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Cooperative Assessment Process (CAP)

Joint Assessment Teams (JATs)

The Oil Pollution Act and Superfund natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) regulations provide guidance on how trustees and responsible parties can potentially work together on oil spill and hazardous substance cases. However, such discussions are often limited to case circumstances. Dialogue outside the context of cases is not so constrained, and can serve to complement future case discussions by addressing overarching NRDA issues that might otherwise not be broached and help develop relations outside the potentially adversarial environment of a case. Therein lies the genesis of the regional, informal venues such as the Joint Assessment Teams (JATs or practitioner roundtables) and regional CAP workshops (see "Workshops and Conference Proceedings" section). The material posted provides a window into some of these discussions and products.

About JATs

  • The JAT Concept
  • Relevant JAT Presentation Topics 

    West Coast JAT

  • West Coast JAT Members List
  • Recommendations for Conducting Cooperative Natural Resource Damage Assessment, West Coast Joint Assessment Team, April 2007.

    The purpose of this cooperative assessment paper is to provide guidance to natural resources trustees and responsible parties on how to initiate a cooperative NRDA, and move from the initial chaotic phase of response to a cooperative injury assessment as soon as possible. Although this document focuses on marine oil spills, the concepts expressed here can apply to other NRDA incidents. The document was cooperatively prepared by the West Coast Joint Assessment Team (JAT), an ad hoc group of representatives from various state and federal trustee agencies, and representatives from the oil industry, including major and independent oil companies and oil transportation companies.

    Mid-Atlantic Coast JAT

  • Mid-Atlantic Coast contact
  • Mid-Atlantic Joint Assessment Team Meeting of October 5, 2005.
  • Mid-Atlantic Joint Assessment Team September 26, 2007 - Agenda
  • Mid-Atlantic Joint Assessment Team April 17-18, 2008 - Agenda

    Great Lakes Roundtable

  • Great Lakes Roundtable Meeting, July 18-19, 2007.


    Cooperative Assessment Process (fact sheet), May 2005.

    Cooperative Assessment Project (CAP) Framework, October 2003.

    CAP Compendium of Additional Ideas and Example Documents, October 2003.

    Press Clippings

    "NOAA Develops Model for Cooperatively Resolving NRD Claims," Inside EPA's Superfund Report, January 20, 2003. This article originally appeared in Superfund Report, January 20, 2003. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Inside Washington Publishers. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

    "The Cooperative Assessment Pilot Project (CAPP)," SETAC Globe, n.d.

    "NOAA Moves Ahead with Cooperative NRD Approach at Superfund Sites," Inside EPA's Superfund Report, June 24, 2002. This article originally appeared in Superfund Report, June 24, 2002. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Inside Washington Publishers. Copyright 2002. All rights reserved.

    Workgroup Meetings

    May 2003, summary of stakeholder workgroup meeting.

    September 2002, summary of stakeholder workgroup meeting.

    May 2002, summary of stakeholder workgroup meeting.

    December 2001, issue paper for the stakeholder meeting.

    December 2001, summary of stakeholder meeting.

    June/July 2001, issue paper for the stakeholder meetings.

    June/July 2001, summary of stakeholder meetings.

    NRDA Cooperative Papers

    Accomplishing Restoration: A Reference Guide for Restoring Natural Resources Under the Comprehensive Environmental Restoration, Compensation, and Liability Act, Oil Pollution Act and Federal and State Laws, July 10, 2006. Developed by the ASTSWMO Natural Resource Damages Focus Group.

    Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines in Damage Assessment and Restoration at Contaminated Sites in the United States, 2005. Published by Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC.) Posted pending final permission. The article is copyrighted by The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Copyright © 2005, ISBN 1-880611-71-6.

    Cooperative Natural Resources Damage Assessment and Restoration Workshop: Working Together to Restore Injured Natural Resources, 2005 International Oil Spill Conference in Miami Beach, FL

    ASTSWMO Cooperation in the Natural Resource Damages Process: Initiation, Assessment and Restoration, March 2004.  Developed by the ASTSWMO Natural Resource Damages Focus Group.

    Integration of Response, Restoration, and Enhancement in a Northwest United States Salmonid Stream Following a Gasoline Spill, 2003 International Oil Spill Conference.

    Emergency and Long-Term Restoration Planning for the 1999 Olympic Pipeline Company Spill, Whatcom Creek, Bellingham, Washington, USA, 2003 International Oil Spill Conference.

    NOAA's Approach to Cooperatively Resolving Natural Resource Liability, May 30, 2002.

    The Lake Barre Oil Spill NRDA: From Response to Restoration, 2001 International Oil Spill Conference.

    Key Elements of a Cooperative Assessment Process: The Trustee Perspective, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Conference, November 11, 2001.

    The Benefits of Cooperative Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Baltic International Maritime Council (BIMCO) Review, 2000.

    Natural Resource Damages: Perspectives on Cooperative Assessments and Restoration of Natural Resources, appearing in National Environmental Enforcement Journal, volume 15, April 2000. Copyright National Association of Attorneys General. Posted with permission.

    Perspectives on Achieving Cooperation in Assessing Injury and Planning the Restoration of Natural Resources, 1999. Copyright Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) CERCLA NRD Focus Group. Posted with permission.

    Cooperative Assessments: Enticing the Parties to the Table, second annual IBC Conference on NRDA, October 4-5, 1999.

    NOAA's Approach to NRDA: What Do Trustees Want?, second annual IBC Conference on NRDA, October 4-5, 1999.

    Industry's Role in Texas' Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Clean Gulf Conference, October 7, 1997.

    CERCLA Coordination with Natural Resource Trustees, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) directive no. 9200.4-22A, July 31, 1997.

    Uncertain Success: Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Damage Assessments Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, April 1997.

    Cooperative NRDA Plans: A New Imperative, appearing in Natural Resources & Environment, volume. 8, number 2, Fall 1993.

    A Cooperative Approach for Measuring Direct-Use Damages: The 1992 Avila Beach (California) Oil Spill, 1995 Oil Spill Conference.

    The Role of Natural Resource Trustees in the Superfund Process, March 1992.

    Workshops and Conference Proceedings

    Prospective Environmental Restoration/Restoration Up Front, SETAC Paper January 2008.

    2007 SETAC Presentation: Restoration Up Front, November 2007.

    Prospective Restoration/Restoration Up Front Workshop, September 6-7, 2006.

    Northeast Regional NRDA Workshop, Newport, Rhode Island, May 30 - June 1, 2006.

    Great Lakes Regional NRDA Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, November 1-3, 2005.

    Southeast/Gulf Region NRDA Workshop Report, April 13-14, 2005.

    A Habitat Restoration-Based Approach for Resolving Natural Resource Damages Claims, 2004.

    Cooperative Natural Resource and Damage Assessment and Restoration Workshop San Diego, California, June 9-10, 2004.

    Getting to Restoration. Copyright 2004, The Environmental Law Institute. Reprinted with permission from The Environmental Forum, May/June 2004.

    Expediting Natural Resource Restoration: Conducting Cooperative Natural Resource Damage Assessments, from the Environmental Law Institute seminar, February 5, 2004.

    Bayou Trepagnier: Incorporating Stakeholder Engagement and Multiple Regulatory Processes in Identification of Resolution of Options for Contaminated Sites (PowerPoint presentation), from the Restore America's Estuaries Inaugural Conference, April 15, 2003.

    2001 SETAC Short Course: NRDA Cooperative Efforts, November 2001.

    2001 ISOC Short Course: NRDA Cooperative Efforts, from the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC), March 26, 2001.

    Workshop on NRDA Lessons Learned, May 11-12, 2000. [Document not available at this time.]

    Environmental Conflict Resolution

    Using Environmental Conflict Resolution in Natural Resource Damage Assessments.

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