapors, or
        liquids.  Do not use this code for injuries from contact with sun's
        rays or other radiations, or injury by the toxic or caustic
        characteristics of chemicals, etc.  Includes contact with general heat
        or cold (atmosphere or environment), hot or cold objects or

        injury resulted from the inhalation, absorption (skin contact), or
        ingestion of harmful substances.  Includes injuries of the following
        natures: drowning, poisoning, chemical burns or irritations, allergic
        reaction, contagious diseases, and damage to the body from exposure to
        sun's rays or other radiations.  Do not use this code for burns or
        freezing from contact with temperature extremes (code 15) or burns
        from contact with electric current (code 13).

 19     TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS - - - includes all highway accidents
        involving cars, trucks and buses.  Also includes aircraft, ship, boat,
        streetcar, subway or train accidents.

 20     ACCIDENT TYPE, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED- - - accident types not
        elsewhere classified (includes all moving vehicles).

 99     DK or refused.


 Code                               Description (Source)

 01     Air Pressure (abnormal, environmental).  Includes high pressure such
        as in caisson work, deep diving, etc., and low pressure such as
        rarefied air, as at extreme elevations.

 02     Animals, insects, birds, reptiles (live).

 03     Animal products (not food).  Includes bones, feathers, fur, hides,
        leather, etc.

 04     Bodily motion (no lifing, pulling, pushing, etc.).  Includes military
        bodily motion due to physical training.

 05     Boilers, pressure vessels.  Includes pressurized containers (for gases
        or liquids), pressure lines (hose or pipe for pressurized liquids,
        gases, or vapors).

 06     Boxes, barrels, containers, packages (empty or full).  Includes kegs,
        drums, crates, cartons, bottles, jugs, flasks, etc., bundles, bales,
        reels, rolls, tanks, bins, etc., (NOT pressurized).

 07     Buildings and structures (not floors, working surfaces, or walkways.
        See Code 58 "Working surfaces").  Includes office, plant, residential,
        etc., doors, gates, windows, window frames, bridges, dams, locks,
        etc., grandstands, stadia, etc., scaffolds, staging, etc., towers,
        poles, etc., walls, fences, wharf, docks, etc.

 08     Ceramic items, NEC.  Includes brick, china, drain tile, sewer pipe,
        flue lining, etc., glazed tile (decorative, not load bearing; mosaic
        tile, etc.), pottery, structural tile (glazed or plain); ceramic
        items, NEC.

 09     Chemical, chemical compounds (solids, liquids, gases).  Includes
        acids, alcohols, alkalies, aromatic compounds (benzol, toluene,
        xylene, aniline, etc.), arsenic compounds, carbon bisulphide, carbon
        dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon tetrachloride, cyanides or cyanogen
        compounds, halogenated compounds, NEC (trichlorethylene,
        perchlorethylene, methyl chloride, refrigerants, metallic compounds,
        NEC (lead, mercury, zinc, brass, cadmium, chromium, etc., oxides of
        nitrogen (nitrofumes) chemicals and chemical compounds NEC.

 10     Clothing, apparel, shoes.  Includes boots, gloves, hats, head
        coverings, outer coats, raincoats, shirts, blouses, sweaters, coats,
        suits, pants, coveralls, dresses, stockings, socks, underwear, and
        apparel, NEC.

 11     Coal and Petroleum products.  Includes coal, coke, crude oil, fuel
        oil, gasoline and liquid hydrocarbon compounds (paraffins, olefins,
        etc.), hydrocarbon gases (methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane,
        isobutane, butylene, isobutylene, LP gas, etc.) kerosene, lubricating
        and cutting oils, greases, manufactured gases, naphtha solvents
        (petroleum, ether, mineral spirits, cleaners, naphtha, rubber solvent,
        stoddard solvent, aromatic solvents, etc.), petroleum asphalts and
        road oils.

 12     Cold (atmospheric, environmental)

 13     Conveyors.  Includes gravity and powered conveyors.

 14     Drugs and Medicines.  Includes biologic products (sera, toxins,
        antitoxins, vaccines, plasma, etc.) and other medicinals.

 15     Electric apparatus.  Includes motors, generators, transformers,
        converters, conductors, switchboard and bus structures, switches,
        circuit breakers, fuses, rheostats, starters, and control apparatus;
        capacitors; rectifiers, storage batteries, magnetic and electrolytic
        apparatus, heating appliances.

 17     Flame, fire, smoke

 18     Food products (including animal foods).  Includes fruits and fruit
        products, grains and grain products, meat and meat products, milk and
        milk products, vegetable and vegetable products.

 19     Furniture, fixtures, furnishings (not fixed parts of buildings or
        structures).  Includes cabinets, file cases, book cases, etc., chairs,
        benches, etc., counters, workbenches, etc., desks, floor coverings,
        carpets, rugs, mats, etc., lighting equipment, lamps, bulbs, etc.,

 20     Glass items, NEC (glassware, glass fibers, sheets, etc., NOT bottles,
        jars, flasks or glass cloth).

 21     Hand tools, unknown whether powered or not powered.  Includes abrasive
        stones or wheel grinders, axes, blow torches, buffers, polishers,
        waxers, etc., chisels, crowbars, pry bars, drills, files, forks,
        hatchets, hoes, ironers, knives, picks, planes, pliers, tongs, powder-
        actuated tools, punches, riveters, ropes, chains, sandblasters, saws,
        scissors, shears, screwdrivers, bolt setters, shovels, spades, welding
        tools, wrenches.

 22     Hand tools, not powered.  Includes axes, blow torches, chisels,
        crowbars, pry bars, files, forks, hammers, sledges, mallets, hatchets,
        hoes, knives, needles or syringes (use only where no infection
        occurs), picks, planes, pliers, tongs, punches, ropes, chains, saws,
        scissors, shears, screwdrivers, shovels, spades, wrenches.

 23     Hand tools, powered.  Includes abrasive stones or wheel grinders,
        buffers, polishers, waxers, chisels, drills, hammers, tampers,
        ironers, knives, powder-actuated tools, punches, riveters,
        sandblasters, saws, screwdrivers, bolt setters, welding tools.

 24     Heat, atmospheric, environmental (NOT hot objects or substances)

 25     Heating equipment NEC.  Includes Non-electric furnaces, retorts, space
        heaters, stoves, ranges, etc.  If electric, see electric apparatus,
        code 15.

 26     Hoisting apparatus.  Includes cranes, derricks, elevators, shovels,
        dredges, air hoists, chain hoists, chain blocks, electric hoists, gin
        poles, jacks (mechanical, hydraulic, air, etc.), jammers (logging),
        mine buckets.

 27     Infectious, parasitic agents, NEC.  Includes bacteria, fungi,
        parasitic organisms, viruses, etc.  Excludes chemicals, drugs,
        prepared medicinal items and food infestations.

 28     Ladders (fixed or portable).  Includes fixed, movable, extension,
        step, straight and single ladders.

 29     Liquids, NEC.  Includes water as well as other liquids, NEC.

 30     Machines.  Includes agitators, mixers, tumblers, etc., agricultural
        machines, NEC., buffers, polishers, sanders, grinders, casting,
        forging, welding, crushing, pulverizing, drilling, boring and turning
        machines, metal lathes and turning machines, wood lathes, earthmoving,
        highway construction, mining and tunnelling machines, office machines,
        packaging, wrapping, picking, carding, and combing machines, planers,
        shapers, molders, presses (not printing presses) printing machines,
        robots/reprogrammable automation systems, rolls, saws, screening and
        separating machines, shears, slitters, slicers, stitching and sewing
        machines, weaving, knitting and spinning machines.

 40     Mechanical power transmission apparatus.  NOTE transmission equipment
        includes all mechanical means of transmitting power from a prime mover
        up to but not including a shaft (or any pulleys or gears on the
        shaft), the bearings of which form an integral part of a machine.
        Directly connected prime movers are defined as having no transmission
        apparatus.  Includes belts, chains, ropes, cables, drums, pulleys,
        sheaves, friction clutches and gears.

 41     Metal items, NEC.  Includes plates, rods, wire, shapes, nuts, bolts,
        nails, etc., automobile parts, beams, bars, bullets, molds, spikes,
        pipe, screws.  Includes also molten metal, ingots, and melting scrap.
        Excludes ores and other raw minerals, see code 42.

 42     Mineral items, metallic, NEC.  Includes products of mining: raw or
        semi processed such as ores and ore concentrates.

 43     Mineral items, non metallic, NEC.  Includes products of mining,
        excavating, landslides, etc., such as dirt, clay, sand, gravel, stone,
        etc.  Includes also concrete items such as blocks, prestressed slabs,
        wet or uncured, and broken pieces.

 44     Noise

 45     Paper and pulp items, NEC.

 46     Particles (unidentified)

 47     Plants, trees, vegetation (in natural or unprocessed condition).
        Excludes: threshed grains and harvested fruits, see code 18; limbed
        logs, etc., see code 57.

 48     Plastic items, NEC.  Includes powders, sheets, rods, shapes, etc., but
        NOT uncombined chemicals or components used in plastic manufacturing.

 49     Pumps and prime movers.  Includes steam and internal combustion
        engines, pumps, hydraulic and air turbines.

 50     Radiating substances and equipment (Use this code ONLY IN cases of
        radiation injuries).  Includes isotopes or irradiated substances for
        industrial or medical use; reactor fuel, raw or processed; reactor
        wastes, sun, ultraviolet equipment, welding equipment, electric arc,
        x-ray and fluoroscope equipment.

 51     Soaps, detergents, cleaning compounds, NEC

 52     Silica

 53     Scrap, debris and waste materials, NEC

 54     Steam

 55     Textile items, NEC.  Includes animal fibers after first scouring and
        cleaning, vegetable and synthetic fibers (except glass), yarn, thread,
        yarn goods, and belts.

 56     Vehicles.  Includes animal-drawn, aircraft, powered highway vehicles,
        plant or industrial vehicles, handtrucks, dollies and other nonpowered
        vehicles, forklift, stackers, lumber carriers, and other powered
        carriers, mules, tractors, and other powered towing vehicles, rail
        vehicles, sleds, snow and ice vehicles, and water vehicles.

 57     Wood items, NEC.  Includes logs, lumber, slabs, poles, chips, skids,
        pallets and wood products.

 58     Working surfaces (surfaces in use as supports for people).  Includes
        floor (of building, a scaffold, a staging, a mine, a vehicle, etc.),
        ground (outdoors), ramps, roofs, runways or platforms (permanent
        elevated surfaces), sidewalks, paths, walkways (outdoors), stairs,
        steps, street and road.

 60     Person.  Includes injured person (e.g. heart attack) and person, other
        than injured.

 61     Recreation and athletic equipment

 62     Rubber products.  Includes tires.

 88     Weapons.  Includes hand-held firearms such as pistols, revolvers,
        rifles, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers, and hand-held anti-
        tank weapons like law.  Includes also heavy weapons such as artillery,
        tanks, mortars, anti-tank weapons, like "tow", rockets and launchers,
        and armored vehicles.

 98     Miscellaneous, NEC or No Product or Source of Injury Involvement.

 99     DK or refused.

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007