NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
Home  > ESA Salmon Listings  > Salmon Populations  > Sockeye  > Snake River Sockeye ESU  


ESU STATUS AND DESCRIPTION:  Listed as an endangered species on November 20, 1991; endangered status reaffirmed on June 28, 2005.  The ESU includes all anadromous and residual sockeye salmon from the Snake River Basin, Idaho, as well as artificially propagated sockeye salmon from the Redfish Lake captive propagation program.

CRITICAL HABITAT STATUS: A final designation was published on December 28, 1993

PROTECTIVE REGULATIONS:  The take prohibitions of section 9 of the Endangered Species Act that apply to this ESU were published on June 28, 2005.

STATUS REVIEWS & UPDATES:  Click here to view a list.

FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICES: Click here to view a list.

MAPS & GIS DATA: Click here to view.


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Page last updated: December 30, 2008
