Integrated Noise Model Version 6.0c

INM Version 6.0c includes data for 8 new aircraft, including: There is also new or expanded INM data for 3 existing models including:

INM Version 6.0c corrects user reported problems with modeling touch-and-go operations and a correction to noise computations that use terrain data.

New Features
New features include links to existing helicopter noise modeling programs and a data extraction program for the new 2000 Census data.

INM Version 6.0c, released September 21, 2001, is a software update to Version 6.0b. You must already have INM Version 6.0, 6.0a or 6.0b installed to use this update. If you do not have one of previous versions, you can order INM Version 6.0 (PDF) . The Version 6.0 User’s Guide (9/99) and the Version 5.1 Technical Manual are the current manuals for INM Version 6.0c.  Release notes inm60a.pdf (5/00), inm60b.pdf (1/01), and inm60c.pdf (9/01) document changes to INM after the User’s Guide was published.  A Version 6.0 Technical Manual is being prepared and will be mailed to INM Version 6.0x users.

The files below comprise the INM Version 6.0c update and installation instructions: 

Updated: 11:44 am ET July 12, 2005