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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 8/14/2007


Grand Duke HENRI
Prime Min. Jean-Claude JUNCKER
Dep. Prime Min. Jean ASSELBORN
Min. of Agriculture, Viticulture, & Rural Development Fernand BODEN
Min. for Communications Jean-Louis SCHILTZ
Min. of Culture, Higher Education, & Research Francois BILTGEN
Min. of Defense Jean-Louis SCHILTZ
Min. for Development Cooperation & Humanitarian Affairs Jean-Louis SCHILTZ
Min. of Economy & Foreign Trade Jeannot KRECKE
Min. of Environment Lucien LUX
Min. of Equality of Opportunity Marie-Josee JACOBS
Min. of Family & Integration Marie-Josee JACOBS
Min. of Finance Jean-Claude JUNCKER
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Immigration Jean ASSELBORN
Min. of Health & of Social Security Mars DI BARTOLOMEO
Min. of Interior & of Land Management Jean-Marie HALSDORF
Min. of Justice Luc FRIEDEN
Min. of Labor & Employment Francois BILTGEN
Min. of the Middle Class, of Tourism, & of Housing Fernand BODEN
Min. of National Education & Professional Training Mady DELVAUX-STEHRES
Min. of Civil Service & of Admin. Reform Claude WISELER
Min. of Public Works Claude WISELER
Min. of Religious Sects Francois BILTGEN
Min. of Sports Jeannot KRECKE
Min. of State Jean-Claude JUNCKER
Min. of Transportation Lucien LUX
Min. of Treasury & the Budget Luc FRIEDEN
Min.-Del. for Foreign Affairs & Immigration Nicolas SCHMIT
Sec. of State for Agriculture, Viticulture, & Rural Development Octavie MODERT
Sec. of State for Culture, Higher Education, & Research Octavie MODERT
Sec. of State for Relations With Parliament Octavie MODERT
Chmn., Luxembourg Central Bank Yves MERSCH
Ambassador to the US Joseph WEYLAND
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jean-Marc HOSCHEIT

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:55 AM
Last Updated: Nov 05, 2007 03:10 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:55 AM

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