98-126 December 23, 1998 Deborah Kligman and Steven Phillips Named to Head OCC Economic Units WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency appointed Deborah Kligman to head its Statistical Analysis unit and Steven G. Phillips was named to lead its Financial Analysis unit. They will serve as deputy directors to Nancy Wentzler, director of the OCC's Economic Analysis Division. These two expanded economic units work together to help the OCC analyze emerging economic and financial risks affecting the banking system, assess the financial condition and performance of the industry, and provide additional support to bank examiners. At the OCC since 1995, Ms. Kligman led the development of many of the Economic Department's analytical information systems and financial reports. Ms. Kligman came to the OCC from the Office of Thrift Supervision where she managed the financial information systems that supported the analysis of the condition of the thrift industry. She earned a B.A. from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa. Mr. Phillips comes to the OCC from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight where he served since 1994 as deputy director of research, analysis and capital standards, and manager of financial modeling. Before that, he developed economic products for a variety of financial services and communications companies. He has a B.A. from Portland State University in Portland, Ore., and an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. # # # The OCC charters, regulates and examines approximately 2,600 national banks and 66 federal branches and agencies of foreign banks in the United States, accounting for 58 percent of the nation's banking assets. Its mission is to ensure a safe, sound and competitive national banking system that supports the citizens, communities and economy of the United States.