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News Release: April 19, 2007 Print this page
Docket No. CP06-354, et al.  

Commission approves Rockies Express-West Pipeline; Project will supply growing demand east of Rockies

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today approved the new Rockies Express-West interstate pipeline project intended to transport more than 1.5 million dekatherms (Dth) per day of Rocky Mountain natural gas to supply growing energy demand in markets east of the Rockies.

The Commission also authorized the construction and operation of two related components of the Rockies Express-West project proposed by TransColorado Gas Transmission Co. and Questar Overthrust Pipeline Co. Together with Rockies Express, the entire project will consist of nearly 800 miles of new pipeline, more than 237,000 horsepower (hp) of compression, meter stations and other related facilities that will span portions of Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and New Mexico.

The Commission conditioned its approval of the Rockies Express, TransColorado and Overthrust projects by requiring the companies to adhere to measures that will mitigate any potential adverse environmental impact identified by FERC Staff after its thorough analysis of the proposals.

FERC Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher observed: "This pipeline is one of the largest Greenfield projects the Commission has certificated in recent years. It promises to bring reliable and affordable gas supplies to U.S. consumers while helping address the disparity in prices for producers in the Rocky Mountain region. The Rocky Mountain region is a major supply source for the Lower 48 states and its production continues to grow. In addition, the amount of proven reserves, critical for increased production, is growing as well. The increased access to Rocky Mountain supplies afforded by this project will help to offset the production decline in other areas, including the Gulf of Mexico."

Rockies Express-West will construct and operate 713 miles of 42-inch diameter mainline pipeline and related facilities that will commence at the existing Cheyenne Hub and extend eastward to an interconnection with Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company in Audrain County, Missouri. Rockies Express also proposes to construct approximately 177,000 hp of additional compression at five new compressor stations and two currently certificated compressor stations. In addition, Rockies Express proposes to lease 625,000 Dth per day of capacity on Overthrust's system.

TransColorado will construct and operate certain facilities, including new compression totaling 15, 390 hp, to transport an additional 250,000 Dth per day of natural gas from the Blanco Hub area in San Juan County, New Mexico through the TransColorado pipeline system to Rockies Express at the an existing interconnection located at the Meeker Hub in Rio Blanco County, Colorado.

Overthrust will construct and operate an estimated 77 miles of new pipeline that will extend from the terminus of Overthrust's existing transmission system to an interconnection with Rockies Express at Wamsutter in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. In addition, Overthrust will install 45,000 hp of compression at two new compressor stations. This project is designed to provide an additional 750,000 Dth per day of capacity to an existing interconnection with Wyoming Interstate Co. Ltd. and 625,000 Dth per day of capacity to a proposed delivery point with Rockies Express at Wamsutter.

The Commission's order will require the companies to complete and make the various facilities available for service within one year.


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  Contact Information

Tamara Young-Allen
Telephone: 202-502-8680

Updated: April 19, 2007