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Industrial Fellows Program

What is an Industrial Fellow?

An Industrial Fellow is a Los Alamos National Laboratory staff member assigned to a premier U.S. firm for one to two years. This very successful mechanism for encouraging Laboratory collaborations with industry was initiated in 1995 by the Technology Transfer Division and originally cosponsored by the Industrial Research Institute (IRI). Industrial Fellows serve as ambassadors for the Laboratory, working with industry management at their host companies to build broad-based collaborations.

Purpose of the Program

The goal of the program is to forge long-term, strategic partnerships between the Laboratory and industry through increased mutual understanding of the technical capabilities of the Laboratory and the needs and challenges of the industrial organization. Collaborations that involve a number of crosscutting activities with widespread support from both Laboratory and host company top-level management are preferred.

How does the Laboratory benefit?

The Laboratory benefits through close interactions with host companies that facilitate

  • exposure to new technology challenges relevant to Laboratory missions;
  • joint development of new technology;
  • assistance with unique solutions to unusual problems
  • opportunities for Laboratory staff to engage in interesting, new, real-world problems applying Laboratory capabilities;
  • exposure to best business practices; and
  • opportunities to commercialize Los Alamos technologies.

How does industry benefit?

The ever-increasing pace of change means that even large, industry-leading companies need effective R&D collaborations. This program gives companies a resource dedicated to opening innovation connections with Los Alamos, one of the world's premier R&D facilities. The Industrial Fellow becomes an expert on how the host company can leverage the Laboratory's annual $2 billion research budget. By hosting a Laboratory staff member, companies can benefit through

  • exposure to new technology;
  • joint development of new technology;
  • assistance with solving unique technical problems;
  • exposure to world-class research and development practices; and
  • a sustained competitive advantage from innovation.

How does a Laboratory employee become an Industrial Fellow?

Applications and assignment proposals for the Industrial Fellows Program are currently being accepted. Any Laboratory employee is invited to apply for an Industrial Fellow assignment. However, the availability of Industrial Fellow positions is contingent upon the availability of willing partner companies.

How can a company request an Industrial Fellow?

Companies interested in hosting a Laboratory staff member and in developing a long-term, strategic relationship with the Laboratory are encouraged to make informal inquiries before submitting a formal proposal.

Contact Information

For more information on the Industrial Fellows Program, please contact:
Susan Sprake (Program Administrator)
Industrial Fellows Program
Mail Stop C333
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Telephone: 505-665-3613
E-mail: sprake@lanl.gov

Selection Criteria

Industrial Fellow candidates are chosen for their combination of technical, communication, and managerial skills, as well as for their ability to build problem-solving teams. Such teams may include staff from several national laboratories and universities, in addition to the Laboratory and the host company.

Length of Assignments

Industrial Fellow assignments are typically for one to two years but are negotiated through a formal contract maintained between the Laboratory and the host company.

Application Procedures

Laboratory employees are encouraged to make informal inquiries before submitting a formal application.


P&G logo and Chevron logo

Los Alamos and Procter & Gamble have been collaborating on technical problems of mutual interest since 1995. LANL and Chevron Energy Technology Company have been partners in the Advanced Energy Solutions Alliance since 2004. Both companies enthusiastically host Industrial Fellows who act as technical liaisons between the company and the Laboratory.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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