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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 8/6/2008


President Amadou Toumani TOURE
Prime Minister Modibo SIDIBE
Min. of Agriculture Tiemoko SANGARE
Min. of Communications & Technology Diarra Mariam Flantie DIALLO
Min. of Culture Mohamed El MOCTAR
Min. of Defense & Veterans Natie PLEA
Min. of Economy & Finance Ahmadou Abdoulaye DIALLO
Min. of Employment & Vocational Training Ibrahima N'DIAYE
Min. of Environment & Sanitation Agatheane Ag A LASSANE
Min. of Equipment & Transportation Ahmed Diane SEMEGA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Moctar OUANE
Min. of Health Oumar Ibrahima TOURE
Min. of Housing & Urbanism Gakou Salimata FOFONA
Min. of Industry & Commerce Choguel MAIGA
Min. of Internal Security & Civil Protection Sadio GASSAMA, Col.
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Maharafa TRAORE
Min. of Labor, State Reforms, & Relations With the Institutions Abdoul Wahab BERTHE
Min. of Livestock & Fisheries Diallo Madeleine BA
Min. of Malians Abroad & African Integration Badra Alou MACALOU
Min. of Minerals, Energy, & Water Resources Ahmed SOW
Min. of Planning & National Development Marimantia DIARRA
Min. of Primary Education, Literacy, & National Languages Sidibe Aminata DIALLO
Min. of Promotion of Investments & Medium & Small Enterprises Ousmane THIAM
Min. of Promotion of Women, Child & Family Affairs Maiga Sina DAMBA
Min. of Secondary & Higher Education & Scientific Research Amadou TOURE
Min. of Social Development, Solidarity, & the Aged Sekou DIAKITE
Min. of Territorial Administration & Local Communitites Kafougouna KONE, Gen.
Min. of Tourism, Arts, & Crafts D'Diaye BA
Min. of Youth & Sports Hamane NIANG
Ambassador to the US Abdoulaye DIOP
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Oumar DAOU

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:34 AM
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2008 02:10 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:34 AM

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