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News Release: April 13, 2005 Print this page
Docket Number: P-12178-001

Commission Order Aims To Promote Development Of New Submarine Hydropower Technology

In an effort to promote development of innovative new energy technologies, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today told an energy company its plan to test submarine electricity-production turbines does not require a hydropower license.

Verdant Power proposes to test the underwater turbines to determine potential impacts on the environment as well as learn more about the performance of the technology underpinning the company's proposed Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy Hydropower Project. Such information should prove valuable to the Commission in the future should the company pursue a license. There are no current data on this technology, and the data could assist the company in its preparation of a license application.

The Commission noted in its declaratory order that Verdant is still required to obtain the necessary federal, state and local permits before moving ahead with the planned 18-month technology test.

"Today the Commission did its part to encourage the development of new electric generation technologies by providing regulatory relief. We need to ensure that new ideas are fostered and not impeded by existing requirements," said Chairman Pat Wood, III.

The facilities would be located below the water surface on the East River off Roosevelt Island in Queens County, New York. The company's long-term proposed project would consist of 494 21-kilowatt turbine generator units or approximately 10 megawatts.



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  Contact Information

Celeste Miller
Telephone: 202-502-8680

Updated: April 13, 2005