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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 9/22/2008

The country has a caretaker government until the selection of a new prime minister. The prime minister automatically assumes any ministerial position vacated until the official appointment of another minister.

Pres. Shimon PERES
Prime Min. Ehud OLMERT
Dep. Prime Min. Tzipora "Tzipi" LIVNI
Vice Prime Min. Haim RAMON
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Shalom SIMHON
Min. of Communications Ariel ATIAS
Min. of Defense Ehud BARAK
Min. for Development of the Negev & Galilee Yaacov EDRI
Min. of Education Yael "Yuli" TAMIR
Min. of Environment Gideon EZRA
Min. of Finance Roni BAR-ON
Min. of Foreign Affairs Tzipora "Tzipi" LIVNI
Min. of Health Yaacov BEN YIZRI
Min. of Housing & Construction Zeev BOIM
Min. of Immigrant Absorption Yaacov EDRI
Min. of Industry, Trade, & Labor Eliyahu "Eli" YISHAI
Min. of Interior Meir SHEETRIT
Min. of Internal (Public) Security Avraham DICHTER
Min. of Justice Daniel FRIEDMANN
Min. of National Infrastructures Binyamin BEN ELIEZER
Min. for Pensioner Affairs Rafael "Rafi" EITAN
Min. of Religious Affairs Yitzhak COHEN
Min. of Social Affairs Yitzhak HERZOG
Min. of Science, Culture, & Sport Ghalib MAJADILAH
Min. of Tourism Gideon EZRA
Min. of Transportation & Road Safety Shaul MOFAZ
Min. Without Portfolio Ruhama AVRAHAM
Min. Without Portfolio Amichai "Ami" AYALON
Min. Without Portfolio Yitzhak COHEN
Min. Without Portfolio Meshulam NAHARI
Attorney Gen. Menachem MAZUZ
Governor, Bank of Israel Stanley FISCHER
Ambassador to the US Salai MERIDOR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Gabriela SHALEV

Posted: May 03, 2007 10:08 AM
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2008 02:26 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 10:08 AM

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