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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 11/17/2008


Pres. Dmitriy Anatolyevich MEDVEDEV
Premier Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN
First Dep. Premier Igor Ivanovich SHUVALOV
First Dep. Premier Viktor Alekseyevich ZUBKOV
Dep. Premier Sergey Borisovich IVANOV
Dep. Premier Dmitriy Nikolayevich KOZAK
Dep. Premier Aleksey Leonidovich KUDRIN
Dep. Premier Igor Ivanovich SECHIN
Dep. Premier Sergey Semenovich SOBYANIN
Dep. Premier Aleksandr Dmitriyevich ZHUKOV
Min. of Agriculture Aleksey Vasilyevich GORDEYEV
Min. of Civil Defense, Emergencies, & Natural Disasters Sergey Kuzhugetovich SHOYGU
Min. of Communications & Mass Media Igor Olegovich SHCHEGOLEV
Min. of Culture Aleksandr Alekseyevich AVDEYEV
Min. of Defense Anatoliy Eduardovich SERDYUKOV
Min. of Economic Development Elvira Sakhipzadovna NABIULLINA
Min. of Education & Science Andrey Aleksandrovich FURSENKO
Min. of Energy Sergey Ivanovich SHMATKO
Min. of Finance Aleksey Leonidovich KUDRIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Sergey Viktorovich LAVROV
Min. of Health & Social Development Tatyana Alekseyevna GOLIKOVA
Min. of Industry & Trade Viktor Borisovich KHRISTENKO
Min. of Internal Affairs Rashid Gumarovich NURGALIYEV
Min. of Justice Aleksandr Vladimirovich KONOVALOV
Min. of Natural Resources & Ecology Yuriy Petrovich TRUTNEV
Min. of Regional Development Viktor Fedorovich BASARGIN
Min. of Sport, Tourism, & Youth Policy Vitaliy Leontyevich MUTKO
Min. of Transportation Igor Yevgenyevich LEVITIN
Dir., Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Mikhail Yefimovich FRADKOV
Dir., Federal Security Service (FSB) Aleksandr Vasilyevich BORTNIKOV
Head, Govt. Apparatus Sergey Semenovich SOBYANIN
Sec., Security Council Nikolay Platonovich PATRUSHEV
Procurator Gen. Yuriy Yakovlevich CHAYKA
Chmn., Central Bank of Russia Sergey Mikhaylovich IGNATYEV
Ambassador to the US Sergey Ivanovich KISLYAK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vitaliy Ivanovich CHURKIN

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:08 AM
Last Updated: Nov 24, 2008 10:15 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:08 AM

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