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Bracing for Gustav
Today is the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and we are busy readying for Hurricane Gustav! As people throughout the Gulf Coast brace for the storm, and take all the necessary precautions, we stand ready to support the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA in the many mission areas we have in disaster response: debris removal; buying and delivering water, ice and other critical necessities; providing temporary power, housing and roofing; infrastructure assessment; and support to urban search and rescue missions.
While a large portion of the Gulf Coast may face Gustav’s landfall, much of the Nation’s attention is focused on the storm’s threat to Southeast Louisiana. It’s important to understand that New Orleans now has the best Hurricane and storm damage reduction system in its history. The system is stronger than pre-Katrina. Many levees are now internally stronger, better constructed, armored with cement on the top to prevent dirt from washing away, and have improved floodwalls. There is stronger construction than before at Hurricane Katrina breach sites, and transition points between flood walls and levees have been strengthened.
In the New Orleans metropolitan area, the gates and temporary pumping stations built after Katrina at the mouths of the three outfall canals are ready. Computerized systems remotely monitor water levels in the canals, and interior pump stations have been repaired and improved.
Preparing additional protection in preparation for Hurricane Gustav. 
Preparing additional protection in preparation for Hurricane Gustav.
Preparing additional protection in preparation for Hurricane Gustav.
As an innovative flood-fighting measure, to provide even more support, we are placing sand-filled HESCO baskets along an 1800-foot section of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal and Lock’s west floodwall, to alleviate the risk of water pressure from potential high water levels in the canal.
We also have three contracts for light helicopter support to quickly deploy flood fighting teams, and an agreement with the Coast Guard, so that as soon as the weather clears, they’ll fly us around to survey the area for damage.
We are working closely with the parish and state leaders, the National Guard, and FEMA to protect the people of the Gulf Coast. I am confident that we are all much better prepared to respond to a storm today, than we were three years ago – and that is a direct result of the selfless, dedicated efforts of so many of you.
For those of you in the possible path of the storm, and the hundreds of volunteers who will deploy if needed to help with the flood-fight and recovery, please be safe. Our prayers are with you, and all who may be affected by Gustav.
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