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News Release: November 15, 2004 Print this page
Docket Number: RM05-1-000

Commission seeks comment on proposed rules governing open seasons for potential Alaska Natural Gas transportation projects

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today proposed rules that would govern the conduct of open seasons for anticipated capacity on Alaska natural gas pipeline projects. The notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) responds to a Congressional mandate for the Commission to issue rules within 120 days of October 13, 2004, when the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act was enacted. The Commission intends to implement a final rule by February 10, 2005.

The proposed rule requests public comment on standards for creating an open season process that provides non-discriminatory access to capacity on any Alaska Natural gas pipeline project while ensuring economic certainty to support the construction of the pipeline and provide a stimulus for exploration, development and production of Alaska natural gas.

The Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act also outlines a specific timeline for the Commission’s review and approval process for Alaska gas transportation proposals so that infrastructure may be in place to meet rapidly increasing energy demand. This timeline requires final Commission action on any Alaska gas transportation proposal within 20 months after the Commission determines that an application is complete.

The Commission will conduct a one-day technical conference to gather comments on Friday, December 3, 2004, in Anchorage, Alaska at the Municipality of Anchorage, Loussac Library, Assembly Chambers, 3600 Denali Street. A further notice of the technical conference is being issued concurrently with the NOPR. This notice sets forth the expected time for the conference and requests that interested parties nominate speakers for the conference by filing out a short form on the FERC website by November 26, 2004. The specific agenda will be announced in a notice to be issued later.

Those who wish to attend the conference, but not speak, may also register electronically by November 26, 2004.

Written comments must be submitted by December 17, 2004, and must reference Docket No. RM05-1-000. Comments may be filed electronically via the eFiling link on the commission’s website at Paper comments, along with 14 copies, may be submitted to FERC’s Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426. Commenters filing electronically do not need to submit a paper filing.


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  Contact Information

Tamara Young-Allen
Telephone: 202-502-8680

Updated: December 10, 2004