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Grants & Funding

Alert Services

Grant Opportunity Notification ( Exit NIEHS Website
Subscribe to receive announcements of both new grants and modifications of existing grant announcements made to the Federal Grants Opportunities database.

National Institutes of Health ( Exit NIEHS Website
Receive weekly table of contents notifications for that week’s issue of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

National Science Foundation ( Exit NIEHS Website
Announces key dates on which grant proposals are due at NSF for the current 4 months.

Federal Funding Sources

Federal R&D Project Summaries ( Exit NIEHS Website
Search for information on awards and summaries of federally-funded research by the Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health, and National Science Foundation. ( Exit NIEHS Website
Encompasses more than 900 grant programs offered by the 26 federal grant-making agencies. Site allows you to not only locate, but also apply for and manage your government-awarded grants.

Grants and Funding ( Exit NIEHS Website
Links to grants and programs from the various Department of Health and Human Services agencies.

National Science Foundation ( Exit NIEHS Website
Find funding opportunities, deadline and target dates, guide to preparing proposals and program announcements. Search the Funding Database ( Exit NIEHS Website to identify NSF projects that are open for proposals, currently active, or completed.

NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts ( Exit NIEHS Website
Publishes the NIH program announcements, request for applications and requests for proposals.

Non-Federal Funding Sources

CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) Database ( Exit NIEHS Website
Searchable database of federally-funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals and other research institutions. It is useful for searching scientific concepts, emerging trends and techniques, or identifying specific projects and/or investigators.

Council on Foundations ( Exit NIEHS Website
Membership organization of more than 2,000 grant-making foundations and giving programs.

Foundation Center ( Exit NIEHS Website
Use the Foundation Finder to search by name for basic information about foundations within the universe of more than 70,000 private and community foundations in the US. The Foundation Directory requires a fee-based membership. Informative page for individual grant seekers. ( Exit NIEHS Website

GrantsNet ( Exit NIEHS Website
Joint Howard Hughes Medical Institute and AAAS effort to provide a database of funding opportunities in biomedical research and science education. You need to register to use their services: funding news, discussion forums, resource links, etc. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: April 30, 2007