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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 3/1/2007


Pres. Robert MUGABE
Vice Pres. Joseph MSIKA
Vice Pres. Joyce MUJURU
Min. of Agriculture Rugare GUMBO
Min. of Defense Sidney SEKERAMAYI
Min. of Economic Development Sylvester NGUNI
Min. of Education, Sport, & Culture Anneas CHIGWEDERE
Min. of Energy & Power Development Michael NYAMBUYA
Min. of Finance Samuel MUMBENGEGWI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Simbarashe MUMBENGEGWI
Min. of Health David PARIRENYATWA
Min. of Higher & Tertiary Education Stanislaus MUDENGE
Min. of Home Affairs Kembo MOHADI
Min. of Indigenization & Empowerment Josiah TUNGAMIRAI
Min. of Industry & Trade Obert MPOFU
Min. of Information & Publicity Sikhanyiso NDLOVU
Min. of Legal & Parliamentary Affairs Patrick CHINAMASA
Min. of Local Govt. Ignatius CHOMBO
Min. of Mines Amos MIDZI
Min. of National Security Didymus MUTASA
Min. of Policy Implementation Webster SHAMU
Min. of Public Services Nicholas GOCHE
Min. of Rural Housing & Social Amenities Emmerson MNANGAGWA
Min. of Science & Technology Olivia MUCHENA
Min. of Small- & Medium-Scale Enterprises Sithembiso NYONI
Min. of State Affairs Responsible for Land
& Resettlement Programs
Min. of State Enterprises, Antimonopolies,
& Anticorruption
Min. of Tourism Francis NHEMA
Min. of Transport & Communications Chris MUSHOWE
Min. of Water Resources & Infrastructural
Munacho MUTEZO
Min. of Women's Affairs, Gender,
& Community Development
Min. of Youth Development & Employment Ambrose MUTIHIRI
Min. Without Portfolio Elliot MANYIKA
Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Gideon GONO
Ambassador to the US Simbi Veke MUBAKO
Permanent Representative to the UN,
New York

Posted: May 03, 2007 10:25 AM
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2007 09:42 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 10:25 AM

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