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Statement: April 19, 2007 Print this page
Docket Number: CP06-354-000 et al.

Commissioner Spitzer's statement on Rockies Express Pipeline LLC et al.

"Today, the Commission approves the Rockies Express-West Project (Rex-West). This Order also addresses two related applications requesting authorization to construct facilities that will interconnect with REX-West. As certificated, the project consists of approximately 796 miles of new pipeline designed to transport up to 1.5 million dekatherms per day of firm transportation service from the Cheyenne Hub in Colorado, to an interconnection with Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co., in Missouri, and planned interconnections with other major interstate pipeline systems. Moreover, the project does so without subsidies and without adversely affecting other pipelines and their customers.

I support this project because it facilitates the transportation of low cost natural gas to the Midwest and other points east. I believe that investment in infrastructure saves consumers money as it provides competitive energy alternatives, residents of Colorado will benefit from the economic development during construction and revenue during the operation of the project.

I also approve of REX-West because it is environmentally sound. The facilities proposed by Rockies Express, TransColorado, and Overthrust are considered interconnected projects that are necessary components of a larger, combined natural gas transportation system. Therefore, the environmental analysis concerned the impacts of all three projects together and concluded that the project would have limited environmental impact because, among other reasons, more than 99% of the REX-West facilities would be co-located with existing rights-of-way. The order also encourages Rockies Express to continue discussions with a landowner near the project; highlighting the Commission's commitment to consideration of concerns by all potentially interested parties.

Most importantly, this project which brings domestic supplies of natural gas from the Rockies to the Midwest and supports my priority of developing energy resources responsibly while reducing the nation's reliance on energy imports.

For these reasons, I support this order."

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Commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly
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Updated: April 19, 2007