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Retrospective Study - Electronic Copy

The report includes a one-page Abstract which briefly summarizes the study and its results, a 10-page Executive Summary which describes the study and its findings in more detail, seven main report chapters covering each of the major components of the analysis, ten technical appendices which provide in-depth documentation for each of the analytical components, and a file which contains the rest of the pieces of the full report (cover page, table of contents, list of acronyms and abbreviations, etc).

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To download individual report components, click on the files below:

Abstract 8 A brief abstract that summarizes the overall study and its findings (2 pages)
Contents, etc 81 Up-front sections of the main report, including table of contents, acronyms and abbreviations, table of figures, table of tables, acknowledgments. (Does not include the Executive Summary.)
Executive Summary 116 A more detailed summary, including graphical representations of the historical benefits and costs of Clean Air Act programs. (10 pages)
Main Report 1,020 Seven chapter main report that provides basic information on the study design, individual analytical components methods and results (e.g., emissions modeling), aggregate benefit and cost results, and uncertainties. (58 pages)
Appendix A 213 Describes in detail the estimation of direct compliance costs and the macroeconomic modeling of the effects of those expenditures.
Appendix B 310 Provides details on the methodologies used to estimate control and no-control scenario emissions and the results obtained by these methods.
Appendix C 1,785 Describes in detail the various methodologies used to translate differences in emissions under the control and no-controls scenarios into changes in air quality conditions; and includes summary characterizations of the results for target year 1990.
Appendix D 1,359 Presents an overview of the approach used to model human health and welfare effects of criteria pollutants (as opposed to hazardous air pollutants), outlines the principles used to design and implement the physical effects analysis, presents the specific concentration-response functions used for each pollutant-endpoint combination (e.g., particulate matter-related premature mortality), and describes the physical incidence outcomes of the modeling.
Appendix E 117 Discusses the potential ecological benefits of Clean Air Act program criteria pollutant controls in the context of three types of ecosystems: aquatic, wetland, and forest.
Appendix F 75 Estimates the economic value of the differences in yields of some agricultural crops between the control and no-control scenarios.
Appendix G 202 Describes in detail the analysis of the benefits resulting from the estimated reductions in lead in gasoline and from stationary sources achieved pursuant to the Clean Air Act.
Appendix H 97 Presents quantitative estimates of the benefits of Clean Air act-related control of hazardous air pollutants (a.k.a. air toxics) for nonutility stationary source and mobile source categories. Noncancer effects and ecological effects are described qualitatively.
Appendix I 941 Describes the basis for the methods and coefficients used to translate most of the quantified human health, welfare, and environmental effect incidences into measures of economic value, and presents the results of those calculations by individual endpoint.
Appendix J 25 Provides examples of research topics which, if pursued, might improve the certainty and/or comprehensiveness of future section 812 benefit-cost studies of the Clean Air Act.

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