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Encyclopedia Britannica Online ( Exit NIEHS Website
Users may browse articles alphabetically, by subject or geographically. Also includes a “Year in Review” of events and people and a timeline to trace selected topics through history.

Encyclopedia of Life ( Exit NIEHS Website
The Encyclopedia of Life seeks to synthesize all information about life on earth. Each of the approximately 1.8 million species has its own series of webpages dedicated to compiling knowledge on the species' taxonomy, geographic distribution, collections, genetics, evolutionary history, morphology, behavior, ecological relationships, and importance for human well being. ( Exit NIEHS Website
Includes 57,000 frequently updated articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Each article is enhanced with links to newspaper and magazine articles, as well as pictures and maps.

How Stuff Works ( Exit NIEHS Website
Source for clear, reliable explanations of how everything around us actually works. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: April 30, 2007