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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence


United Kingdom


Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 10/3/2008


Prime Min., First Lord of the Treasury, & Minister for the Civil Service James Gordon BROWN
Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Maclean DARLING
Sec. of State for Business, Enterprise, & Regulatory Reform Peter MANDELSON
Sec. of State for Children, Schools, & Families Edward Michael BALLS
Sec. of State for Communities & Local Govt. Hazel Anne BLEARS
Sec. of State for Culture, Media, & Sport Andy BURNHAM
Sec. of State for Defense John Matthew Patrick HUTTON
Sec. of State for Energy & Climate Change Ed MILIBAND
Sec. of State for the Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs Hilary James Wedgewood BENN
Sec. of State for Equalities Harriet HARMAN
Sec. of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs David Wright MILIBAND
Sec. of State for Health Alan Arthur JOHNSON
Sec. of State for the Home Dept. Jacqueline Jill SMITH
Sec. of State for Innovation, Universities, & Skills John DENHAM
Sec. of State for Intl. Development Douglas Garven ALEXANDER
Sec. of State for Justice John Whitaker STRAW
Sec. of State for Northern Ireland Shaun Anthony WOODWARD
Sec. of State for Scotland James MURPHY
Sec. of State for Transport Geoffrey William HOON
Sec. of State for Wales Paul Peter MURPHY
Sec. of State for Work & Pensions James PURNELL
Lord Chancellor John Whitaker STRAW
Lord Pres. of the Council & Leader of the House of Lords ROYALL of Blaisdon, Baroness
Pres. of the Council, Leader of the House of Commons, & Chmn. of the Labor Party Harriet HARMAN
Min. for the Cabinet Office & Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Liam BYRNE
Chief Sec. to the Treasury Yvette COOPER
Chief Whip & Parliamentary Sec. to the Treasury Nick BROWN
Governor, Bank of England Mervyn Allister KING
Ambassador to the US Nigel Elton SHEINWALD, Sir
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Robert John SAWERS, Sir

Posted: May 03, 2007 10:29 AM
Last Updated: Oct 23, 2008 10:05 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 10:29 AM

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