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Map Layer Info

Ferrous Metal Processing Plants

What this map layer shows:

The locations of 39 ferrous metal processing plants.

opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
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Ferrous metal processing plants are facilities that process ferrous metals, such as iron ore, molybdenum, and silicon. This map layer was compiled by the Minerals Information Team of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This information is part of the Mineral Resources Program, which is responsible for providing and communicating current, unbiased information on the occurrence, quality, quantity, and availability of mineral resources.

The Ferrous Metal Processing Plants map layer shows the locations of 39 ferrous metal processing plants in the 50 United States. Only U.S. minerals operations covered by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS and considered currently active in 2003 are included. No energy minerals operations or secondary (recycling, "downstream") operations are part of this map layer. Descriptive information includes the mineral processed at the facility, the facility location and name, and whether the facility is just a processing plant or both a mine and a processing plant. Further information on individual ferrous metals is available from the Mineral Commodity Summaries.


Map Maker Sample
Ferrous Metal Processing Plants