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News Release: September 20, 2007 Print this page

Commission announces creation of new Energy Innovations Unit

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today announced the creation of a new Energy Innovations Sector in recognition of the importance of demand response, renewable energy, global warming and advanced technologies in the development of energy markets.

The Energy Innovations Sector will be a unit within the Office of Energy Market Regulation that will provide the cross-cutting expertise to promote and manage the Commission's activities with regard to demand response, energy efficiency, distributed generation, renewable energy issues, greenhouse gas emissions policies and advanced technologies relevant to the transmission grid and wholesale markets.

"The Commission has been addressing the needs of demand response and renewable energy in our policy decisions, and this new unit reflects that these issues will be increasingly important as energy markets continue to evolve," Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher said. "Creation of this new Energy Innovations unit will add structure to what we have been doing."

Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff said the new unit provides a welcome addition and needed complement to the Commission's staff.

"This is an innovative and ambitious effort by the Commission that also provides an essential component for us to completely fulfill our responsibilities under the Energy Policy Act of 2005," he said. "The Energy Innovations Sector will supply technical support and policy recommendations for this agency to better integrate demand response, energy efficiency, and renewable energy into wholesale electric markets and reliable transmission service."

Commissioner Suedeen Kelly noted that demand resources and renewable energy can play a role in the Commission's reliability, open access and wholesale market design policies.

"The energy sector is poised to advance more innovations that will affect the Commission's regulatory jurisdiction, and Congress is working to advance these issues in its energy policy initiatives as a way to lower consumer costs, mitigate pollution and improve competition," Kelly said. "The time is right for the Commission to take this step in demonstrating its commitment to these important issues."


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  Contact Information

Mary O'Driscoll
Telephone: 202-502-8680

Updated: September 20, 2007