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Topic: Home > Mrs. Bush

First Lady's Biography
Biography of the First Lady of the United States, Laura Bush. - 8.2KB
16 Jan 09
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Mrs. Bush Reads to Children at Easter Egg Roll
Mrs. Bush Reads to Children at Easter Egg Roll fl20020401.html - 9.8KB
01 Apr 02
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Opening Remarks by Mrs. Bush at White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers, ..
Opening Remarks by Mrs. Bush at White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers fl20020305.html - 10.4KB
05 Mar 02
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Remarks by Mrs. Laura Bush At the National Press Club
Remarks by Mrs. Laura Bush At the National Press Club fl20011108.html - 21.2KB
08 Nov 01
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the Arkansas Early Childhood Cognitive Summit
Home > Mrs. Bush > Speeches, Initiatives Printer-Friendly Version Email This Page For Immediate Release Office of the First Lady .. fl20020430.html - 8.7KB
19 Jan 06
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Remarks by Mrs. Bush at Memorial Service in Pennsylvania
Home > Mrs. Bush > Speeches, Initiatives Printer-Friendly Version Email This Page Remarks by Mrs. Bush Memorial Service for United .. fl20010917.html - 5.2KB
29 Apr 03
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Remarks by Mrs. Bush to the United Nations, March 8, 2002
Home > Mrs. Bush > Speeches, Initiatives Printer-Friendly Version Email This Page Remarks by Mrs. Bush U.N. Commission on the Status of .. fl20020308.html - 9.0KB
29 Apr 03
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Remarks by Mrs. Bush to Back-to-School Project for Afghan Girls
Home > Mrs. Bush > Speeches, Initiatives Printer-Friendly Version Email This Page Remarks by Mrs. Bush Back-to-School Project for .. fl20020320.html - 8.0KB
29 Apr 03
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the White House Summit on Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Remarks of Laura Bush at the White House Summit on Early Childhood Cognitive Development fl20010726.html - 11.7KB
26 Jul 01
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Artist Claire Stoner Designs Artwork for Annual White House Easter Egg Roll
Home > Mrs. Bush > Speeches, Initiatives Printer-Friendly Version Email This Page The White House Office of Mrs. Bush March .. fl20020328.html - 6.0KB
29 Mar 07
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